Follow behind Ma Xiaoling.

  The fifth floor has begun to collapse.

  Layers of cracks began to appear on the fourth floor of the building! "But I haven't found him yet!" Ma Xiaoling glared at Jin Zhengzhong, "I will lose money if he dies!" "Master, your eyes seem a little red? "Jin Zhengzhong noticed that Ma Xiaoling's eyes seemed a little red. "I didn't!" Ma Xiaoling turned her head.

  Looking at the empty corridor and the third floor, she seemed a little lost.

  Her beautiful eyes looked around quietly, seeming to be a little deaf to the collapse around her.



  Out of nowhere, a piece of white paper floated slowly in front of Ma Xiaoling. "Master, look!" Kim Jong-jung pointed at the blank paper in surprise.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the white paper on the ground with her beautiful eyes.

  【I'm going back. 】

  Simple five words.

  However, Ma Xiaoling's dangling heart was instantly relieved!

  Ma Xiaoling bent down gently and picked up the piece of paper.


  She just crumpled the piece of paper into a ball!" She left and didn't say it sooner! I'm worried here! I'll settle the account with you when I go back!"

  Ma Xiaoling angrily stuffed the ball of paper into her makeup box, bit her lips lightly, her voice a little angry.

  Jin Zhengzhong watched this scene quietly.

  In the face of his tough-mouthed and soft-hearted master, he naturally had a long history of insight.

  He shrugged, looked at the crumbling walls around him, and reminded: "Master" if he doesn't leave, I will be buried here. ".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 110 People from four hundred and eight hundred years ago!

  【5 more】

  Shikoku Building.

  after everyone leaves

  The whole building slowly collapsed

  The crowd went far away.

  "Are you really that Shadow Moon four hundred years ago?" You Zhijie asked curiously, looking at the woman in black kimono

  "What about your poor boy?" "Hey, didn't he just come?"

  Shadow Moon showed a gentle smile. "But he's not my poor boy, he's ~ my light."

  "Light?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Yingyue, Meimu thought a little: "The figure in the white mist just now was four hundred years ago.

  The one who broke the Crow's Bloody Charm? "Hmm."

  Shadowmoon nodded slightly. "He rescued me." "Come out in my most desperate, darkest moment and stretched out his hand to me." "And then I followed him for a century."

  There was a faint smile in Yingyue's eyes.

  It was a time of darkness and light.

  when she fell into the dark

  A ray of light came to her through countless darkness.

  "Then do you know his name?" Ma Xiaoling asked, looking at Yingyue nervously, looking forward to her


  If you know his name.


  maybe know

  Who is the third zombie king?

  The breath just now made Ma Xiaoling feel familiar, but she was not sure. "do not know."

  Shadow Moon smiled slightly. "But he left one thing for me."

  A bronze token slowly emerged in Shadow Moon's hand.

  A word is engraved on it.

  【List】. "List?"

  Peacock was slightly taken aback when he saw the surname. "Could it be that Gao Ye also knows someone named Chen?" Ma Xiaoling laughed.

  Peacock shook his head solemnly and said, "It's not that we are in Gaoye, but in the records, four hundred years ago,

  Sang country is in the midst of war, and in this war, an exorcist surnamed Chen came from Huaxia.

  "I heard that he traveled all over Fusang country in just half a year, with one sword and one sword, and countless monsters and ghosts were all in that half year.

  The disappearance left behind countless legends. "

  "Miss Shadowmoon, are you talking about him?"

  Shadow Moon smiled gently. "may be."

  She did not answer Peacock's words. "The surname is Chen Zhan to kill the demon." Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were a little confused.

  The scholar surnamed Chen

  Nature is the third zombie king

  But he slayed demons and demons, and traveled all over the country of Fusang for half a year with one sword and one person.

  The exorcist?

  Or the Zombie King?

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't understand.

  The idea of ​​this Zombie King.

  Been through so many things.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Yingyue next to her, and for a while she had a hard time deciding.

  as a horse family

  She should go straight to subdue this zombie.

  But Shadow Moon just saved her.

  And this shadow moon is also a poor person

  It is difficult for her to make a direct and decisive shot.

  not to mention.

  He wasn't necessarily Shadow Moon's opponent. "Maybe, not necessarily him." Ma Xiaoling looked at the token and muttered to herself. "Miss Shadowmoon, what happened four hundred years ago? w" Isn't it the same as the legend?"

  You Zhijie asked reluctantly.

  He is very fond of this poignant love story. "You want to know?" Shadow Moon looked at You Zhijie gently.

  She said softly:

  "There has never been light in this world, only dark fathers sacrificed their children to gain

  That supreme power, this is the truest appearance of the story. "

  There is no love, no poignant beauty, just a story of a desperate person falling into an endless abyss. "

  "Only above this abyss, there is a pair of hands, he is like light in the darkness, but he is also darkness

  "We never met or loved each other" I just want to follow in his footsteps and walk

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Through the vicissitudes of life, through the ends of the earth"

  Shadowmoon smiled.

  Under a gentle smile.

  But there is a permeating cold experience.

  No one can imagine-

  The person closest to him - betrayed himself, sacrificed himself, let himself sink in that darkness and despair,

  Let yourself be full of resentment against this world, even if you die, you can't die with peace of mind.

  Such cruel means.

  It will be cast on a person closest to him.

  person being cast

  How desperate and resentful?

  Simple story, but when I think about it, it's just a dark and desperate tragedy. "Okay" I went first. "

  Shadow Moon said softly to the crowd.

  She turned around slowly.

  Step forward.

  The figure disappeared from the eyes of everyone.

  This four hundred years ago

  those who were sacrificed.

  The feeling it brings is a mildness, but what you experience under the mildness is endless darkness.

  Dark and desperate. "Master, do you think this third zombie king is good or bad?" Jin Zhengzhong asked in confusion.

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