"Fuck, is it really cool?"

The sword-wielding man nodded and said: "And not only that, after joining the killing team, if the monster explodes with treasure, everyone has the right to bid, and the person with the highest price will win. Then the copper coins from the auction will be divided by the rest Teammates split equally."

Zhang Sanfeng killed a zombie who took the opportunity to sneak attack on him with one sword, and then asked: "Are you also a descendant? Why is your realm rising so fast, and you can actually control your sword."

The swordsman man smiled kindly.

"I am indeed a descendant, but I am only at the fifth level of Qi refining. As for why I can use the sword when refining Qi, it is because I encountered an adventure, so I learned to use the sword in advance."

Zhang Sanfeng was in a better mood now, but this person actually has the fifth level of qi refining, and he is also very strong.

Although Zhang Sanfeng was delayed for two days because he had to go back to the Spirit Pill to buy the shop, but after two days of delay, he was able to achieve two floors less than this sword-wielding person, which is already a very good existence.

After all, if I didn't delay these two days, I thought at least the ninth level of Qi refining, or at least the eighth level.

"That's it, that's good, I'll join the killing team."

The reason why Zhang Sanfeng chose to agree to join the killing team is that he can also contribute income by standing still. Instead, he will form a team with them to kill powerful zombies, and everyone will auction off the explosions.

When it comes to auctioning Zhang Sanfeng, he is absolutely confident that everyone who sits again is richer than me.

After all, every day excluding the transaction tax, there is an income of more than one hundred million yuan, which is three billion yuan a month. .

Chapter 1041

There should be almost no one who can compare their financial resources with Zhang Sanfeng, at least the five major sects in Lizhou do not have such existence for the time being.

These two points are the most direct reasons for Zhang Sanfeng to agree to join the killing team.

After all, it's not often that a good thing like a sect's contribution increases a minute. If you let him kill zombies, you have to kill a hundred white-haired zombies to get this sect's contribution.

From the beginning to the present, although he seems to have killed a lot, he has only killed five or six thousand zombies, which is only less than one hundred points of sect contribution.

Of course, it would be great to be able to kill these white-haired zombies while joining the beheading team.

It's a pity that this sword-wielding man named Li Qingfeng didn't agree with Zhang Sanfeng at all, and he knew that he was moved by his emotions, saying that if he kept pushing the front line in this area forward, it would cause the other segments of the front line to fail to follow. , thus making the entire battlefield out of control.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't think that the top five sects and the killing team had observed the situation on the battlefield from a high place, so it was normal to not know this.

But it's okay not to let him kill ordinary zombies here. After all, people have given more sect contributions as compensation, so naturally they don't say much.

Zhang Sanfeng stepped on Li Qingfeng's flying sword and left the battlefield, which attracted the envy of the disciples of the five sects below.

"Wow, I really chose to join the killing team' "."

"How about it, I said that no one can resist joining the killing team, the reward is too rich."

"Then how many people are in the killing team now?"

"This Zhang Sanfeng, who wasn't counted as your Fangcunshan, had five people in the killing team. Now, with him, there are six people."

"Are these six people the strongest in their respective sects?"

"That's for sure. If it wasn't for the strongest people in their respective sects, how could it be possible to join the killing team."

"Then why didn't we Fangcunshan join the killing team?"

"I remember that I seemed to have invited one yesterday, but the strength was too different from the other members, so I was kicked out, and Liu Qingqing, the second-strongest person in Yihua Palace, was appointed. Now Fangcunshan has joined another strong person, I don't know. How will locations and resources be allocated at that time?”

"Are the people in Yihuagong so strong? There are actually two people joining?"

"I don't know the specific situation, let's see later."

It was said that Zhang Sanfeng followed Li Qingfeng and Yujian to a cliff. Apart from Zhang Sanfeng and Li Qingfeng, four people had already fought here.

"."Introduce, this is a new strongman who joined the killing team, er, by the way, my name is Li Qingfeng, what is your name?"

"My name is Zhang Sanfeng."

"Okay, Junior Brother Sanfeng, let me introduce to you, this is Chi Shi, the first person in Chiyuemen, this is Chen Bo, the first person in the Louvre, and this is Zizhuyue, the first person in Yihua Palace. , this one is also from Yihua Palace, but the second person is Liu Qingqing."

Zhang Sanfeng has met with them one by one, and these (Wang's) people are quite polite, and they did not show a strong side and want to give Zhang Sanfeng a roar.

They showed kindness, and Zhang Sanfeng was naturally willing to accept being with such a team temporarily.

After the killing team got to know each other, they all began to stare at the battlefield.

Zhang Sanfeng saw that they were all thinking about the battlefield, so he could only watch together.

From this cliff, the entire battlefield is densely packed with zombies, which is much more amazing than from below. .

Chapter 1042

However, there seems to be no iron armored corpse that is stronger than the iron corpse on the battlefield, so the killing team still does not move.

As for the other three battlefields, if traces of iron armor are found, there will be a special person to notify the killing team.

If there is no iron armored corpse, the killing team can only stand by on the cliff. This is simply torture for Zhang Sanfeng, and it is not as good as killing ordinary zombies.

But there is no way, since I promised others, I have to act according to their rules.

Zhang Sanfeng is such a person. As long as he does not violate his basic principles, he will not break other people's rules casually, unless he really thinks that is not pleasing to the eye.

However, over the years, there are almost no people who can make Zhang Sanfeng dislike for no reason. Basically, they are people who owe their own lessons.

If others can treat Zhang Sanfeng kindly, Zhang Sanfeng will also treat each other kindly.

Just like the relationship with Taixuan Sect, Taixuan Sect regards him as a treasure, and he is willing to treat Taixuan Sect as a family.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng thought of Li Yin'er again.

"I don't know how the girl is doing now."

Zhang Sanfeng rarely misses a woman, and Li Yin'er is an exception.

However, since entering the False God Realm, Zhang Sanfeng (bhah) has never met anyone from the Taixuan Sect.

You must know that in order for the disciples of Taixuan Sect to meet and recognize each other in the False God Realm, every ordinary disciple of Taixuan Sect must write a mysterious character on the back of their left and right hands all year round.

Of course, true disciples like Zhang Sanfeng and Li Yin'er don't need to do this.

This time, the Taixuan Sect organized tens of millions of people, but none of them could meet Zhang Sanfeng, which means that even in the entire Lizhou, there were not necessarily many people who belonged to the Taixuan Sect.

But after all, it is still early, and I want to know how many people in Taixuan are in Lizhou, and I will know later.

Waiting and waiting, Zhang Sanfeng was about to fall asleep, and he didn't hear the call.

Although the contribution of the sect in the jade slip has been increasing, it is too boring to wait for it.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng was about to fall asleep, Li Qingfeng suddenly shouted loudly.

"Come on, it's an iron-clad corpse, everyone get ready to go down."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingfeng sacrificed the flying sword, and then used his mana to make the flying sword grow several circles and stay in front of everyone.

The rest of the people seemed to be used to it, and without waiting for Li Qingfeng to say hello, they stepped on the flying sword.

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a few seconds before stepping on it.

Li Qingfeng saw that everyone had arrived and started flying with his sword.

Go straight to the spot where he said he found the armored corpse.

Since the iron-clad corpse was found more than [-] meters away from the front line, if the iron-clad corpse was allowed to pass, it would definitely cause a lot of casualties to the disciples of the five major sects on this front line, and it was very likely that the front line would collapse.

The task of the killing team is to kill the armored corpse before it reaches the front line.

But now, because there are too many zombies below, they need to wait for Chi Shi of Chiyuemen to cast a large-scale spell to get ordinary zombies out of an open space before they can settle down. They did this before.

I saw that Akaishi didn't need to say hello at all. As soon as Li Qingfeng stayed in the air, he began to cast a large-scale fire spell, burning all the zombies in a radius of [-] meters.

Li Qingfeng saw the opportunity and said, "Let's go down now."

Everyone jumped down together and surrounded the iron armored corpse covered in black armor. .

Chapter 1043

This iron armored corpse is covered in black armor made of corpse gas. It is about two meters tall and has sharp nails emitting metal light on its ten fingers. Its defense seems to be extremely high. Sex spells don't do much damage to it at all.

"Junior Sanfeng, this is your first time facing an iron-clad corpse, you must be careful not to be caught by its claws, otherwise you will die if you catch it, even Chen Bo, the first person in the Louvre, can't hold it. The second attack."

Li Qingfeng used a very quick tone to remind Zhang Sanfeng to pay attention to safety. After all, from the experience of these days, Fangcunshan not only has the lowest attack power among the five sects, but also has the worst defense power. In everyone's impression, Fangcunshan is a weak school.

Although I don't know why the top leaders of the five sects agreed to let Zhang Sanfen just join the killing team composed of the five strongest people from the five sects, everyone still subconsciously listed Zhang Sanfeng as the weakest of the six of them. Unintentionally, they held the means of life-saving in their hands.

If the iron armored corpse is the first to attack Zhang Sanfeng, then it is better to rescue him immediately.

The people in the killing team are basically not the kind of bullies that bully the weak, so they will subconsciously protect the weak.

Zhang Sanfeng listened to Li Qingfeng's reminder, nodded, and his face became solemn, because it was indeed the first time for him to face the iron-clad corpse. Since the strongest descendants of the five sects thought that the iron-clad corpse was strong, then It is necessary to pay attention to how dangerous it is.

Zhang Sanfeng is not the kind of ruthless, heartless, heartless person, facing everyone's subconscious protection of him, he also remembers this feeling in his heart.

Although the armored corpse didn't get much damage by Chi Shi's fire range spell, it also temporarily shook its vision. At this time, it was just like a blind man, and could only vaguely see a few ghosts, just like a blind man. Relying on the instinct to wave at the heavy shadow, it actually just hit the air, and there is still a distance of four to five meters away from everyone.

However, in the moment when Li Qingfeng was talking, its vision gradually became clearer. When he saw Zhang Sanfeng at the first time, he was immediately furious, and he fluttered at Zhang Sanfeng with his nails as strong as gold and stone. Extremely fast, fast - astonishingly fast.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Zhang Sanfeng didn't think that once the iron-clad corpse got angry, it would be so fast.

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a while, the iron-clad corpse was already about two meters away from it, and the next moment he was about to be hit by the iron-clad corpse's attack.

The five people next to them didn't even think that the more they were worried, the more things would happen. Suddenly, they were anxious and used life-saving spells.

...... 0

Chen Bo was the first to react, and he immediately jumped in the blink of an eye, turned on the body protection shield and quickly carried it in front of Zhang Sanfeng, while the two girls in Yihua Palace were very tacit understanding and one person cast a healing spell that was about to fall on Chen Bo. On the body, the other person used the mana wall spell to block Chen Bo in front of him, helping Chen Bo to reduce the attack level of the road, while Li Qingfeng and Chi Shi were performing the strongest single attack on the side, one of them was the most powerful one. Strong attack, one is the strongest attack of swordsmanship.

Before Zhang Sanfeng joined the killing team, they cooperated to kill the iron-clad corpse like this.seven.

Chapter 1044

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