
  With his power revived.

  He can slightly affect himself in extreme darkness.

  He can feel his coldness and ruthlessness, and he can also feel his bloodlust.

  After extreme madness.

  It is the ultimate tranquility.

  He has experienced vicissitudes of life, and he has also been crazy in the years.

  Available after the first extreme dark recovery.

  He completely sealed himself. "*Friend second form."

  He leaned against the black copper ink coffin and muttered to himself.

  Long years have passed.

  He has not yet evolved into the second form.

  And the generals in the second form are beyond his ability to deal with.

  The second catastrophe.

  The second catastrophe

  His deep eyes looked at the space with a faint golden glow in front of him.

  Jiajia Building.

  Uiharu and Sadako returned to the room. "Jiang Gujun."

  The room was a little quiet.

  Chuchun looked at the dark room, and there was a trace of worry in her beautiful eyes. "Jiang Gujun, it's alright." Sadako said softly. "I know, he will be fine." Chuchun smiled slightly.

  She just felt something wrong.

  She saw (Wang Hao) the figure in the white mist.

  Those eyes.

  She felt a strange familiarity.

  Whether it is Jiang Gujun or not.

  But the disappearance of Jiang Gujun made Chuchun and Sadako a little worried.


  Jiajia Building Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  Ma Xiaoling returned to the living room without the lights on.

  She walked quietly to the chair and sat quietly at the computer desk.

  in mind.

  Think back to the scene just now.

  Second Zombie King - Appears again.

  The first catastrophe.

  It turned out to be the second zombie king who had helped her.

  She felt a little confused in her mind.


  She saw that the dragon god who guarded the Ma family generation would fight against the man in white together with the second zombie king.

  This is the Dragon God.

  The Ma family has been worshipped for generations, and this dragon has also guarded Ma Jiayi for generations.

  But it would be willing to help, or surrender to the second zombie king. "Ancestors" between you, what happened?".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 129 After the catastrophe, the lost record of the Ma family!

  【5 more】

  Silent night.

  No one could answer her. "Xiao Ling

  A weak voice sounded.

  Madonna appeared in front of her gently, but her breath was a little weak.

  "Auntie, you said what happened between our Ma family and the second zombie king!" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  mouth asked.

  "I was really scared to death just now." Madonna patted her chest with lingering fears," Fortunately, the appearance of the golden light

  But where did the golden light come from? m" You ask this question, how does your aunt know, but there must be records of the loss of the Ma family!" "But now the whole world is probably in chaos, right?"

  Ma Danna floated in front of Ma Xiaoling.

  Just that scene.

  She also saw it. "Golden Light" Ma Xiaoling couldn't help thinking of Jinguang. "Auntie, do you think that golden light is like the return of all things?"

  Ma Xiaoling asked suddenly.

  It's amazing that the golden light can repair everything. "All things return to their original symbols?" Ma Danna was slightly taken aback, "It should be more than that, if it weren't for the appearance of that golden light, this disaster would have been lost.

  We can't stop it. ""Could that be arranged by Jiang Gu?" Ma Xiaoling suddenly thought of this possibility.

  "Why are you 497 talking about that kid all day? Could it be that you fell in love with him?" Ma Danna looked at Ma

  Xiaoling, suddenly thought of something and asked. "How can I have it!" Ma Xiaoling directly vetoed.

  "Don't forget" "I know, you can't shed a tear for a man! I've heard it many, many, many times!"

  Ma Xiaoling glared at Ma Dannuo angrily. "It's good to know!" Ma Danna looked at Ma Xiaoling helplessly. "Whether you like it or not, the women of the Ma family are destined to miss everyone."

  Ma Danna looked at Ma Xiaoling in the dark night and sighed slightly: "Xiaoling, the scourge of the zombie king, you

  I just saw that the whole world was destroyed by them.

  "Our Ma family has been guarding the righteousness and warding off evil spirits since ancient times, slaying demons and eliminating demons, and naturally we can't watch all this helplessly.

  Happened-" All this is a bit cruel to you, but who let us all experience it.

  Ma Danna looked at Ma Xiaoling with pity.

  Ma Xiaoling sat on a chair.

  Hearing Madonna's words, she suddenly stood up. "Xiaoling, what are you doing?"

  Ma Xiaoling directly picked up the vanity case, "I'm going to find the missing third paragraph of the Ma family record."

  "I'm looking for it tomorrow (cdaa), it's getting dark now."


  Ma Xiaoling let out a weak voice.

  Ma Danna looked at Ma Xiaoling and knew that she was in a bad mood, so she didn't bother Ma Xiaoling and went back to the teapot. "Smelly Aunt

  Ma Xiaoling pouted. "This weirdo doesn't know where to go."

  she suspects

  That golden light.

  Maybe it has something to do with Jiang Gu.


  This weirdo may have known about the first catastrophe?

  just anyway

  This is just Ma Xiaoling's guess.

  She looked at the night quietly with her beautiful eyes.

  The troubles and confusion in my mind seemed to gradually calm down with the darkness in front of me.

  She at this time.

  It seems to understand somewhat.

  Why does Jiang Gu always like to stare into the dark night.

  On his body

  There always seemed to be something she couldn't see through. "wack"

  Ma Xiaoling muttered.

  The next morning. "According to the latest news reports."

  "Yesterday, many high-rise buildings around the world collapsed. According to the investigation of experts, it is suspected that the accident may have occurred yesterday.

  There was an inexplicable earthquake. "

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "And according to the latest information, this earthquake in Xiangjiang is the most serious, and the number of missing persons is also

  There are [-] people, and there are still some information that cannot be collected. "" But these missing people are likely to die in the earthquake

  Ask your uncle to sit in the living room.

  Watching news reports on TV.

  "Of course, there are some strange things here, we will invite the Li family, Wang family and other Taoist families to enter the Taoist family.

  Please continue to listen to the next report.

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