
  She growled!

  Zombie form emerges!

  With gray-white pupils, he looked at Ma Xiaoling relentlessly.

  There are no words!

  Shi Ya grabbed towards the front!

  Jin Zhengzhong, who was originally standing beside Ma Xiaoling, instantly felt a huge gravitational force, his body could not resist directly, and flew towards Shi Ya!


  Shi Ya directly grabbed Jin Zhengzhong's neck!

  "You...what are you doing...you let me go..." Jin Zhengzhong himself is not very good, he was caught by Shiya's neck, and he said out of breath.

  Shi Ya didn't answer him!

  Instead, he opened his mouth directly!A pair of fangs emerged, facing Jin Zhengzhong's neck...

  Go straight to the mouth!

  "Shiya!" Riley looked at Shiya in confusion!


  "Dragon God decrees, Vulcan Zhu Rong borrows the law, and punishes evil!"

  Ma Xiaoling turned around!A spell is cast!


  Countless flames are constantly burning in the air!

  The moment this flame emerged, the entire air seemed to be distorted!The temperature of the whole church has increased by dozens of degrees!

  The flame turned into a ball of fire and headed towards Shi Ya!

  Shi Ya, who was about to bite down, saw this scene, but directly threw Jin Zhengzhong aside.


  Her body is straight forward...

  towards the fireball...


  Riley's eyes widened when he saw this scene, as if he understood something.



  When Shi Ya's body moved forward, she slapped Riley's chest!

  Riley didn't expect Shiya to attack herself!It was directly photographed on the wall of the church by this palm!

  And Shiya...

  Also closed his eyes.

  "It all started because of me, so..."

  "It all ends because of me."


  Shiya said softly.

  fifty years ago.

  She left in pain.

  With hatred for Riley, he lived for fifty years.

  Fifty years...she didn't want to see Riley, torn between pain and love.

  Fifty years later.

  She is determined to get revenge on Riley.

  But when she comes back here.

  See the tears of angels...

  She suddenly understood.

  You will never be able to take revenge.

  She still loves Riley deeply, and this kind of love has never faded in fifty years, especially after seeing what Riley has done for her.

  and so.

  She decided to finish her wedding fifty years ago.

  But she still couldn't forgive Riley.


  Can't forgive myself.


  This is a relief.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Shi Ya felt the fireball getting closer and closer to her.

  That fireball is no ordinary flame...

  But the real fire of Samadhi!

  The scorching temperature hit.

  Shi Ya also closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

  Ma Xiaoling froze in place.

  She didn't expect...

  Shi Ya actually wanted to take the initiative to seek death!

  She'd heard Riley's story, and it was a pity, a pity that made everyone feel heavy...

  Ma Xiaoling didn't immediately take Riley, perhaps because of the influence of the story...

  But it was because of her hesitation.

  led to the tragedy in the town.

  This is why Ma Xiaoling is so angry!

  Now that she sees Shi Ya seeking death, she suddenly understands... Shi Ya has always wanted a relief.

  This is also...

  The reason why Shiya left her.

  Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoling couldn't bear to look at it, and turned her head slightly.

  "don't want……"

  "do not want!"

  Riley flew upside down in the corner, watching this scene with a heartbreaking look.

  But all this...


  It is irreparable.

  Shi Ya is waiting for death to come.

  "It seems..."

  "I came a step late."


  A gentle voice sounded.

  There seemed to be a hint of apology.

  Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to the door of the church.

  I saw the open church door.

  A man wearing a black long gown with a refined temperament, holding an old-fashioned umbrella, was walking in slowly.

  He seemed to be walking in a leisurely garden, at a slow pace.

  Follow him step by step.

  A slight turbulence rippling up!


  That fireball that was still a few millimeters away from Shi Ya...

  It disappeared in an instant!

  The fireball condensed by the true fire of Samadhi.


  dissipated? !

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful cheeks were full of astonishment, her beautiful eyes looked at the man, and her body trembled slightly.


  Corpse King?

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