The crow snorted coldly that the man was not there, even if Shadow Moon came back, so what?!

  dense green beetle

  Crazy rush forward!

  Just for a short time.

  Outside the golden light curtain.

  All are green beetles.

  Whether it's on the walls or the ground, all are a piece of ghostly green and rich resentment eroding a

  Che, these resentful beetles stared at the people inside the light curtain.

  Although Ma Xiaoling was still holding Jiang Gu's arm tightly.

  But she calmed down a little, not nearly as emotionally broken as before.

  "We are surrounded

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  . "The peacock's rough face was solemn, and he looked at the dense green beetles.

  Hearts are shaking.

  These beetles are covered with green resentment, and a pair of small green pupils stare at the crowd in the light curtain.


  Ma Xiaoling didn't dare to look outside at all.

  She buried her head gently on Jiang Gu's back. "What to do with a weirdo." She buried her eyes and asked through gritted teeth. "Wait.

  Jiang Gu said gently.

  "Wait?" Jin Weiwei was a little puzzled, "But these green beetles seem to be getting more and more!"

  Jiang Gu did not speak.This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  He looked at the beetle with deep eyes.



  These beetles are going crazy!

  Directly and desperately attack the light curtain!


  outside the light curtain

  All are glowing green!

  Densely "Hey, it's disgusting." Jin Mirai only felt extremely disgusting. "Jiang Gu, what should I do?"

  Jin Zhengzhong held the Buddha's palm and looked at Jiang Gu.

  Peacock and the four Ligaoye mana monks also looked at Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu is at this moment.

  It seems to be the backbone.

  of course

  This is also because of Jiang Gu's light curtain.

  Golden light diffuses.

  These beetles can't break in at all!

  So defensive!

  Even the peacock thinks it's not as good!"

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly. "A little bit more?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, completely not understanding what Jiang Gu meant!

  creak creak

  More and more green beetles rushed towards the light curtain frantically!

  They seem to die without breaking the curtain of light!


  With the frenzied attack of these beetles! There are also cracks in the golden light curtain!

  Everyone's hearts were raised. "All right."

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes looked upward in an instant!

  He pointed it out!


  only see the ceiling

  It's rotten in an instant! "Let's go."

  Jiang Guwen said to Ma Xiaoling.

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the hole in the ceiling, and she glanced at Jiang Gu secretly.

  Then step to step.


  Her body instantly moved upwards! 353


  She fell straight to the ground.

  She stood on the fourth floor and looked down in horror.

  Jiang Gu just pointed

  It even directly penetrated the passages of the third and fourth floors!

  She is not stupid.

  In an instant, I understood what Jiang Gu meant by waiting.

  These green beetles are coming from all directions which naturally includes the fourth layer.

  All are in the third floor.

  Attracts the firepower of the green beetle

  And the fourth floor is empty

  such an ingenious way

  Ma Xiaoling pouted, "It's still very smart."

  She bit her lip lightly, remembering what had just happened

  Thinking of this.

  Her cheeks turned red. "Master! It's not good, the light curtain is about to break!"

  Kim Jong-jung and Jin Mi-ri also came up, Kim Jong-jung said hurriedly!

  Jin Zhengzhong is not good enough, Jin Weiwei is an ordinary person, and he only came up with the help of Ligaoye mana! "Donor!"

  The peacock roared in a hurry!

  He went directly from the third floor to the fourth floor and said hurriedly!


  The four Rikono mana monks jumped up!


  Jiang Gu was the only one left.

  creak creak

  The sound of dense green beetles sounded!

  The golden light curtain has been broken open! "Don't!"

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes widened, full of anxiety! She shouted loudly: "Jiang Gu! Come up quickly!".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 103 Unreal Code World!


  [Two updates will be added tomorrow]


  A light emerges

  hole in ceiling

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