This is Nakayama Miyuki.

  When did you become a zombie?


  Why did she resign from Fusang and move to Jiajia Building?

  have an idea

  Or because of something?

  Think of these.

  She had a headache in her head.


  for a short time.

  The two fought for hundreds of rounds.

  after a confrontation.

  Fahai suffered another heavy blow to the chest!

  He spat out a large mouthful of blood again, stopped not far in the air, and looked at Zhongshan Miyuki resentfully. "No" impossible

  Impossible! w "You monster! What the hell did you do! Why can't I beat you! Why?!" "I have been practicing hard for so many years, why can't I conquer you monsters in the end?!"

  Fahai roared up to the sky, the blood on the corner of his mouth made him look embarrassed. "It's him

  must be him

  Biga and herman stood not far from the building.

  Bijia eyes.

  Staring at Jiajia Building

  The figure in the white fog.

  a familiar scent

  a familiar scent

  She has been searching for so many years, "Bega, what's the matter with you?" Herman looked at Bea, who was a little surprised.

  He had never seen Biga so out of control.

  Biga's strength

  Far more terrifying than him.

  Even the boss was a little afraid of her.


  She willingly followed the boss.

  it seems that-

  To find someone?

  Find a

  The one who rescued her from the sea of ​​misery.

  Is it

  Herman looked at the figure in the white mist in the distance.


  He only took a first look.

  I just felt that my body was full of chills! As soon as my legs were weak, I almost fell to my knees. "Who is this man?"

  He retracted his eyes.

  The aloof look was full of fear.

  Fa Hai stood there in embarrassment.

  in a short period of time.

  He was badly injured.


  He knew it was him who died.

  But he was unwilling.

  Eight hundred years

  He was sealed for eight hundred years

  He slayed demons and eliminated demons all his life, but was sealed by demons for [-] years

  In the past eight hundred years, he saw countless large waters rushing towards him every night.

  His own disciples were calling for help, but he was helpless, he could only watch his own disciples in a big way.

  Die in water and sink.

  Eight hundred years.

  is torture.

  Such torture.

  Make him crazy.

  Make him sick!

  "Why is the surname Chen?!" Fa Hai roared angrily.

  He pointed to the figure in the white mist.

  The world was silent.

  Only Fahai's unwilling resentment.


  Still silent.

  I don't know how long it took.

  Maybe once.

  Maybe a lifetime.

  The figure in the white fog finally spoke. "One thought is a devil." "One thought is a Buddha."


  The figure in the white fog stepped forward.

  Under the night.

  The sky is full of white fog.

  Under the white fog.

  The figure is like a flying fairy outside the sky, walking forward slowly and pointing out.

  In an instant

  The world trembled!

  Seriously wounded Fahai.

  Silently looked at him.

  A lump of energy.

  with destructive power

  In an instant, his vitality was annihilated.


  His body.

  straight down.

  [Today is also a tenth update, and the update is finally finished~ The three chapters of yesterday have also been made up, plus today's seven chapters

  More, a total of ten updates~]

  [Tomorrow will be updated earlier, the minimum will not be lower than [8] chapters, the highest [10] chapters, nothing to say

  I'm asking for a wave of support, thank you readers greatly~]

  【Seeking a wave of customization~】

  【Good night~】.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter, Chapter [-], there is another zombie king?


  Fahai is dead.

  under one finger

  The breath of life is exhausted!

  In the white fog.

  The moonlight slowly shines.

  The figure stood quietly in the air, like a god, standing under the moonlight.

  under the eyes of countless people. "Roar--"

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