Please watch the news reports quietly.


  what happened yesterday

  Ordinary people simply don't remember.

  "The golden light

  Beg uncle muttered to himself.

  He was curious.

  Where did that golden light come from?

  After the golden light.

  Where did the second zombie king go?

  And the man in the white long coat, who is he?

  There's too much fog in here.

  bang bang.

  Uncle Qiu was thinking.

  A knock was heard.

  open the door.

  Ma Xiaoling was holding a vanity case in her hand, wearing a white padded jacket and a white short skirt, and stood outside. "come in.

  Uncle begged to walk in slowly. "Now the entire Taoist and exorcist families are boiling." Your Ma family is constantly being discussed. "

  Uncle Qiu sighed helplessly. "Talking about us?" Ma Xiaoling smiled: "What is there to talk about in our Ma family?" Of course it was the Dragon God. "" Who doesn't know that the killer of your Ma family's generation is the Dragon God, and now the dragon body is going to help the second zombie king

  Naturally they want to discuss. "The problem is the records of your Ma family, and it's impossible for them to know."

  Uncle Qiu sat on the chair, his voice was a little helpless.

  "If they knew, the most legendary character of the exorcist turned out to be a zombie king, and the entire exorcism faction

  Will they be crazy?"

  Uncle asked in a deep voice.

  This is no joke.

  This subversive record, especially the record two thousand years ago, is very important to many exorcism families and Taoists.

  Ma Linger and that person are both legends and even beliefs of exorcists.

  Once found

  The dark turmoil that erupted after five years.

  It has something to do with the horse family.

  So the reputation of the Ma family

  will be destroyed.

  Ma Xiaoling's expression did not change, but she was still indifferent: "So what, can they still eat me?"

  "My horse family eliminates demons, and I have never relied on them."

  When Uncle Qiu heard Ma Xiaoling's words, he shook his head: "Are you in a bad mood today?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked ahead: "I feel like my head is about to burst." "Uncle, I want to know the third paragraph of the missing record of the Ma family."

  The dragon of the horse family.

  what happened two thousand years ago.

  The zombie king who was involved with the Ma family.


  two thousand years ago.

  What the hell happened.

  Why is this zombie king so weird.


  She could find the answer in the records.

  and so.

  She came to beg uncle early in the morning. "The lost records of the Ma family." I've been rummaging for information these days, and I thought I'd tell you after this period of time. "But now the situation is urgent, and I don't know if the real catastrophe will happen again suddenly, and it can be done earlier.

  It's a good thing to find out. "

  Ask uncle to say.

  Slowly, he took out a shabby and wrinkled ancient book from the drawer.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 130 Ma Family Records! Has the Zombie King been seriously injured?

  【6 more】

  "The lost records of the Ma family, many records are actually annihilated in the long river, I want to find out about the third paragraph

  Lost records are very difficult.

  "Especially, the decline of the exorcism inheritance has a great relationship with the records of the Ma family, two thousand years,

  Can destroy a lot of things. "

  Uncle begged to pick up the wrinkled book.

  He looked at Ma Xiaoling and said solemnly: "You must pay attention to find the hidden contents in the lost records of the Ma family.

  crisis may become more and more dangerous.

  Ma Xiaoling's white tender and beautiful cheeks showed a few indifferent smiles: "Anyway, I have gone through so many lives.

  Death crisis, I think I should not be afraid of death.

  So many life-and-death crises.

  Yingguo Town, Jiajia Building, Hot Spring Hotel, Hunrenping, Daxueji Mantra and the first incident that just happened.

  A catastrophe.

  These life-and-death crises.

  She has been through it all.

  Especially the first robbery.

  She wants to improve her own way more and more.

  She doesn't want to look at everything weakly--


  She wanted to be qualified to stand in front of the Zombie King.

  tell him loudly!


  A descendant of the Ma family.

  also come

  To subdue him for the ancestors of the Ma family!

  But her way.

  How did she stand in front of that zombie king?

  Uncle Qiu also smiled when he heard the words, but then his face gradually became serious.

  "I found in this record about the places where the ancestors of the Ma family went, and it may be one of them.

  A record, but I'm not sure if it's part three.

  Uncle begged to open the page.

  on old books.

  It is the densely packed Qin Dynasty Xiaozhuan. "Here-" "There is a legend." "It's a legend about the state of Qi."

  Uncle Qiu said solemnly. "Qi Kingdom?"

  Ma Xiaoling was slightly taken aback.

  During the Qin Dynasty, the six kingdoms were finally perished and unified, it seems that it was in the twenty-sixth year of the first emperor. "As you think, the army of the Qin Dynasty had already destroyed Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, and Yan." "After the fall of the five kingdoms, only the remnants of Qi and Yan and Zhao in the east were left."" 222 BC In [-], Qin general Wang Ben led an army to annihilate the Yan army in Liaodong, captured Yan Wangxi, and on the way back to the division

  On behalf of the North, he captured Wang Jia, the remaining member of the Zhao State, and then took advantage of the emptiness of Yan to press on the State of Qi.Qi Wangjian hurried on the western front

  Assemble the army and prepare to resist.

  this history.

  is well known to many people.

  It was also the last battle for Qin to destroy Qi.

  after this war.

  Qin Dynasty unified the six countries, Qin Shi Huang became the first emperor in Chinese history.

  "This record is in history, and the legend I want to talk about comes from no record in the

  Things that happened.

  Uncle Qiu said slowly: "At that time, the Qin army avoided the main force of the Qi army on the western front and went straight to Linzi, the capital of the Qi state from the north. Under the situation of the Qin state's large army, the King of Qi surrendered without a fight, and the state of Qi perished like this. .A

  *But in this legend, Qi Wangjian did not surrender without a fight.

  There are not many troops, but "in the capital of King Qi, King Qi has a younger brother named Tian Jia."

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