Hundreds of thousands of Kwantung coalition troops, divided into three directions, southeast, north and south, besieged Luoyang. But there are really few people who really support the Han family.

Only after Xiangguo Cao Shen, Cao Cao, who dreamed of conquering the Western General Cao Hou, was still loyal.

Such a stumbling and longing, but hundreds of thousands of troops should not be underestimated, after a few days of formation, finally arrived in front of the Bishui Pass.

This morning, the wind was very cold, and the sky was full of white fog.

The West is long, the word "Zhang" is a flag, flying with the wind, and a husband is not open. There are hundreds of thousands of troops in the East, banners are everywhere, and people are boiling.

After a few days of recuperation, Yuan Shao's "illness" was cured. He also put on iron armor, rode on a horse, and braved the wind and cold to come to the front of this water pass with Cao Cao and others.

When this army marches, it is also important to set up a camp. How to set up a village, there are precedents. But now that he has arrived in front of Bishui Pass, the general Zhang Xiu is in front of him, can he still be unprepared?

After the army stopped, Yuan Shao turned over and dismounted, and said to Cao Cao, who had turned over and dismounted together: "That Zhang Xiu is exquisite. Our army is not firmly established, and he may close the door and catch us off guard. "

Let Gongsun Zan lead the Youzhou cavalry to guard on the side, and if Zhang Xiu kills outside the pass, he will attack him from the side." "

Ordered to be the northern minister Bao Xin to lead the elite soldiers under his command and set up a frontal formation. Prepare more shields and crossbows, and meet them with bows and crossbows. That embroidered is exquisite, and it can't be short-handed. "

Our Chinese army is not moving, and we are making preparations.

"The rest of the princes, step up and set up camps. "

If Yuan Shao wants to say that he is incompetent, he is not incompetent, and if he wants to explain it, it is not clear. Just like at this moment, he has an excellent military mind, arranges troops, and deploys troops, without any mistakes.

"No. Cao Cao agreed, and immediately personally ordered a few heralds to go down to deliver the order.

Ordering the soldiers to pass the order, what should the princes do. For example, Liu Dai, Qiao Mao, Kong Ling, and Cao Cao's subordinates all began to dig trenches and build villages.

And Gongsun Zhan, Bao Xin and other powerful princes were on strict guard.

Gongsun Zhan led the elite infantry cavalry of Youzhou under his command and slowly moved to the south as a flank. The infantry is behind, the cavalry is in front, the spears are sensian, and the armor is shiny.

Under the banner of "Gongsun Zhan" and "Liu", the three brothers Gongsun Chan and Liu Bei rode horses, each holding a sword.

"I look at Yuan Shao as a waste snack. If I follow the way I do, I will lead a group of 3,000 elite soldiers to take the challenge. If we can win, we will definitely boost our morale. If we can kill Zhang Xiu, Bishui Pass will be ours. Ahead is the Tiger Prison, which is Luoyang.

Zhang Fei looked up at the "Zhang" flag on the Bishui Gate from time to time, and was very restless. Although Zhang Xiu had the same surname as him, he didn't mind at all and twisted Zhang Xiu's head off.

Guan Yu still didn't speak, but a pair of Danfeng eyes opened and closed, and there was a spirit of murderous energy flickering.

"Hundreds of thousands of troops are encamped, the alliance leader must have all aspects of consideration, third brother, don't say more. Liu Bei couldn't help it, so he scolded again.

This time, Gongsun Chan didn't help Zhang Fei speak, and nodded.

This war is not only about fighting generals and inviting battles. Especially such a large-scale war, which is rare to see in decades. Yuan Shao has hundreds of thousands of male soldiers, and he needs to transfer troops and prepare properly.

There is a saying.

The one who will run a million soldiers rampant in the world, Han Shinya.

The one who will run more than 10,000 elite soldiers rampant in the world, Xiang Yu also.

It's not that Xiang Yu is better than Han Xin, but Han Xin is really good. The marshal will be a million soldiers, besieging the city and falling into the city, the army is not chaotic, rampant in the world, and the real heroes are also.

With hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, he is prone to self-confusion, and he is not something that ordinary people can command.

Xiang Yu is different, let Xiang Yu dare to die 10,000 people, and it is not difficult to win consecutive battles. But let Xiang Yu send a million soldiers, then it will definitely stop.


In the Bishui Pass, in the Guanling Mansion.

Zhang Xiu held a big black gun, and fought with Xu Shu, who also held a gun, for dozens of rounds. It is mainly based on feeding tricks, supplemented by explanations.

Generally, Dian Wei instructed Xu Shu, and occasionally Zhang Xiu would go down in person.

After Zhang Xiu put away the big gun, he glanced at Xu Shu. I have to admit that this kid does have the potential to become a fierce general.

He has good swordsmanship, he has also danced with guns and sticks since he was a child, and he has a bold heart, so brave and ruthless. At first glance, it looks like a fierce billet.

But this guy is obviously called "Xu Shu".

"Han Shouhouhou. The Kwantung army has already taken the pass. Guan ordered Niu Li to hurriedly come to see Zhang Xiu and bowed.

Zhang Xiu glanced at him, looking a little nervous. But it's no wonder that hundreds of thousands of troops, that's really not common.

"Call Fa Zheng and Meng Da and them, and come with me to the city to have a look. Zhang Xiu smiled, looked around for a while, and commanded.

Then he first entered the customs mansion and put on his armor, and went up to the pass with everyone to look at the eastern army from afar.

Zhang Xiu first glanced at the shield and bow and crossbow array in front of him, with the banner of "Bao", and then at the southern cavalry, and the banner was "Gongsun".

Zhang Xiu looked around and said with a smile: "Yuan Shao is still cautious in using troops, Bao Xin fought with the remnants of the Yellow Turban in Jibei, and fought dozens of battles. Gongsun Zhan fought with Wuhuan in Youzhou, and his subordinates were all strong riders. It's all to prevent me from protruding from the gate and catching him off guard. But it's all useless, and I'm not going to go out and cut him.

All the civil and military forces smiled slightly, they all agreed with Zhang Xiu's strategy, according to the Xiongguan, why bother to fight with this group of Kwantung soldiers on the flat ground?

At this moment, one person stood up. Everyone looked at it, it was Sima Zhang Liao of the other department.

Zhang Liao faced everyone's eyes and was not afraid. He bowed down to Zhang Xiu and said, "Han Shouhou." The youngster is not talented. Since he surrendered to the command of the prince, he has not made an inch. Today, I am willing to bring in 50 soldiers and go down to fight with the Kwantung people. "

This is not completely in conflict with the fight against the city. Zhang Xiu knows that a big drama is about to begin.

Besides. Zhang Liao faced hundreds of thousands of Kwantung soldiers, and it was extremely brave to dare to stand up.

"Wen Yuan is a real tiger general. Zhang Xiu praised it, and then reassured: "Wen Yuan doesn't have to worry. Yuan Shao held hundreds of thousands of Kwantung soldiers in his hands, and his momentum was very strong. And it's hard for me to storm Xiongguan, so he should set up a battle tomorrow. Wen Yuan recuperates tonight, and tomorrow I will let you fight first and take the first credit. "

Thank you, Han Shouhou. Zhang Liao was overjoyed, bowed and saluted, returned to Zhang Xiu's side, and stood with his head held high and pressed his sword.

He was young, vigorous, brave and aggressive, like a wild horse, and belonged to the battle maniac. And as he himself said, the new investment in Zhang Xiu, hoping to make some gains and talk about his heart.

There is no shortage of generals around Zhang Xiu, but there are 10,000 enemies like Zhang Liao, and there is also a Dian Wei. However, Dian Wei only wants to protect Zhang Xiu, and he will not speak by himself.

It is indeed a good choice to let Zhang Liao play as a striker.

"Although I expect that Yuan Shao will not attack the city, let alone attack at night. But I'm not afraid of 10,000, but I'm also afraid of what if. General Xu Rong and General Niu, you two are so good at deploying defenses, dispatching men and horses to guard the passes, and you can't make mistakes. After Zhang Xiu took a look, he also felt bored, so he said to Xu Rong and Niu Li.

"No. "Both of them are serious promises. After that, Zhang Xiu left with Dian Wei and others, but Meng Da, Shi Guangyuan, Xu Shu, Wu Yi, and Wu Ban stayed.

is not like Zhang Xiu, as early as in Liangzhou, he had already learned hundreds of thousands of Liangzhou soldiers from Ma Teng and Han Sui.


Hundreds of thousands of troops, building camps with great difficulty. And now the weather is cold, and the land is still frozen, which consumes more time. The coalition forces arrived at Bishui Pass in the morning, and the camp was not built until the evening.

After the camp was built, there was no need to guard against Zhang Xiu's surprise attack. Yuan Shao ordered Bao Xin and Gongsun Zan to return to the army, and ordered the princes to be on strict alert, and beware of Zhang Xiu's sneak attack on the camp at night.

Then he prepared a banquet in the tent and drank with the princes.

Although it was cold and windy outside, it was warm as summer inside. The central position of the big tent, the charcoal fire is red, reflecting the faces of all the princes, and it is also red.

Yuan Shao sat on the handsome seat, pushing cups and changing lamps with the princes, and the atmosphere was very warm.

These princes are not mediocre, but most of them are literati who dance and write, and they don't know how to fight. Now that there are hundreds of thousands of troops, and taking advantage of the alcohol, a few lawlessness have risen.

Dongjun Taishou Qiao Mao raised his wine glass and stood up, came to the central position, and said to everyone: "I heard that the embroidered person is called "General Shenweitian", and he is extremely brave and wise. I have hundreds of thousands of Kwantung soldiers, and there are no less than a thousand strong generals, are you afraid that he will not succeed?"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Mao turned his head and bowed to Yuan Shao and said, "Alliance leader." Bishui Pass is a real male pass, and it is difficult to overcome it for a while. Early tomorrow morning, I will ask Liu Sandao, the general under my command, to invite Zhang Xiu by name. If Zhang Xiugui can't shrink, our morale will rise greatly. If Zhang Xiu fights, he will inevitably be killed within three swords.

As soon as these words came out, the great tent was silent, and the princes were ready to move. If you can kill Zhang Xiu, it's really a lot of work.

"Who is this Liu Sandao?" Yuan Shao disliked Qiao Mao in his heart, but on the surface, he was calm and composed.

"It's a native of Liaodong in Youzhou. The surname is Liu, and the name is Guang?" Gongsun Zan thought for a moment and said in surprise.

"Exactly. Qiao Mao was quite complacent, pinching his beard and smiling.

"Who is this Liu Guang??" someone asked impatiently.

"This person was born with seven pounds and eight taels, and his mother died of dystocia. When it grows up, its bones are strong. At the age of fifteen, he dared to go into the mountains and chase the bear and tiger with a bow and crossbow. Joined the army at the age of sixteen and made a broadsword. Invincible. It is said that "within three knives, the enemy will be cut under the horse", so it is known as "Liu Sandao". "

Gongsun Zhan is a native of Youzhou, and he has heard a lot about this person, so he acts as a commentator.

"That's right, it's Liu Sandao, a really fierce general. Now it's my lieutenant. Qiao Mao was even more complacent, raising a glass and drinking, obviously drunk.

Gongsun Zhan believed in this "Liu Sandao", so he also bowed his hand to Yuan Shao and said: "Alliance leader." Qiao Taishou is true, he can let this Liu Sandao challenge Zhang Xiu tomorrow, and he will definitely have meritorious service. "

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