
  The crow looked towards the first floor.

  Just seeing the first floor, the crow's expression changed greatly. "She actually-" "It's not easy?.

  The first floor of the Shikoku Building.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The woman in black kimono walked in slowly.

  You Zhijie followed her carefully.

  The whole building was silent and full of cold silence. "Why is it so cold"

  You Zhijie was not well dressed, but he still felt the boundless cold. "Girl, aren't you cold?" You Zhijie looked at the woman in kimono so thinly dressed.


  The faint green mist slowly rushed forward along with the corridor at the end.

  You Zhijie seemed to feel a chill.

  he hastily (cdda) looking ahead

  When he saw the faint green mist,

  but in the next second

  You Zhijie trembled instantly!

  in the green mist

  One after another, strange and ferocious figures stared at You Zhijie and the woman in kimono! Densely packed—

  It filled the corridor like a tide! Blocking the way.


  "Let's go girl!"

  Although You Zhijie was frightened and panicked! But he still maintained his gentlemanly manner and loudly reminded the woman in black kimono



  The woman in black kimono didn't seem to hear his words.

  Do not!

  we can even say

  I didn't see the faint green mist in front of me, and the strange figures in the mist!

  She is still moving forward

  At the moment when her footsteps lightly stepped on the ground

  A mass of invisible energy, like a flood of sea, accompanies the kimono woman forward!

  You Zhijie only sees

  The moment the woman in black kimono moved forward.

  The figures blocking the front began to roar in madness and pain! It seemed that they had suffered a great deal of torture!

  These strange figures slowly dissipated in pain and mourning, leaving unwilling resentment.

  The woman in black kimono stepped forward.

  through the green mist

  those ghosts

  There is absolutely no resistance in front of her! "This"

  You Zhijie trembled even more. "What's all this?"

  He suddenly felt that he was in the most wrong desperate situation to come here!

  Who are they meeting?

  He hesitated.

  Thinking that women in black kimonos don't seem to be hostile to him.

  He gritted his teeth and continued to follow! "Master, what should I do, I can't hold on anymore!"

  Fourth floor.

  Kim Jong-jung shouted anxiously!

  in front of him.

  It's a dense figure - it can't be stopped at all, I tried my best to kill one, and as a result, there is no one.

  A few! It's just hopeless!

  In front of the corridor, Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong resisted, and at the back of the corridor, they handed over to Peacock and the Four Laws.

  Power Monk!

  They were after these faint green mists appeared.

  Move forward slowly.

  Everyone wanted to enter the room to hide


  Just opened the room and found that there are dense ghosts inside!

  In the end, everyone can only keep moving forward.

  available over time.

  Ma Xiaoling and Peacock's mana were almost exhausted.

  Everyone can move forward

  Only ten or twenty meters away.

  Still ten meters away.

  Only then can we reach the fifth floor of the stairs! "What should I do?"

  There were dense beads of sweat on Ma Xiaoling's forehead.

  Meimei stared straight ahead.

  She is also a little desperate now.

  Using exorcism to kill nearly fifty or sixty ghosts! But these ghosts seem to be endless.

  It cannot be completely eliminated!

  The peacock was attacked by a specter, and he couldn't support it, so he fell directly to the ground and spat out a

  Mouth of blood.

  Peacock fell to the ground.

  The breath of despair is worse

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter chapter 105 My name is Shadowmoon.


  The four Ligaoye mana monks also fell to the ground one after another.

  They were powerless to resist.

  Jin Mirai stood in the center, the pistol was out of bullets.

  The whole green corridor

  There was an endless roar.

  Ma Xiaoling looked back at the peacocks and the others who had fallen one after another, with a worried expression.

  This is a desperate situation!

  The way people can use

  already used

  Whether it's chanting incantations, setting up formations, or casting spells, all that can be used - use it!

  But these ghosts

  Very powerful!

  It's not like an ordinary ghost! It can't be solved by a talisman!

  "It's over

  "It's over!"


  Next to Ma Xiaoling's ear, there was a anxious voice from Kuang Fusheng.

  But no matter how anxious they are.

  With such a long distance apart, Uncle Qiu couldn't save him even if he wanted to.

  Ma Xiaoling did not speak.

  The hand she held the exorcism wand was already trembling faintly.

  Ghost in the fog

  It's really nasty!

  no matter what

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