ask for flowers...

  He also knew the appearance of the third zombie king.

  This zombie king, who had never appeared in the records, suddenly appeared.

  All records

  Can't find the existence of the third zombie king!

  Only the white snake and Xiaoqing experienced a trace of records [-] years ago.

  So far for this.

  Little information is known about Ma Xiaoling and Kim Jong-jung.

  Eight hundred years ago.

  The last name is Chen.

  Desperate scholar.

  Then came today's events.

  Four hundred years ago.

  He may have been an exorcist who traveled all over the country of Fusang in just half a year, leaving behind countless legends.

  The short information makes it impossible to grasp his purpose and thoughts at all.

  Ma Xiaoling did not answer Kim Jong-jung's question.

  She couldn't answer either.

  The Ma family should keep upright and ward off evil spirits

  But if she thinks it is evil or not.

  So what is she going to do?

  "I think he must be good! He is so helpful!" Jin Miwei patted Jin Zhengzhong on the shoulder, "Gan

  Nephew, your question is really strange. It scared me to death today. I'm a little hungry now, why don't you eat?


  Jin Weiwei looked at everyone, she was big-hearted, and seemed to be able to put those behind her soon. "That's a good proposal! I'm so hungry too!" Kim Jung-jung nodded.

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at everyone.

  She was still thinking about what had just happened.

  The figure in the white fog just appeared for too short a time

  She didn't even have time to react.

  Scholar named Chen

  Her mind was a little confused.

  First, there was the "second" zombie king who was involved with the Ma family, and then there was the third one.

  Will there be a fourth one in the future?

  Ma Xiaoling is unknown." The second zombie king and the third zombie king appeared together—" "It seems that our Ma family women are busy."

  She shook her head, feeling a little hungry too. "Come on! Go to dinner, I'll treat you."

  Ma Xiaoling straightened her mood and said to several people.

  The crowd moved forward happily.

  while leaving.

  Ma Xiaoling looked back at the third floor thoughtfully.

  She seems to be thinking about something

  [It’s a bit empty. Next is a large plot. The author should think about it carefully. When writing, always

  I think a lot, so I wrote it slowly. I still owe you three chapters. This month, I will guarantee seven updates every day.

  Yes, there will be a lot of **~ So let's put the pigeons first today, and I will make up for it in the next two days~]



Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter 112 Last day of December

  The whole body of the coffin is black copper ink.

  copper ink all over

  It is a dense golden talisman!


  Dense chains!

  The chain tightly pulled the black copper ink coffin, one end locked the coffin, and the other was leading to the top of the space.

  Layers of rock, the chains are thick, like iron pillars! The formation composed of countless such chains is deadly.

  trapped the coffin. "It's back"

  Jiang Gu smiled softly and stepped forward.

  He walked across the bluestone path.

  This front platform coffin.

  It's where he slept.

  He walked to the front of the coffin.

  Around the coffin, the platform is concave, and the coffin is stuck here.

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes looked at the coffin in front of him.

  A gentle smile appeared.

  His fingers lightly.


  A heavy sound came out.

  Jiang Gu walked into the coffin gently, and then lay down slowly


  The coffin closes gently!

  at this moment

  Countless inexplicable forces surged in an instant!

  The originally dark talisman now shines brightly!

  the whole cave

  Seems like a golden curtain!

  Research 23.

  As the coffin was slowly pulled up.

  A darkness hit Jiang Gu.

  December [-] AD.

  It's winter time.

  The weather is getting colder.

  There were fewer pedestrians on the street.

  Jin Mirai left Jiajia Building and walked into a supermarket.

  She was holding a bottle of beer, but she looked a little dazed.

  these days.

  She dreams of Domoto Jing every day.

  Domoto Jing always speaks a lot to her for no reason, and even threatens that the world is his


  Jin Mirai himself went to Fusang country to relax because of this, but he didn't expect to come back

  Still dreaming of Domoto Jing. "Is it because I met him once in Fusang country?"

  Kim Miku muttered to himself.

  She doesn't hate Domoto Jing, on the contrary, Domoto Jing is like a child to her.

  That's right.

  Just a kid.

  He said that he was serving the will of God, becoming a scavenger in this filthy world, the woman he killed

  Children are guilty of sin, and he is punishing these girls by God!

  He talked about his tragic childhood and his experience of encountering gods and angels.

  that experience.

  For Jin Mirai, it was naturally regarded as a fantasy of his delusional disorder.

  She remembers-

  When she was in Fusang Country, she had a big quarrel with Domoto Jing. She wanted Domoto Jing's normal pursuit.

  yourself, not pretending to be a noble zombie

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