Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were even more horrified.

  Zombie with blue eyes

  It actually exists!


  This rich corpse aura-

  It is far stronger than the corpse aura of God Blessing!

  That is to say.

  This icy blue-eyed zombie is far stronger than the second generation!


  An afterimage emerges from the white fog! Go straight to Fahai!

  "The evildoer is courting death!" Fa Hai let out a wild laugh, and in the altar, a black Buddha's seal appeared! He went straight to the afterimage


  Black Buddha Seal with devastating power!

  Like a light of destruction!

  Hit the afterimage!



  Under everyone's horrified eyes.

  Zombie with blue eyes

  One hand forward.

  He even grabbed the black Buddha seal directly!

  She stayed in the air.

  Let everyone see the face clearly.

  Zhongshan Meixue!

  She is in the air.

  Her long hair fluttered in the night sky, her blue clothes swayed in the wind, and she pinched like a black Buddha print in one hand.


  She is under everyone's horrified eyes

  Crush this Buddha seal directly!

  Fa Hai's eyes stared straight out.

  His resentful eyes.

  Unbelievably, she looked at Nakayama Miyuki in front of her.


  Nakayama Miyuki bared two fangs and let out a low growl!


  She punched!

  Fist 973 was intertwined with fragments of the black Buddha's seal, and slammed directly into Fa Hai's chest!



  Huge impact.

  Let Fahai go back hundreds of meters in an instant!


  everyone saw

  Fahai spat out a mouthful of blood!"

  Everyone was silent.

  Fahai, who had just beat them down.

  at this moment

  Wounded by Nakayama Miyuki!" You "seek death!!!!"

  Fahai roared into the sky [-] meters away!

  Then his figure suddenly swept over!

  Countless intertwined black Buddha lights wrapped around his body!

  His body instantly turned into an afterimage!


  Nakayama Miyuki roared in a low voice and went up again!




  The terrifying crash sound kept ringing!

  in the air.

  Countless broken voices came out!

  A terrifying force twisted half of the sky!

  Black Buddha light and blue light are constantly intertwined!

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the gentle Jiang Gu beside her.

  He turned his gaze to the figure in the white mist.

  Her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity and a few complicated emotions.

  Is it the second zombie king?

  she does not know

  figure in mist

  There is no breath-

  The last name is Chen?

  (cd af) no

  Shouldn't be the second zombie king

  She remembers.

  When the second zombie king appeared

  is holding an old fashioned umbrella

  Walk out slowly in the white fog.

  This figure has been standing in the white fog.


  is someone else.

  It seems.

  When it's over, ask about the green snake and the white snake!

  She looked at the two intertwining and colliding forces in the air, and asked Jiang Gu, who was standing beside her, in a soft voice: "

  Hey, you said that this ice blue eyed zombie is the first generation. "


  Jiang Gu did not answer her.

  She tilted her head slightly.

  Seeing Jiang Gu, as always, looked at everything in front of him with gentleness. "If you don't answer, don't answer, you don't even know!"

  Ma Xiaoling snorted softly.

  but then

  is a heavy.

  Green-eyed second-generation zombies are already tough to deal with.

  This icy blue-eyed zombie reappears

  Look at this kind of combat power.

  Although the two groups of forces collide.

  But Ma Xiaoling could barely see the battle inside.

  from start to finish

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fahai is at a disadvantage

  This ice blue eye pupil zombie is simply terrifying to the extreme!

  What puzzled her the most was

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