"Although it doesn't exist in the records, it doesn't mean he doesn't exist. If it wasn't for Xiaoling, you would find the lost records.

  Who would have thought that there is an existence in the world that is far more terrifying than the zombie king.

  Ma Danna could not answer Ma Xiaoling's question.

  In fact, she did not know the answer to this question.

  She could only tell Ma Xiaoling what she knew.

  Ma Xiaoling fell into contemplation. "The appearance of the surname Chen this time" is a breath that I have never sensed. m

  "He seems to be close to the zombie king who is involved with our Ma family, but I feel like a completely different person.

  "Auntie, how did you come to me, all kinds of monsters and ghosts appeared."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Ma Danna with a hint of helplessness.

  "The green snake and the white snake in the legend of the white snake, and the lost records of the Ma family, two zombies who came out of nowhere.

  Corpse King, and a general, "I feel like I was born in the wrong era."

  She couldn't help complaining. "I can't cry, and I can't fall in love.

  Madonna was on the side.

  Quietly listening to Ma Xiaoling's complaints.


  She couldn't give Ma Xiaoling any comfort either.

  Ma Xiaoling's mental journey, she has also experienced, she has also been hesitant, and she has complained, but in the end

  Not all are still going all the way.

  Horse's Mission

  It's their deepest beliefs.

  Even if you give your life

  also go. "By the way, I may know some of the zombies with ice blue eyes you mentioned," Madonna said.


  "In the records, there are no records of two zombie kings. I think these may be lost in the records.

  The contents inside, or in other words, it is very likely that this zombie with ice blue eyes is the queen of the other two zombie kings.


  Madonna suggested a possibility.

  This is possible.

  It will overturn the current record.

  Because it's not just the horse family.

  Instead, it includes the Maoist and Taoist factions. After countless years of records and inheritance, they know that there are five generations of zombies.


  The appearance of zombies with ice blue eyes will directly subvert this record.

  "That is to say"" The scholar surnamed Chen [-] years ago was very likely to be a zombie besides the generals and the Ma family

  The third zombie king besides the king?"

  Ma Xiaoling drew a conclusion from Ma Danna's words.


  This is what she guessed.

  after all

  figure in mist

  It is completely different from the breath and dress of the zombie king involved in the Ma family.

  these two.

  not like a person at all

  But she also vaguely felt a little strange. "Right, you said Jiang

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Gu is a bit like the [-]-year-old scholar Zombie King?" Madonna suddenly remembered something,

  asked. "Yes, Fahai and Xiaoqing both admit they missed it." Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  Madonna looked at her portrait thoughtfully.

  She vaguely felt

  where may you be

  in a certain place

  I have seen Jiang Gu.

  Or - the scholar zombie king? "Perhaps, you can ask He Yingqiu to check the records about this scholar."

  Madonna said.

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.


  She also meant it.

  Jiang Gu and Chuchun return to the room

  under dim lighting.

  A figure sat in the living room.

  It is Jiang Gu.

  Looking at "Jiang Gu" at the door, Jiang Gu tapped his finger lightly.

  That "Jiang Gu".

  Instantly became a yellow paper man.

  Incarnate outside. "Jiang Gujun (Fusang language)." Chuchun quietly came to Jiang Gu's side.

  Jiang Gu gently touched Chuchun's hair.

  He smiled slightly.

  to the balcony.

  Look at the bright moon in the sky. "It's almost here again."

  His voice was soft, and he couldn't see his emotions clearly.

  Dark Resurrection

  He vaguely felt

  The dark recovery is gradually awakening

  The next day.

  Domoto Jing of Ridong Group, turned out to be the murderer of a perverted serial murder case

  Radio broadcast!

  Nitto Group!

  This is the first group of Fuso Kingdom!

  Domoto Jing

  He is also the richest man in Fusang!

  At this moment, it will become a serial perverted blood-sucking murderer! It is really shocking!

  The entire Xiangjiang and Fusang countries have issued a wanted request for Domoto Jing!

  And when everyone came to Tongtian Pavilion

  Tang Benjing of Tongtian Pavilion has left here with his men.

  A dark place.

  Domoto Jing brought his men here.

  m*long zombie""Is this a very noble zombie?""It turns out"I was false before

  Domoto Sei felt the power in his body and let out a crazy laugh!

  for countless years

  He treats himself like a zombie!

  Even keep looking for the same kind.

  But in the end it was found

  In fact, I was wrong!" No wonder God doesn't approve of me." "Am I now qualified for his approval?"

  Domoto Jing remembered when he went to Jianggu's house.

  Jiang Gu's words.

  Now he quietly reminisces


  It really is as God said.

  What he saw (of money) was too narrow!


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