
  He seemed to sense behind him and turned around instantly.

  I saw the men behind me

  I don't know when they all collapsed on the ground.

  Two figures.

  He was quietly standing in the dark watching him.

  A woman in a black hat and a tall man in a tunic suit.

  "who are you?"

  Domoto Sei looked at the two of them.

  "We're here to find you, new zombie." The man in the tunic showed a smile, looking at Domoto Jing's eyes.

  A bit of disdain.

  He doesn't understand

  Why does the boss think this person is good. "New zombie?" Domoto Jing's eyes changed slightly. "Who are you calling the new zombie?"

  He showed orange pupils in an instant, and his eyes looked at the two of them coldly! "Our boss wants to see you" "He only brought you one sentence." "Do you want." This world?".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter [-] Bea: I remember his name is Zongzu!


  Want this world?

  Domoto Jing remembered last night

  He entered the dream of Kim Miku

  Kim Miku asked him in a dream when did he become a zombie

  he said everything

  But Jin Future doesn't seem to believe him.

  And tell him to break the unrealistic dream "This world?"

  Shizuo Tomoto muttered to himself. "Yes, if you're interested, come with us."

  Biga turned around.

  Herman gave him a cold look.

  If it wasn't for the boss who wanted to see him.

  Herman may have already pressed his chest to his back. "Would you be happier if I gave you the whole world?" "If I had the whole world, would I be able to gain God's approval?"

  Shizuo Tomoto muttered to himself.

  He hesitated.

  Leave with the two of them.

  In a closed house.

  Kuang Fusheng was trapped tightly by a transparent coffin-like thing all around.

  With the power of his second generation of zombies.

  Shouldn't have been caught.

  It's a pity that his form is too small and his super powers are too weak, which directly caused him to have no way to resist! "Who are you, let me out!" "My brother is a policeman! You better be careful! Let me out now!" !"

  Kuang Fusheng shouted.


  No matter what he shouts at 580

  No one responded to him.

  I don't know how long it took.

  A door opened slowly. "Little devil, you are very noisy.

  An indifferent voice sounded.

  Kuang Fusheng glanced sideways.

  Soon, a woman wearing a black hat with a ponytail came in.

  She was wearing a black suit and looked a little cold all over.

  "Oh, there are people. I thought I was the only one here. This made me suffocate." Kuang Fu

  Seeing the person coming, a smile appeared on his face. "You are not afraid?"

  Biga looked at the sealed Kuang Fusheng, a little curious.

  "What's there to be afraid of, you can't kill me, it would be better if you could kill me, I would have

  died. "

  "I'm not even afraid of death, what else should I be afraid of."

  Revived, his face did not change, and he was very at ease.

  "I'm also a sixty-year-old guy, you think I haven't experienced anything? Hmph, then I

  Tell you you're wrong!" "I've lived from the war years until now, so you're saying I've been through everything?"

  He said gruffly.

  When Bijia heard this, an inexplicable smile appeared on her face.

  "Then have you experienced boundless pain and despair?" she asked.

  "That's not." Kuang Fusheng was stunned. "But I've been through it."

  Biga slowly sat down against the coffin. "I was born a monster, a monster in the eyes of others. I was spurned by others, and even my parents didn't want me anymore." "I can only live in the village, picking up their leftovers. "

  Biga remembered these things.

  Eyes are more painful.

  Kuang Fusheng's smiling expression disappeared.

  "When they saw me, they would drive me away with a stick, and the children in the same village would beat and kick me, and I was like

  is an animal abandoned by the world.

  Biga described herself this way.


  What a humble and pitiful animal

  such a dark and hopeless environment

  Let Kuang Fusheng feel the heart tremble

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  shake. "I have lived in such days for more than [-] years. w" Finally, "One day, a light came."

  A ray of light appeared in Bijia's dark and deep eyes. "Light?"

  The voice of resurrection was heavy.

  Biga nodded, a smile appeared on her face, and her mind seemed to recall a very distant memory.

  "I remember that day, it was the last day of December, the weather game was freezing cold, and the sky was a little dark.

  It was raining heavily in Ruowan, and I picked two wild fruits and sat by the roadside at the entrance of the village, avoiding the people in the village.

  "Then what?" I saw someone. "

  Bijia's eyes froze. "A man wearing a black gown and holding an umbrella, beside him, followed by a man wrapped in black cloth

  He walked that path slowly; one step, another step. "Then" he stopped. "

  (cdef) "He said he seemed a little hungry."

  Bi Jia's dazed eyes gradually showed a smile.

  "I remember his smile, it was very gentle and warm, it was the first time in my life that I saw such a warm smile


  Kuang Fusheng listened nervously, as if he had forgotten that he was locked up: "Then what?"

  Biga looked at his hand and said softly, "I handed him one of the wild fruits." He bent down gently and gently held me and gave him the wild fruits. "I saw his eyes, they were scarlet." "But I'm not afraid."

  Biga was talking, and her eyes became more and more nostalgic. "He gently propped the umbrella over my head--" he said: 'Thank you for your wild fruit, I can do one thing for you. '"

  In front of Biga.

  It seemed to recall that day again.

  Frozen to the bone.

  Torrential rain.

  The man held the umbrella gently and spoke to her quietly. "And what did you say?" Kuang Fusheng asked nervously. "I didn't know anything at that time, all I knew was that it was so cold and so desperate.

  "So I said, I don't want to live like this anymore, I don't want people in the village to bully me anymore, I don't want to live like this anymore

  being bullied"

  A smile appeared on the corner of Bijia's mouth.

  "Then he should take you away. Could it be that he was the one who arrested me?" Kuang Fusheng heard the words.

  In it, he said helplessly: "This story is very old-fashioned. w" No. "

  Biga shook her head slightly. "No?" Kuang Fusheng was stunned. "He walked slowly into the village."

  "Then I heard countless wailing sounds. Countless screams of pain." "And a low growl."

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