"I heard something, didn't we tell you in Yingguo Town?" Jin Zhengzhong laughed, feeling this

  Peacock talk is very interesting.

  "Do not."

  Peacock shook his head. "We know the existence of the demon corpse in a record." Chang.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter 106 Sadako's Despair! Gentle Jiang Gu!

  [1 more!] "Save me? H" Hahahaha!"

  Sadako burst out laughing, and seemed to have heard a ridiculous sentence!



  Sadako felt an inexplicable fluctuation.


  She found out—

  own resentment.

  At this moment, it keeps dissipating!" You

  Sadako looked at Jiang Gu in awe!

  She sensed something was wrong!

  Immediately want to escape.


  But she found out.

  A terrifying and depressing aura—

  I don't know when she will be suppressed.

  fear, cold, fear

  Countless emotions intertwined.

  She couldn't move, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Jiang Gu, full of fear.

  Jiang Gu stood in the illusory space.

  He stretched out one hand forward, and his five fingers were lightly dotted in the void.

  He stood quietly.

  It's like playing the piano.


  Moderate. "One Four Three"

  Sadako's resentment

  Going crazy!

  These lingering grievances

  Slowly swept into Jiang Gu's body!

  Sadako couldn't move.

  Feel the resentment disappear

  the power in her

  It is also slowly dissipating.

  I don't know how long it took.

  maybe a minute

  maybe an hour

  Maybe a lifetime.

  Sadako felt a trace of resentment in her body.

  oppression on her.


  Sadako slumped helplessly in the illusory space.

  She looked at Jiang Gu anxiously.

  Jiang Gu, who is clearly elegant and gentle, looks like a devil to Sadako at this moment.


  Jiang Gu withdrew his hand.

  He looked at Sadako, who was collapsed on the ground, and walked over slowly.

  "You—you don't come here"

  Sadako looked at Jiang Gu in fear.

  Her resentment dissipated now

  It's like a woman who is helpless.

  He quietly came to Sadako, looked at Sadako looking at him with fear, Jiang Gu asked gently, "Did you kill him?"

  Jiang Gu's problem.

  Let Sadako look slightly stunned.

  She didn't respond at first.

  But in an instant.

  She seemed to have thought of something, the fear in her eyes disappeared, leaving only boundless resentment!

  She looked at Jiang Gu with beautiful eyes: "What do you know?" "It doesn't matter."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly.

  Sadako in front of her.

  It's just a sacrifice for the crow. "I will definitely kill him. I will."

  Sadako muttered to herself.

  she said

  Using all the strength of his body, he slowly stood up from the ground.

  "Your resentment" is good.

  Jiang Guwen looked at Sadako, who was weak in front of him, and said softly, "I'll give you a gift."


  He reached out and grabbed it.

  in the code world

  Countless images emerge

  most central

  It's the face of a middle-aged man!


  Jiang Gu's probing hands caught it!


  Countless golden light filled the air! In an instant, countless terrifying energies rushed towards Jiang Gu! "What are you doing?!" Sadako looked at Jiang Gu's movements with a complex expression. "He has many eminent monks beside him, you can't catch him!"

  She naturally knows what Jiang Gu wants to do

  This is what she wants to do too.


  That guy is surrounded by monks who have attained the Tao!

  myself at all

  There is no way to capture that person and torture him!

  And the crow told her.

  As long as the Great Blood Charm is successful.


  That man will die!

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  This is also why Sadako's resentment is so deep! The reason why he wants so much for the success of the Great Bloody Charm! "Shh."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly, one hand grabbed towards the void, and the other hand made a hissing gesture to Sadako softly.


  Sadako saw Jiang Gu's actions in front of her.

  One time

  The mind is full of complexity. "Where is the evildoer! How dare you show up!

  (Fuso language)”

  A few cold drinks appeared!

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