However, Zhang Sanfeng was too close to the iron-clad corpse. If Chen Bo was not right beside him and reacted quickly, in the understanding of the five of them, Zhang Sanfeng would probably be attacked by the iron-clad corpse and sent back to the sect for resurrection in the next moment.

Chen Bo took the attack of the iron armored corpse, and he felt that his mana shield was about to be broken. At this time, he could at most withstand the attack of the iron armored corpse twice, and he had to retreat.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng froze behind him, he couldn't help feeling anxious and shouted.

"Junior Brother Sanfeng, step back, I can't take it anymore."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard the words, he did not retreat, but directly aimed at the iron-clad corpse and instantly shot a dozen Bodhi seals.

The Bodhi Seal turned into small phantoms of meditation and suppressed it on the head of the iron-clad corpse, which immediately made the iron-clad corpse unable to move.

what's the situation?Fixed?

Everyone present was stunned by Zhang Sanfen's sealing spell. They never thought that Zhang Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal was so powerful that even an iron-clad corpse could hold it back.

Is it luck?

Even Li Qingfeng was speechless by Zhang Sanfeng's move, and began to wonder if it was due to luck.

Because he has seen too many disciples of Fangcunshan, even the ordinary white-haired corpse may not be able to hold down.

And the iron-clad corpse in front of him that was suppressed by Zhang Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal was actually suppressed to the point of immobility. He just kept the attacking motion like this, unable to move at all, giving the illusion that it was like a statue.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know whether his Bodhi Seal alcohol was useful or not, so he directly printed more than a dozen Bodhi Seals. This is also because his Bodhi Seal's rank has risen to eleventh level, otherwise it would be impossible to hit so many at once. of Bodhi Seal.

However, Zhang Sanfeng just saw that the iron-armored corpse was unable to move when it was suppressed by the first Bodhi Seal, so he probably didn't need this many Bodhi Seals.

Chen Bo was still anxiously urging Zhang Sanfeng to retreat quickly, so he could dodge to the side.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the iron armored corpse's sticker stopped half a centimeter away from his heart, and he kept this movement motionless.

"This, what's going on?"

Chen Bo asked dumbly...  

Li Qingfeng also stopped attacking at this time, thought for a while, and said.

"It was Junior Brother Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal that suppressed the iron-clad corpse, but I don't know how long it would last."

Akaishi also stopped one after another and said with an exaggerated expression on his face.

"This is the first time I've seen a disciple from Fangcunshan who can suppress an iron-clad corpse. Junior Sanfeng deserves to be the number one in Fangcunshan."

Zizhuyue also said.

"If Junior Brother Mitutoyo will form a team to practice with us in the future, we will also have the strength to fight against a formidable opponent."

Li Qingfeng nodded and said.

"You mean, we can go challenge that place?"

Zizhuyue nodded and said.

"Yes, I heard from the elders of the sect that when their cultivation base was not high in the past, they would go there to take a chance. If they are lucky, they can get good flying swords and magic weapons, as well as some rare Western rare items that were lost to the people. Kung Fu."

Li Qingfeng's eyes lit up, Feijian and magic weapons are indeed too scarce now, there is no way to produce them, and the magic weapons sold by the martial art magic weapon hall are not very powerful. .

Chapter 1045

The magic weapons sold by those sect Magic Treasure Halls are at most effective against some ordinary monsters. Touching slightly stronger monsters is completely like scratching a ticklish. It's extremely expensive, and it's not worth buying at all. If you want a powerful magic weapon, you can either gather the materials to refine it yourself, or explode it by killing powerful spirit monsters.

They had also tried the place Zizhuyue mentioned before, but they were all unsuccessful, and they were almost killed there. Now that Zhang Sanfeng has joined, it should be a lot easier under the suppression of his powerful seal.

Li Qingfeng added: "If Junior Brother Sanfeng is willing, of course you can try it, but let's deal with these zombies in Yaowangcheng first."

17 Akaishi also said at this time: "Brother Qingfeng is right, let's deal with this medicine king city zombie catastrophe first, after all, the contribution of the sect is also very important, but I don't know how long this catastrophe will last, but in my opinion. See, it should take a long time."

Everyone quickly exchanged ideas in this short period of time, and after unifying their thoughts, they all turned to Zhang Sanfeng.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhang Sanfeng thought about it and said.

"I heard from you that there seems to be a magic weapon in that place. Since this is the case, I can also go for a walk when it comes to Taoism."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's reply, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, there is a lack of strong Fangcunshan disciples. If you go to that place, it will definitely be difficult, but with the strong seal of Fangcunshan disciples, it will be different. How long can the seal be suppressed, it only takes one or two breaths of time, everyone feels that there is room for manipulation, otherwise there is no possibility of fighting, after all, the monsters everywhere are much stronger than them.

Li Qingfeng said, "It's so good."

It took a while for everyone to speak, and a large number of zombies surrounded the empty space that had been emptied.

Since Zhang Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal suppressed the Iron Armored Corpse, the Iron Armored Corpse Road is still being suppressed.

This is too scary, right?

Is Zhang Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal so powerful?

Li Qingfeng saw that the ordinary white-haired corpses around him were surrounded again, and said to Chi Shi.

"Junior Brother Chishi, these ordinary white-haired corpses will be handed over to your fire range spells, don't let them disturb us, since Junior Brother Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal is so powerful, let's take the opportunity to directly deal with this iron armored corpse. "

"it is good."

Akaishi directly cast a fire range spell to clear the surrounding white-haired zombies again, and then followed Li Qingfeng with full firepower to solve the iron-clad corpse.

The time to speak, a total of about fifteen breaths passed, before the iron armored corpse showed signs of continuing to move.

  Seeing this, Zhang Sanfeng directly struck another Bodhi Seal to suppress it, and once again firmly suppressed the iron-clad corpse so that it could not move.

Seeing this, everyone was speechless again, Zhang Sanfeng's seal was too powerful.

With Zhang Sanfeng's seal, they no longer need to avoid the attack of the iron-clad corpse, and even Chen Bo of the Louvre directly slashed at the iron-clad corpse with a knife.

It has to be said that this is the easiest battle since they faced the iron armored corpse.

The appearance of Zhang Sanfeng also refreshed their understanding of Fangcunshan's strength.

With this kind of heaven-defying seal in it, he is basically invincible in a heads-up fight. .

Chapter 1046

Originally, they all had great doubts about Fang Cun Shan's strength, but Zhang Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal not only refreshed their understanding of Fang Cun Shan, but also expressed admiration for Zhang Sanfeng's strength.

Zhang Sanfeng understands the distribution of the team's cultivation base for killing spirit monsters, and it is based on the proportion of damage to that spirit monster. That is, the more damage caused, the more cultivation base distribution, but I don't know about the Bodhi Seal. Will the seal effect be included in the range allocated for training?

But not afraid of [-] in case, if it is calculated as damage for distribution, then he will lose a lot. After thinking about it, he decides to rush up with his sword and continue to assassinate on the body of the armored corpse, killing the armored corpse. The black armor formed by the condensed corpse gas on the body crackled, and the corpse gas surged wildly.

When everyone saw that Zhang Sanfeng actually went to battle to kill spirit monsters, they were not only suspicious.

In their opinion, Fangcunshan's attack is so low that it shouldn't cause much damage.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's swordsmanship once again refreshed their cognition.

Every time Zhang Sanfeng stabbed the body of the iron-clad corpse, the black armor of the iron-clad corpse would burst into a large amount of corpse aura.

They dealt with a lot of iron-clad corpses. Naturally, they knew that only by breaking the iron-clad corpses condensed from corpse gas could they truly kill the iron-clad corpses, so the damage to the iron-clad corpses was also included in the damage distribution.

As for how much damage each hit can cause, it can be roughly seen from the corpse aura that blooms from the black armor.

That's why everyone was surprised.

Because Zhang Sanfeng can make the black armor of the iron-clad corpse burst into a large amount of corpse energy with each sword, the degree of bloom is greater than that of Li Qingfeng and Chi Shi combined.

What does this mean? It means that each of Zhang Sanfeng's attacks is stronger than the combined attacks of Li Qingfeng and Chi Shi.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly surprised, looking at Zhang Sanfeng just like looking at a monster.

Although they are reluctant to admit it, everyone has a general idea in their hearts, that is, at this stage, Zhang Sanfeng can be regarded as the first person even among the five major sects.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help blushing a little. They actually thought that Zhang Sanfeng was the weakest among them. How dare they at that time.

Li Qingfeng also secretly regretted it in his heart, because since they had an agreement at the beginning, that was everyone's status, and they were ranked according to their respective strengths.

Now it seems that they agree that Zhang Sanfeng, the weakest among them, is the strongest.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Li Qingfeng asked Zhang Sanfeng while swinging his sword at the motionless iron-clad corpse.

"."Mitutoyo, when did you join Fangcunshan' "?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little confused about Li Qingfeng's question, and replied after thinking about it.

"About three or four days ago, what happened?"

Li Qingfeng asked again.

"Then did you join Fangcunshan in the morning or when did you join Fangcunshan (Wang's)."

Zhang Sanfeng glanced suspiciously at Li Qingfeng, not knowing what he meant by that, but seeing that the other party didn't feel malicious, he still answered truthfully.

"It was in the morning. I joined Fangcunshan early in the morning. What's the matter? Why ask this?"

Li Qingfeng said with a smile.

"Then you are half a day earlier than me joining Wuzhuangguan."

Zhang Sanfeng is puzzled, what does it have to do with killing iron armored corpses now? .

Chapter 1047

"So what? What does it have to do with the fact that we are going to kill the armored corpse now?"

Zhang Sanfeng really didn't know why Li Qingfeng asked this question, but he was not disgusted. After all, as soon as the iron armored corpse showed signs of breaking free, he would stamp it down with a Bodhi mark to suppress it. This kind of battle was too easy. It's also good to have a chat to relieve boredom.

I just can't understand why Li Qingfeng suddenly became so long-winded.

It's no wonder that Zhang Sanfeng doesn't know how to read minds, so he doesn't know what everyone is thinking, and he doesn't know the agreement that everyone has made before.

Before Zhang Sanfeng came to kill the team, Li Qingfeng was the strongest among them, Chishi was second, Chen Bo was third, Zizhuyue was fourth, and Liu Qingqing was fifth.

Now Zhang Sanfeng has come to the killing team, so he should be the strongest, which means that he is the senior brother.

Li Qingfeng said: "You are half a day earlier than us. You should be the senior brother. We were reckless and didn't tell you the situation clearly."

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while: "Isn't it all the same who is a big brother?"

Li Qingfeng said again, if you don't mind Sanfeng.We will call you brother from now on.

Zhang Sanfeng doesn't mind others calling him senior brother.So he nodded and said, "Alright."

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