He understands.

  "But... this is not what I want." Kuang Guohua's voice was trembling, but he still expressed his inner thoughts.

  The man smiled and said, "So...you are afraid."

  "Afraid of who you are, afraid of gaining, and afraid of losing."

  "Everything has its own laws, you can do it yourself."


  The man walked forward slowly and passed Kuang Guohua.

  Kuang Guohua froze in place.

  He did not understand the man's words.

  I don't even understand...

  I have never seen this man before, but he...

  But he seemed to know himself very well.

  "who are you?"

  He turned his head and looked at the man with the umbrella who walked away slowly.

  But the man didn't answer him.

  Instead, he walked slowly forward.

  beside the man.

  Countless groaning zombies!

  He passed through them quietly, and gradually disappeared at the end of the road.

  "Who... is he?"

  Kuang Guohua only felt a terrifying palpitation.

  It seems to be the afterlife.



  The bell struck.

  Riley and Shia exchange wedding rings.

  "Clap clap-"

  The church was filled with applause from countless ghosts.

  They looked at Riley and Shiya with relief.

  Riley and Shia looked at the ghosts.

  The ghosts' bodies are gradually fading, and the deepest obsession in their hearts... is this wedding fifty years ago.


  The wedding is over and they are leaving.

  "Riley... the person you said, will he come?" Shi Ya asked softly.

  "Yes." Riley nodded.


  as he predicted

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  measured the same.

  The tragedy of fifty years ago...

  The development of the world...


  The bell rang.

  He should be here too.

  "I don't know if he will come, but..."

  An indifferent voice sounded.

  "I am coming."

  The old doors of the church were opened.

  A beautiful woman with curly hair in a long coat and a short skirt walked in from the outside with a magic wand and looked at Shi Ya and Riley coldly.

  behind her.

  Follow Kim Jung-jung!

  It is Ma Xiaoling!

  The two are very close to here!

  In addition to the urgency of the situation, Ma Xiaoling directly used the spell and rushed here as quickly as possible.


  Riley smiled.


  His expression gradually became indifferent.

  "The wedding is over."

  "Here, no one is welcome."

  "If you don't welcome it, you have to welcome it, stinky zombie, I will subdue you today!" Ma Xiaoling snorted lightly, without any weakness, and stepped forward: "Dragon God's decree, Water God Yinji borrowed the law, frozen!"

  She pointed with two fingers, and countless water mist filled the air, quickly condensed into ice, and rushed to Riley and Shiya in an instant!


  Riley growled!

  The condensed ice burst directly in front of him!

  "Transformed!" Jin Zhengzhong nervously held the Buddha's palm at Riley!

  Riley was still standing there.

  But his appearance.

  Changes have taken place!

  A few strands of white hair were intertwined with black hair, and there was a trace under the left eye. At the end of the trace, there was a teardrop like a diamond.

  "Immortal life..."

  "Immortal life is an endless loneliness."

  "The pain [-] years ago made me no longer care about this world..."

  "I wanted to end this."

  Riley walked slowly to the front of Shi Ya and protected Shi Ya behind her.

  "But she's back."

  "My promise is to protect her for life."

  "So, I'm going to do it."

  Riley's voice was calm, but there was no doubt about it.

  "Then why do you kill so many innocent people?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Riley and Shiya indifferently.

  "I..." Shi Ya was a little silent.

  She was trying to get revenge on Riley.

  Keep Riley from being able to survive...

  But didn't expect...

  this result.

  at the moment……

  Is there really going to be a war?

  Shi Ya looked at Ma Xiaoling and Riley in front of her.

  her eyes.

  There was a hint of determination.


  [The update is late, don't say anything, just offer it directly~ Ask for support! 】

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 2 The person who has waited for two thousand years! 【8/[-]】

  "I did all of this..."

  "If you want to subdue, then subdue me."

  Shiya stood beside Riley and said firmly.


  "Do it!" Shi Ya looked at Ma Xiaoling coldly!

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