A mirror image emerges!" Who is that? m

  Crow and Kino saw an illusory figure standing beside Sadako at a glance.

  It's just that this figure is full of illusory and ethereal, as if wrapped in mist, making people unable to see its appearance.

  Look down on the clothes, even men and women do not know. "Mr. Lan, why can't you see clearly?" Chino asked.

  Lan Dali's expression changed slightly, looking at the man, he slowly took off his sunglasses, which were heavy. "Because this person is not to be spied on."

  He said solemnly.

  "Crow, you seem to have failed this time, but I'm very curious, how did you provoke such an existence

  Lan Dali shook his head.

  The three looked at the illusory figure inside and absorbed Sadako's resentment, and——

  Caught the man back through the code world!


  When Sadako was about to kill a man

  But I understand the truth!

  The weak flame

  In an instant, it went straight to the sky!

  "Oh? It seems that this scene is not over yet. Lan Dali stared at the illusory figure with solemn eyes.

  In the meantime, he felt a little uneasy.

  So that he can't even spy on it.

  In this world

  There are not many people. "This scumbag really thinks I won't keep a hand?" Crow said with a cold smile.

  "I won't let her kill this man, I will invite this guy out at the end to make Sadako's resentment even worse.


  Crow laughed.

  "Good strategy! Tsk tsk, if she finds out that even the people who helped her lied to her in the end, this resentment, but

  A monster that devours people. " Chino laughed.

  everything crows do.

  All planned.

  That includes protecting the man.

  One is to make Sadako feel more resentful.

  The second is when the Great Bloody Character Curse is about to be cast—invite this man out and tell Sadako the truth.

  the truth!

  such a cruel truth

  It will definitely make the fire of resentment burn even more fiercely!

  Great blood curse

  Will devour the whole world! "I see if you can absorb it!"

  "You think this will stop me?"

  The crow looked coldly at the illusory figure inside the phantom.

  "Now" is the time to cast!"

  He said softly, his hands began to seal.


  He suddenly frowned

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  He frowned.

  Because he saw the fifth floor.

  A woman wearing a black kimono slowly appeared like a beautiful woman in the world.

  Sadako's resentment is monstrous.

  She has no hesitation!

  Reach forward!


  The man's head exploded in an instant!

  Sadako looked at the top of the code world resentfully!

  she is at this moment

  Resentment is condensed! She is far more terrifying than before!" Shh.

  A small voice came out.

  Sadako's resentment was overwhelming, but under this voice.

  She found herself unable to move. "You are in pain

  A gentle voice echoed in his ears.

  Sadako looked at the man in front of her.

  Gentle as always

  She looked at the man's deep eyes.

  that's a pair

  It is as if the vicissitudes of endless years have emerged in the eyes.

  at this moment.

  Sadness in Sadako's Heart

  don't know why

  dissipating rapidly. "Come on, I'll take you out."

  Jiang Gu gently stretched out his hand.

  Sadako felt—

  breath of life.

  her heart.

  It's beating at the moment.

  Look at the man's outstretched hand.

  Sadako was dazed and gently pulled the man.

  An endless white fog came in front of him.

  She gently watched the man pull her into the endless white fog.



  while leaving.

  She heard a slight explosion.

  She turned her head in a trance.

  but see

  The soul of the man whose head had just been knocked off by her slowly dissipated in the illusory world.

  Soul flies away.

  this world

  He never seemed to exist.

  fifth floor.

  black kimono woman

  Slowly brought everyone to the fifth floor.



  She stopped.

  on the fifth floor.

  The ghost here

  The resentment is even more intense! It is even more terrifying!

  If the ghosts on the fourth floor are ghosts, then these are the kings of ghosts!

  These ghosts looked at Yingyue and others 037 strangely.

  twisted force

  It made Shadow Moon and others feel a terrifying suppression.

  "The whole building here is twisted by grievances, what kind of torture did these ghosts go through?

  Such resentment radiates. " Peacock said in a deep voice.

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