Where are there zombies in this world? "Where are there zombies in this world!" Jin Miku muttered.

  "I'm starving to death. I don't know why I can't eat anything recently."

  She remembered that she wanted Domoto Jing to see clearly that there are no zombies in this world! So she asked Domoto to see clearly.

  Quietly bite yourself and let him understand that he is not a zombie at all!


  She remembered that her consciousness seemed a little fuzzy. "Hey! I must be stupid! How can I think so much!"

  Jin Mirai shook his head, packed some beers, and walked out of the supermarket.

  Just walked out of the supermarket.

  She suddenly felt a throbbing.

  This throbbing.

  Let her stand in place immediately.

  A throbbing that seems to be beating in the heart!

  It seemed like a longing.

  an extreme for blood

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  she wants blood

  For blood—"Guru."

  She swallowed down her throat.

  she looks

  looking at a girl

  She slowly followed the girl and walked to the dark place. "Roar

  A roar.

  From her mouth, two fangs appeared in an instant.


  In this moment!

  A figure appeared in an instant, directly holding down Jin Miwei!

  Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jin Weiwei in front of her.

  She didn't know how to explain her inner complexity.

  Obviously she is the descendant of the exorcism dragon clan who guards the righteousness and wards off evil spirits! But these zombies, she is unable to subdue them!

  The golden future ahead.

  After leaving the Shikoku Building, Ma Xiaoling instructed Kim Jong-jung to use a memory stick to erase Kim's memory.

  No one thought that she would turn into a zombie after she came back.

  If not Kuang Tianyou was nearby

  Seeing that Kim Miku lost his mind and wanted to bite

  He directly shot and held Jin Weiwei! He brought Jin Weiwei to Ma Xiaoling.

  "Could it be that Tang Benjing bit me?" Jin Miwei sat on the chair and looked at Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou's scrutiny,

  She looked a little uneasy: "Is Domoto Jing really a zombie?"

  By now.

  She knew she couldn't hide it

  Then he told Ma Xiaoling everything that happened in his Fusang country. "What! Did you meet Tang Benjing?" Kuang Tianyou heard Jin Weiwei's remarks and said helplessly: "He is now

  But the wanted criminal, you should stay away from him when you meet him, but how did he become a real zombie?"

  Kuang Tianyou looked a little puzzled. "Tang Ben Jing?" Ma Xiaoling frowned.

  Domoto Jing——

  Shouldn't it be a fake zombie? How could it suddenly turn into a zombie and bite Jin Miku.

  "Forget it, now I'm too lazy to subdue you, but if I find out that you suck human blood, I will

  I will definitely take you in!"

  Ma Xiaoling glared at Kuang Tianyou and Jin Weiwei.

  She's so upset right now


  Recently, there has always been an inexplicable resentment above the Xiangjiang River.

  She originally wanted to call Shang Jianggu, a weirdo, to investigate.

  But found

  After Jiang Gu returned from Fusang, 820 disappeared.

  That's right.

  just disappeared.

  Even Uiharu didn't know where he went. "What's going on recently?" Ma Xiaoling pouted.

  Ding dong.

  The doorbell rang.

  Jin Zhengzhong hurriedly went over to open the door.

  open the door.

  Uncle Qiu rushed in in a hurry. "Xiao Ling, things may be a little serious!"

  Uncle Qiu wore glasses and looked solemn: "I have investigated the grievances above Xiangjiang in detail these days,

  Now these grievances have begun to gradually permeate outside the Xiangjiang River, and gradually permeate the entire land of China.

  "I calculated the horoscope and the calendar, and found that tomorrow, the [-]st of January, in the early hours of the morning, is

  When the moon is full, this day is the time when yin qi leaks out

  "On this day, the moon will also turn blood red, once the moon turns blood red, it is yin qi

  The time of leakage! And the leakage of yin on this day is a hundred times or even a thousand times that of the three days!"

  Uncle Qiu looked at everyone solemnly.

  "In ancient times, the demon ancestor Luo Xia wanted to hold the ceremony of burying the moon to turn the three worlds of heaven, earth and human into a prajna hell.

  And he absorbed these mysterious yin qi and became the king of the three worlds of heaven, earth and human. "

  m ten thousand years ago, five brave men stopped him, and in Dames' prediction, he should be in July [-]

  Funeral Moon, but nothing happened during that time." And now I doubt that this resentment has something to do with Luohu.".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 113 Chaos broke out! World catastrophe!

  【3 more】

  Funeral Moon.

  Profound Yin Qi.

  Uncle Qiu said a lot of words directly.

  This passage.

  Everyone present was stunned. "What if the Moon Burial is successful?" Ma Xiaoling asked solemnly.

  "The world will be reduced to Prajna hell. The gates of hell will be opened, and the world will be plunged into endless chaos.

  chaos and darkness. w" This is a catastrophe in the world

  Uncle Qiu took a deep breath, his eyes dignified. "It's already the last day of December, which means that Luohu may be buried in the moon tonight?" Ma Xiao

  Ling's expression changed slightly!

  "I'm not sure, according to records, the five heroes of the ancient catastrophe killed Luo Hu ten thousand years ago, Luo Xia is very likely

  Neng died [-] years ago, but the five heroes have been reincarnated. I don't know if Luohu will also be reincarnated.

  Uncle Qi shook his head.

  He wasn't sure.

  but he feels

  There are great possibilities. "Are you kidding me? You seem to be very calm these days." Jin Miwei cautiously


  "If it's calm, it doesn't count. Recently, there have been many people missing from the police station, and many people have come to report the case. We

  Police stations were packed. "

  Kuang Tianyou said in a deep voice.

  "Originally, Tang Benjing's case has led to the ongoing investigation of the Xiangjiang police. These cases of disappearance, our police

  Colleagues in the bureau thought it was an illegal assembly.

  It wasn't a big deal.

  After all, it wasn't a long time to disappear.

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