Code world.

  Sadako grabbed Jiang Gu in an instant.

  Jiang Gu stood in the void, looking at Sadako who caught him.

  Sadako was dressed in a kimono, her long hair was scattered behind her, and her face was extremely pale.

  The pale face made her look a little grim.

  *Aren't you afraid of me for a long time?" "This is my world!"

  Sadako looked at Jiang Gu strangely.

  This is her world.

  It can be said

  Here, her strength will be several times or even ten times that of the outside world!

  And Jiang Gu - can only draw talismans!" This is your code world.

  Jiang Gu's delicate face was gentle as he looked at everything around him.

  He walked slowly in the code world.



  He reached out and grabbed it.

  A piece of code appeared in his hand.

  In the code fragment, there is a picture, in the picture, a woman is sitting in front of the computer and working

  on. "You Sadako's face is horrified. "How did you do it?"

  This is her world!

  But the man in front of me (Noah's good)

  But more like the master of this world? "Who are you?" Sadako felt that she had made a wrong decision.

  She originally thought that she would pull Jiang Gu in

  You will be able to defeat Jiang Gu in this world!

  But now it seems that "I"" is here to save you."

  Jiang Gu stepped forward.

  Countless waves have emerged in the code world. "I don't know if Sadako sucked that guy into the code world to solve it."

  m, but Ma Xiaoling is going to enter the fifth floor."

  The crow looked indifferent.

  "If that's the case, don't blame me."


  He quickly received with both hands.

  In an instant

  Countless ghosts slowly emerged in the green mist.

  [I can't stand it anymore, my head is a little dizzy, it's been the past few days, the writing is not very good, go to bed early tonight

  Update early tomorrow, tenth update, go to rest now~ Good night everyone~ I love you~] Code.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 104 Desperate situation under grievance!


  under the green mist

  Specter appeared in the whole Shikoku Building! There were bursts of roars from the Shikoku Building! Crazy

  Towards the place where there are living people!

  Fourth floor of Shikoku Building.

  Ma Xiaoling is rushing towards the fifth floor!

  After begging uncle's tips!

  They also know that if they want to solve this Sadako, they must pass the fifth floor, where Sadako is located.

  Only by finding the information of Sadako can you enter the world of Sadako! There is a lot of strong resentment in front of "Be careful"

  Peacock walked in front, holding a golden pole, and his face was full of indifference.

  At the moment when his voice fell.

  Countless green mists rushed towards Peacock and others in an instant! In the mist, strange figures emerged one after another


  They looked at the front with grim eyes, let out bursts of low roars, and suddenly moved towards Ma Xiaoling and others.





  A strange figure emerges from the green mist! The peacock's pole is fighting forward!


  He doesn't seem to have any strength in this battle! Fighting against Li Gui only made him take a step back! "How is that possible!"

  This pillar was blessed by the mana monk Rigaoye! It has a huge lethality to the spiritual body and the resentful body 010!

  If it is a normal ghost.

  I'm afraid I'll be blown away after this battle!

  "Step aside!"

  Ma Xiaoling gave a soft drink!

  Between her fingers, a ray of light appeared! "Dragon God's pardon! Fire God Zhu Rong borrowing method! Punish the evil!"


  Between the rays of light, countless firelights slowly emerged from the rays of light, and bombarded towards the front in an instant!


  Countless flames are intertwined!

  Peacock hides to the side!

  The flames swept away! It burned on Li Gui, blocking the road ahead! "Master!" Jin Zhengzhong held the Buddha's palm and said loudly: "There are many behind!"

  Ma Xiaoling and the others looked back.

  I saw it in an instant

  in the corridor behind

  Countless ghosts rushed towards the crowd! "Take it!"

  Ma Xiaoling handed a pistol to Jin Weiwei, "Shoot."

  Kim Miku took the pistol and hesitated for a moment! Then he pointed forward!


  The gunshots sounded! In an instant, many ghosts were repelled! "Everyone walk to the fifth floor!"

  Ma Xiaoling said directly.

  Jiang Gu is still struggling on the fourth floor

  If she didn't hurry up to the fifth floor, Ma Xiaoling was worried that Jiang Gu would "fight!"

  Ma Xiaoling has an exorcism wand in her hand!


  She figured forward, and the exorcism rod instantly repelled these ghosts

  but even so

  There are countless ghosts here.

  don't say leave

  Even staying here is difficult.

  The top floor of the Shikoku Building.

  Seeing this scene, the crow sneered: "It's good for them."

  "These ghosts are the human blood that I have sucked blood for all these years, put the souls of these people into the formation to torture

  The grievances and power of these ghosts are far more terrifying than ordinary ghosts. "I see how they hold on to the fifth floor."

  There was a hint of annoyance in the crow's voice.

  four hundred years ago

  He failed!

  Then four hundred years later!

  He will never fail again!

  he doesn't believe

  Someone will be able to stop him. "Crow, you'd better look at the first floor." Kino suddenly laughed.

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