"Report to General Gongsun. The leader of the alliance has an order ........ Suddenly

, a fast horse galloped from the rear and read Yuan Shao's order to Gongsun Zhan.

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei glanced at each other and did not answer. Zhang Fei on the side shouted: "It's that embroidery, I thought I would be here." "

Zhang Fei's figure is extraordinarily majestic, like a bear and tiger, ringed with tiger eyes, holding a snake spear, Nai Yan Zhao Haojie.

"The third brother is right, I also think that I will meet that guy.

Guan Yu next to Zhang Fei also nodded.

He was born with a majestic square face, his face was like jujube red, a pair of Danfeng eyes were very sharp, his figure was not as good as Zhang Fei, but he was also powerful, covered with black iron armor, holding a big knife, and a pure black Youzhou war horse under him, his momentum was not inferior to Zhang Fei.

One of these two is Yan Zhao Haojie, and the other is Hedong Xie Liangren.

Zhang Fei's family has assets, but it is a local tyrant. Not only did he defect to Liu Bei, but he also brought more than ten rides. Guan Yu is a murderer and an outlaw, single and single.

The two followed Liu Bei to conquer the Yellow Turban, before and after the saddle, they did not avoid difficulties, and they were like brothers, father and son.

Zhang Xiu, a former general and Marquis of Hanshou, is well-known in the world. These two people are brave and aggressive, and now that they see Zhang Xiu, they are like the hungry man who sees a little girl, how can he not be itchy and unbearable?"

Seeing this, Liu Bei hurriedly reprimanded.

These two guys are sometimes extraordinarily reliable, which is sometimes really unreliable.

Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes flashed with contempt, Zhang Fei was obviously unconvinced, and muttered: "So what? It's all because Ma Teng and Han Sui have no good generals under their command, so that Zhang Xiu is famous." "

Yes. The relationship is not that Zhang Xiu is too strong, but Ma Teng and Han Sui are too weak.

Liu Bei was very helpless and was about to scold again. Gongsun Zhan smiled and said: "Yun Chang and Yide are really majestic, and they are the enemies of ten thousand people. Saying

that, Gongsun Chan persuaded Liu Bei again: "Xuande." The war is imminent, and the two virtuous brothers are ambitious to fight with that embroidery, but it is also a great morale boost. Needless to say. "

Yes, brother. Liu Bei had no choice but to bow down.

Guan Yu didn't say anything, and Zhang Fei immediately became happy. By the way, from time to time, he played with his snake spear, as if he was fantasizing about fighting with Zhang Xiu.

But it is a hero who cherishes a hero, but it is also possible that no one will obey anyone.

The coalition army numbered hundreds of thousands, and the number of wagons was as large as a cow's hair, and the march was not fast. After traveling for more than ten miles, Yuan Shao ordered to set up camp.

There is nothing wrong with that. Before that, the princes had a discussion.

This man and horse are hundreds of thousands, and the camp stretches for dozens of miles. Although they are in charge of their own, they are also strong and set up on the outside, for example, the elite soldiers and horses of Gongsun Zan and Bao Xin are set up on the periphery.

The princes with weak soldiers and horses under their command are set up inside. Yuan Shao was a Chinese army, and he also took good care of Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao's soldiers and horses would be next to him to set up a village.

Yuan Shao's tent was erected first, and then Yuan Shao himself, supported by Xu You, entered the big tent and lay down, still "seriously ill".

Soon it was nightfall, and after Cao Cao settled his camp, he galloped into Yuan Shao's tent with Xiahoudun to visit Yuan Shao.

The two brothers had nothing to avoid, Cao Cao went straight into Yuan Shao's back account and visited Yuan Shao.

"Alliance leader. Are you feeling better?" Cao Cao asked with concern.

"But it's better, but there is no appetite, so people cook porridge to satisfy their stomachs. Yuan Shao wrapped himself in the quilt, only showing his head, and smiled weakly.

"My lord. The porridge has been boiled. At this moment, Xu You walked in from outside. He is a military strategist, and he can be regarded as a celebrity. Now he has become the chief manager of the big tent, and Yuan Shao is very attentive.

"Meng De, how about having dinner with me?" asked Yuan Shao.

"Good. Cao Cao nodded. Yuan Shao asked Xu You to bring in two bowls of meat porridge. Soon after, Xu Yu returned with a plate.

was about to feed Yuan Shao in person, but Cao Cao snatched the bowl first and blew a few breaths first. Now in this weather, the porridge is also cold quickly.

After a while, Cao Cao held the dishes and chopsticks, held the spoon, and gestured to Xu Yu with his eyes. Xu You was very helpless, what are you robbing me of my work?

He stepped forward and helped Yuan Shao sit up. Cao Cao fed a spoonful and a spoonful to Yuan Shao.

Of course, Yuan Shao also shirked it, but Cao Cao was "insistent", so he had to open his mouth and enjoy Cao Cao's service.

It can be seen that Yuan Shao is in a good mood. After a bowl of meat porridge, Yuan Shao's face became visibly rosy.

"It's really Laument. Yuan Shao was helped by Xu You to lie down again, and opened his eyes to look at Cao Caodao.

"What did the alliance leader say, we grew up together, some little things, why worry about it?" Cao Cao said with a smile. Immediately, he put the empty bowl down. I picked up another bowl of porridge and ate it, it was good, it was warm.

After eating, Cao Cao put down the empty bowl and motioned to Xu You.

Xu You had no choice but to take the plate away.

Soon after, Xu You turned back and reported: "Report to the leader of the alliance, Yanzhou Assassin Liu Gong is here." "

Come in, please. Yuan Shao said immediately.

"Take care, I'll take my leave. Cao Cao was also a shrewd person, so he stood up very knowingly and bowed.

"Everyone is an alliance, and Meng De doesn't have to shy away from it. Yuan Shao was very satisfied with Cao Cao's service just now, and it was estimated that it was no big deal, so he said with a smile.

Cao Cao nodded, but instead of sitting back, he stood on the edge of the bed.

"Alliance leader. Liu Dai, the assassin of Yanzhou, hurriedly walked in, and when he saw that Cao Cao was also there, he couldn't help but bow his hand and said, "Meng De is also there?" Liu Dai

is a relative of the Han family, and his brother Liu Xianai is the assassin of Yangzhou. He was born with a dignified appearance, white skin and dense beard, and a very dignified appearance.

"I just had dinner with the Alliance Leader. Cao Cao smiled and nodded.

Liu Dai nodded. At this time, Yuan Shao asked: "Gongshan is in such a hurry to look for me, but is there something?"

Liu Dai's face showed anger and said, "It's Yuan Wei (Qiao Mao), he camps next to me." When his subordinates set up the camp, he was quite domineering, and I personally went to ask him for an explanation, but he shielded his subordinates, which was really unruly.

The essence in Cao Cao's eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't say anything after all.

Yuan Shao sighed and said: "Gongshan (Liu Dai), Yuan Wei's personality has always been arrogant, and now that the war is imminent, our alliance should work together to defeat Dong Zhuo."

After a pause, Yuan Shao said again: "Now Zhang Xiu has been in the Tun Shui Pass, this person is handsome in the world, a general of the bear and tiger, if we can't work together, although there are hundreds of thousands of people, they will definitely be captured by him." Now Gongshan should tolerate it.

Liu Dai was helpless when he heard this, of course he knew about the situation. Coming here is not to let Yuan Shao dispose of Qiao Mao, but just to complain.

"What the leader of the alliance said is very true. Liu Dai sighed and bowed to Yuan Shao.

After a conversation, Liu Dai left in a hurry.

Yuan Shao turned his head to look at Cao Cao and said with a wry smile: "Meng De." Although I am the leader of the alliance, it seems that the scenery is infinite. In fact, it hurts a lot. There is discord between the princes.

"If anyone can stand up and appease the princes, I am willing to give way as the leader of the alliance.

In the end, Yuan Shao sighed more and more.

Cao Cao immediately bowed to Yuan Shao and said, "Now is an extraordinary time, and the wise man is working hard. In terms of origin, there is no higher than the alliance lord in the world, and in terms of fame, among the princes, the alliance leader is respected, and the alliance leader is second to none. Except for the alliance leader, it is really difficult for outsiders to take on the big responsibility. Although this position is hard, for the sake of the Han family, the alliance leader is also asked to continue to command the princes. "

Hey. Yuan Shao sighed, as if he was helpless. But his eyes were shining, and he obviously enjoyed Cao Cao's praise very much.

Cao Cao's friend who grew up with Yuan Shao knew this friend very well. As soon as I saw Yuan Shao's expression, I knew Yuan Shao's mood.

He sighed slightly, but didn't say anything. Soon after, Cao Cao got up and said goodbye and walked out of the Chinese army's tent. He and Xiahoudun turned over their horses and galloped back to their camp and entered the tent.

"How is the situation of the alliance leader?" Wei Zi, who was staying in the tent, saw Cao Cao walking in from outside, reached out and untied the big hat on Cao Cao's body, and asked.

"Yuan Benchu was not sick at all. Cao Cao was already convinced this time, and he was also a little unhappy in his heart, and Wei Zi was not an outsider, so he said directly.

Wei Zi was not surprised, Yuan Shao looked like a flower, and he was overly ill from grief due to his uncle's death.

But it's actually .....

Immediately, he took a serious look at Cao Cao's expression, sat down and asked, "Meng De." I see that you seem to be a little bored, why?" Obviously, it

can't be because of Yuan Shao's .....

"Qiao Mao has an arrogant personality, and he once made a history of Yanzhou assassination. Now as the Taishou of Dongjun, he has become Liu Dai's subordinate. Although Liu Dai is a clan, he is also a famous family. But the father of the Qiaomao clan also served as a captain, and the two met as tigers, and no one was worthy. Yuan Benchu knew this, but he arranged the camp of the two together, and his heart was poisonous.

Cao Cao looked bored and spat bitterness on his friend Weizi.

Hearing this, Weiz was also silent for a moment, and then sighed.

Woe to Xiao Wall.

Yuan Shao is a person who can't rub sand in his eyes, and he needs to be careful when getting along with Yuan Shao, otherwise he is very likely to be jealous.

At that time, the princes contacted and respected Yuan Shao as the leader of the alliance. But before Yuan Shao made a move, Qiao Mao first issued a document in the name of the three princes and sent it to the counties, so as to earn a wave of fame.

Yuan Shao was jealous in his heart, so he let Liu Dai and Qiao Mao, two contradictory people, camp next to each other, how can this not be contradictory?

This is really a pain for the relatives and a fast for the enemy.

"Mengde. Wei Zi arched his hand to Cao Cao, and then said bitterly: "Now the Han family is in danger. Although Yuan Shao was overwhelmed, he was the only one who could be the leader of the alliance. In order to avoid disputes among the princes, only you worked hard, and you maneuvered from it. "

Hey. Cao Cao sighed, even more depressed, but also helpless. Who called him a loyal minister of

the Han family, and he was bent on supporting the Han family? He could only maneuver between Yuan Shao and the princes, and smooth it out to eliminate friction.

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