
  She seemed to have seen a scholar with a sword brow and a star, wearing a white gown, whistling from those years.

  Point to the king.

  Point to the Prime Minister.

  What audacity and arrogance that is!

  Hand holding a jug.

  Anthem Moonlight.

  How desolate and sad that is!

  Desperate for a lifetime.

  Not to be reused. "His surname is Chen." Bai Suzhen was on the balcony, wearing a white shirt and turning around with a slight smile. "Me, Xiaoqing and Xu Xian don't know his identity, and we don't need to know his identity.

  "Maybe it's a god, maybe a fairy, maybe a demon, but it doesn't matter, the important thing is that he is our friend

  friend. "

  Bai Suzhen seemed to be telling Ma Xiaoling something. "Yes, he is our friend!" Xiaoqing also nodded.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful face was complicated, and she asked softly: "So what about Chen and Jiang Gu?

  Bai Suzhen smiled slightly: "They look alike."

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, and a hint of joy appeared in her eyes: "Really? Is that so?"

  Bai Suzhen nodded: "That's all."

  When Ma Xiaoling heard the words, the complex expression on her face dissipated, revealing a hint of a happy smile.

  "In other words, you don't know the identity of that surname Chen?" Ma Xiaoling remembered her first question.

  question. "do not know.

  White Snake's words are indeed true.

  they don't know

  Jiang Gu's true identity. "Miss Ma, seems to be very concerned about Mr. Jiang?" Bai Suzhen asked.

  "I didn't care about him. Don't speculate, or I will accept you."

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at Bai Suzhen with beautiful eyes and got up to leave.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  When Ma Xiaoling walked to the door.

  Bai Suzhen suddenly said, "Miss Ma, if Young Master Chen and Jiang Gu were the same person, what would you do?"

  A moment of silence.

  After half a sound. "I'll take him."

  After speaking, she disappeared in place.

  Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  Although Ma Xiaoling asked the answer she wanted to know.

  But she still had many questions in her heart.

  those doubts.

  Bai Suzhen had no way to answer for her.

  such as.

  Scholar named Chen

  Where is it sacred?

  General? The second zombie king? Or the third zombie king who doesn't even know his ancestors? "Auntie, come out!"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the teapot in front of the portrait. She just shook the teapot, but Ma Danna didn't even appear.

  "Cough cough" What's wrong, Xiaoling."

  Madonna drilled out from the spout of the teapot.

  "As a matter of fact, the elder brother is that I am ashamed of him, but in any case, he is after the general.

  If you can subdue him, Xiaoling, subdue him.

  Madonna said softly.

  She didn't dare to come out because she was afraid of it.


  Ma Xiaoling's mind was not on Kuang Tianyou.

  Although troubled.

  But more questions.

  It was about the figure in the white mist.

  "Auntie! Another Zombie King appeared today!" Ma Xiaoling looked at Ma Danna and told everything about today

  Tell it to Madonna. "Chen? w" Jiang Gu?" "Fahai?" "Zombie King?" "Ice blue eye pupil zombie?"

  Ma Danna listened to Ma Xiaoling's words.

  Eyes opened wider.

  After listening to Ma Xiaoling's story.

  She fell into a brief silence.

  Ma Xiaoling: "Auntie, what do you know? Hurry up and tell me, I'm going crazy!"

  Madonna recovered from her silence. "I thought you were looking for me because of Big Brother Kuang." I didn't expect that so many things would happen. "

  Madonna paused.

  He said slowly: "According to the records of the Ma family, there is only one zombie king, and that is a general, and there are many generals.

  Since the year 667, we have been in the Jiangchen Cave ten miles away from Hongxi Village. For so many years, the people of our Ma family have

  Looking for traces of the generals. A

  "I went to subdue the generals [-] years ago, which caused Brother Kuang to be bitten. If I go back there later, I will lose

  traces of the generals"

  When Madonna said this, a trace of thought appeared in her eyes.

  Ma Xiaoling said anxiously, "Auntie, keep talking!" "I have a very scary guess."

  Madonna's expression gradually became solemn.

  "The general may be the second zombie king, and what we think of as the second zombie king may actually be

  Even more terrifying than a general. '

  some words.

  In an instant, Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were horrified.

  "When I went to surrender the generals and ministers sixty years ago, the strength of the generals was not terrifying.

  Almost caught him. "

  "How do you say he's like a zombie with no intelligence, except for evil, he doesn't seem to have me

  human thinking

  He seems to have a lot of potential, but he didn't realize it because he didn't know how to fight,

  Only know how to bite people at will like ordinary zombies. "

  "And the second zombie in the lost records of our Ma family" opened his mind thousands of years ago" "for so many years"

  Ma Danna looked at Ma Xiaoling deeply. "Do you think he is the second one, or is he far more terrifying than the generals?".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter [-] The third zombie king?


  The second zombie king recorded by the Ma family lost.


  It should be the first one!

  Because until the end, it was Ma Xiaoling and Ma Danna who thought he was the second one.

  But according to the comparison between the zombie king and the generals in the records

  But they discovered a fact.

  This second zombie king had already given birth to Lingzhi, and he had an accident far earlier than his generals.

  "Our Ma family has been chasing and killing the general for so many years, but he has never actually appeared in the world, and has been hiding in the depths.

  in the mountains

  And this Zombie King has been born for two thousand years. For so many years, he has been hidden in the crowd. "

  Witness the vicissitudes of life.

  Witness the downfall of time.

  This zombie king may be far more terrifying than his generals!

  "In the records of the Ma family, there are only generals and officials, the lost records, there is this deadlock that is involved with the Ma family.

  Corpse king

  w But beyond that, "There is no record in our Ma family that there is a third zombie king."

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