Sadako looked at the screen.

  In the picture

  The man sat motionless on the spot.

  He has been through it countless times.

  Sadako had tried countless times to capture him back.

  Can be biased

  They were all stopped by these famous monks!

  So he was surprised too!

  Seeing the man in the picture, Sadako's eyes instantly turned red! Full of pain! Resentment!

  If not

  If not for those stinky monks

  Sadako stared at the monk wearing a gray robe outside.

  These ones

  They are all eminent monks of Fusang!

  His way is very high! If there is one, Sadako can still deal with it, but there are five people guarding the man here.


  But now

  As the anger fades away

  You may not be able to handle even one


  Wait until the spell of the big blood is successfully cast! "Evil! Die!"

  An indifferent voice came out again!

  Countless Buddha lights shrouded!

  Through the code world! To Jianggu!

  Jianggu's hand

  gushing from the world of code

  Those Buddha lights hit him, but they didn't seem to make any waves at all! "This"

  Sadako looked at Jiang Gu in disbelief

  She knows how powerful those Buddha lights are!

  The man in front of you

  Did you just ignore it?!



  She heard the crisp sound of decapitation!

  Sadako's beautiful eyes looked into the screen.

  only see.

  One of the eminent monks, the head is directly separated from the body!





  Then there were four consecutive explosions!

  in the screen

  The remaining four monks

  The body exploded directly like a bomb!

  Flesh and blood—

  corpses everywhere


  Jiang Gu grabbed his hand.

  A man protected by five Fusang monks

  Directly caught by Jiang Gu! Go through countless codes

  Falling straight into the code world.

  The middle-aged man fell into the code world and looked around in panic.

  Finally, his eyes fell on Sadako.

  He trembled all over: "Zhen. Zhen. Zhenzi—"

  He was unscrupulous before because there were five eminent monks from the Fusang Kingdom who protected him.

  But now

  He looked terrified at the gentle and elegant man standing quietly beside Sadako.

  5.0 This man killed all those people!" You let me go "I didn't mean it before" "And I didn't violate it successfully, didn't I?" "I, I just had bad thoughts for a while. "

  The middle-aged man in a suit looked at Sadako in front of him, his body trembling constantly.

  Sadako looked at him sternly

  The resentment in the eyes is like the anger above the nine heavens!

  that one thing

  Let her autism leave an indelible shadow in her heart, tormenting her every night, let

  She is full of fear and fear of men——

  She even lost her confidence in life and lived in despair, perhaps because of the weird and mocking eyes of the people around her,

  Let her completely despair, and let her completely understand that she no longer has any meaning in this world.


  So she.

  Decided to go from there by the river.

  Wash off your own filth and die.

  [Finished two updates yesterday~ This is also the third update~].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Chapter 107 Let's go, I'll take you out


  Crow appeared

  "I didn't invite those monks to deal with you either, I just accidentally made an evil thought, you can let it go.

  Me, please, please"

  The middle-aged man knelt on the ground without dignity, his body trembling and begging for mercy.

  He knew that Sadako wanted to kill him before.

  But they were all stopped and even injured by five monks.

  So he hurriedly broke away from the five monks. "Monk

  Sadako looked at the man resentfully.

  Just hearing the man's words, she seemed to have found something.

  To know

  Her IQ is as high as 138

  If the monk was not invited by a man, who did it for him? "Crow"

  Sadako's eyes were fixed on a certain place in the code world! The resentment in her heart completely exploded at this moment.

  Fa! "What happened and how did it disappear?" The crow looked at the resentment beside him in disbelief.


  He turned his gaze to the code world.

  on the computer monitor.

  The monitors on the first to fourth floors are all damaged!

  He also knew it was caused by Shadowmoon's return.

  But why did Sadako's grievance suddenly diminish! Only the flames remained?" Mr. Lan 23 looked at Lan Dali, who was beside him. "Okay, let me help you and make this scene even more exciting!"

  Blue Dali laughed!

  He was smoking a cigar, and his hands were imprinted.

  A cloud of blue light gushing out!


  In an instant.

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