Instantly blocked! "Jiang Gu!"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the hole with her beautiful eyes, her eyes were a little red!

  No one thought of

  Accidents will happen like this!

  If Jiang Gu is besieged by this dense green beetle


  The magic wand appeared in Ma Xiaoling's hand instantly!


  She took the magic wand and slammed it towards the ground!


  No matter how hard she tried.

  this floor.

  Not moving at all!

  But Ma Xiaoling didn't want to stop at all. "I'm fine, you go first."

  A gentle voice.

  Passed through the floor.

  Let Ma Xiaoling stop, she heard the gentle voice, the unease and fear in her heart,

  A lot has disappeared. "You be careful."

  Realizing that she was a little out of place, she bit her lip and said.

  under the floor

  There is no sound. "Let's go." Let's deal with Sadako. "

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful face turned indifferent, and she looked forward


  below the floor.

  The dense green beetles broke through the golden light curtain, the moment the light curtain broke.

  Jiang Gu gently stood in place.

  The light curtain turned into golden fragments and slowly dissipated, surrounded by fragments of light, illuminating his body slightly.


  Fragments slowly dissipate

  It's getting darker here.

  Jiang Gu stood around the shards of light, and as the shards dissipated, his black gown seemed to disappear in the darkness.

  He was when the fragments of light fell

  Slowly closed his eyes.

  Countless green beetles opened their small mouths, densely packed and overwhelming, moving towards the river like a tide.

  Ancient submerged.


  A gentle smile emerged.

  Jiang Gu's eyes slowly opened.


  Countless sounds are broken!

  The monitor on the third floor in front of Sadako

  It got dark in an instant.

  Her pale cheeks quietly looked at the black picture, and her beautiful eyes were full of puzzlement and awe.

  Just that moment.

  what's happening?



  She felt a heartfelt horror


  Crazy reduction!

  The top floor of Shikoku Building!

  The crow was looking at the monitor on the fourth floor coldly.


  The monitor on the third floor went black!

  At the same time, the fire of resentment beside the crow was no longer burning like before, but became much weaker! "What's the matter n"!" The crow looked at the flames and the monitor screen in confusion." It looks like you are about to fail?"

  Lan Dali said with a cigar in his mouth. "Hmph how could I fail!"

  The crow snorted coldly, his hands were sealed, and endless green mist erupted all over his body! These green mists

  Qi surging in the formation, swinging like a dragon, and gradually infiltrating into the formation! "Tsk tsk, crow, are you crazy?" Lan Dali looked at the crow in surprise, "This is very damaging to the primordial spirit,

  No need at all, just have fun.

  "Anyway, I'm here to see what happened to this Jiang Gu and that Ma family descendant. I wanted to see it.

  That guy with the surname Kuang, it's boring for you to do this. "

  The crow spit out a mouthful of blood, "I won't lose."


  Countless green mists.

  Suddenly swept the entire Shikoku Building!

  In a Japanese-style room. "Sadako arrest that guy!"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The crow's gloomy voice echoed in Sadako's ears!

  No crow reminder.

  Sadako already wants to do this!

  She felt her resentment disappear but she didn't know exactly what happened.

  The first time was on the first floor, with strong grievances.

  The second time was on the third floor, which was different from the first floor. The resentment on the first floor was caused by the gathering of countless grievances.

  It's not something that comes from the injustice!

  But this time

  But the ghost comes with it

  If all dissipated

  Then the crow's plan will fail! Those damn men won't go extinct!

  She opened the door.

  It's an unreal world full of code.

  She travels through the illusory world of this code.

  In an instant.

  Her figure appeared in the green misty Shikoku Building.

  She went directly to the third floor.

  The endless green mist eroded the third layer, causing the third layer to gradually disappear in the looming mist.


  Through countless green mists, Sadako's eyes instantly saw the man standing in the third layer of endless green mist.


  He still stood there.

  but around him

  All are the corpses of green beetles

  Densely packed, filling the entire corridor! "Damn!"

  Sadako was in a hurry! She grabbed her big hand forward!


  She caught Jiang Gu instantly.

  Jiang Gu stood in the green mist.

  Watching Sadako grab him.

  A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  a strange force

  In an instant, Jiang Gu was swept into the illusory code world.

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