*I turned around and saw him standing in the rain, quietly holding an umbrella, standing at the gate of the village, the package beside him

  The man in the black cloth disappeared. ""He killed everyone in the village. m "Blood flowed into rivers, and no one survived."

  Biga said slowly. "Gollum."

  When Kuang Fusheng heard the words, he swallowed his throat: "Is he a devil?"

  A wild fruit.

  Just doing such a cruel thing "Do you think it's cruel?" Biga asked suddenly. "Yes, killing so many people!" Kuang Fusheng nodded.

  "But when they bullied me, when they beat and scold me, why didn't anyone stand up and scold them for being cruel?


  "I only remember their cold smiles, everyone is smiling coldly, who cares if they are or not

  is really cruel. "

  Biga showed a smile, as if hearing a joke.

  She stood up slowly.

  Kuang Fusheng asked, "Is he the one who arrested me?"

  Biga shook her head.

  "Who is he then?"

  Biga was silent for a while and replied: "I don't know either" but I heard the people beside him calling him "Zongzu.".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter [-] Zongzu is a general!

  【6/8】"Zombie ancestor?"

  Resurrection was stunned. "Then he is a general?"

  This time, it was Bi Jia's turn to be stunned: "General~?"

  Kuang Fusheng nodded: "That's right, we were bitten by a general, and I heard Sister Xiaoling say that we were stiff.

  The ancestor of the corpse is the general, and the people who are bitten are the descendants of the generals-!”

  Bijia's eyes looked at the dark place, and a little excitement appeared. "turn out to be

  The person I am looking for is called General. w"Then do you know where he is?"

  Biga excitedly watched Kuang Fusheng.

  She only remembered feeling his breath


  The breath seemed a little unfamiliar.

  seems to be quite different.

  Very strange.

  "It turns out that the person you are waiting for is a general, but how could I possibly know where he is, but I sued

  Telling you such useful information, should you let me go?"

  "I don't know Biga sighed, but then she remembered something again, and a smile appeared on her face:

  "But in a few days, it will be the last day of December again, and I look forward to this time every year, maybe,

  He will appear. "Hey hey hey" Could you please listen to what I have to say.

  Kuang Fusheng looked at Biga and said directly.

  Biga stood there.

  She looked back to life.

  After half a sound.


  I saw that all the crystals around Kuang Fusheng were shattered! "I didn't see anything."

  Biga turned around.

  "Hey, it's up to you!" Kuang Fusheng smiled and walked towards the iron gate.

  "Bia, it's not good for you to be like this?"

  A cold voice sounded. "Whether it's good or not has nothing to do with you, I'll go and explain to the boss if I let it go."

  Biga said coldly.


  Herman appeared at the door, wanting to revive the situation and stay behind.


  His figure flew upside down!

  Biga appeared beside Kuang Fusheng and smiled: "Let's go, stinky brat."

  *Hehe, thank you sister! But I'm just joking, will your boss let me go?

  Would you like to go with me?"

  Biga knocked on Kuang Fusheng's skull. "For the sake of listening to my story, I let you go, but you still want to kidnap me?"

  Kuang Fusheng smiled awkwardly. "I'm leaving first!" "So you came back like this?"

  Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  Ma Xiaoling, Wang Zhenzhen, Kuang Tianyou, and Jin Zhengzhong were sitting on the sofa, with Kuang Fusheng in the middle.

  Listen to Kuang Fusheng's bizarre experience.

  Jin Zhengzhong's eyes froze: "Is this woman that stupid?"

  When Kuang Fusheng heard Jin Zhengzhong's words, he said old-fashioned: "I forbid you to say that about that sister! She

  Not stupid! She must have been attracted by my personality, so she let me go!"


  Hearing Kuang Fusheng's words, Wang Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing. She touched Kuang Fusheng's head and said:

  "It's really a little devil, you know how to talk at such a young age.

  Resurrection didn't say everything.

  Mainly to tell the story that Biga told him.

  this story.

  Really impressive.

  A wild fruit killed so many people, this general is not a good person. "Kim Jung-jung muttered." Idiot. "

  Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes. "Which zombie king would be the good guy"

  she said.

  But I couldn't help but think of the zombie king who was involved with the Ma family.

  From the first record

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  This zombie king is also jealous of evil.

  It's just that the method is a bit extreme, and it actually killed the Li family. "Master, what are you thinking?" Jin Zhengzhong shook his hand in front of Ma Xiaoling, "Why are you lost in thought again?

  You have been like this for the past few months, and starting work like this has put me in danger.

  Kim Jong-jung was a little helpless.

  Ma Xiaoling has been in this state for the past few months.

  Almost had an accident once.

  Although only once.

  But it also made Kim Jong-jung remember deeply.

  "The king of zombies is causing chaos, turning innocent people into zombies, and these zombies go everywhere to suck human blood and harm people.

  time, so the zombie king is the head of evil, who would be a good person!"

  Ma Xiaoling came back to her senses and said directly.

  "It's true that Master said this, but I'm just talking casually. You don't need to be so excited, right?"

  Ma Xiaoling glared at Jin Zhengzhong: "How can I have it?"

  Such a savage Ma Xiaoling.

  Kim Jong-jung wisely chose to shut up. "It seems that this zombie king should also be born."

  Ma Xiaoling heard Kuang Fusheng's words.

  My head hurts a bit.

  Originally, there were many demons in Jiajia Building that she couldn't conquer.

  Now there is another general

  this world.

  …for flowers…

  What's going on?

  Ma Xiaoling felt helpless in her heart.

  But no matter how helpless

  Zombie King

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