"At that time, there were many disciples under Tianjiao, and these disciples of his had special abilities."

  Ma Xiaoling was unaware of this record.

  In fact, many historical records are not very true.

  Among the records circulating in many families, Fang is the most authentic.

  Even legends.

  There is also some basis. "These disciples say they are special abilities, but they are actually demons and monsters."

  "When the Qin army attacked the capital of the king of Qi,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  After waiting, these disciples appeared in the army and confronted the Qin army.

  The slaughter unfolded.

  "Almost all of these monsters and monsters are vicious monsters with extremely violent anger. They appear only once, and they will

  The people killed by the Qin ** team turned their backs on their horses. "On that day, the battlefield was dyed blood, and both demonic and hostile aura coexisted."

  "And the most important thing is that these demons and ghosts not only killed Qin's army, but also because of the consumption of demon power.

  They wantonly slaughtered the people of Qi Wangdu. ""In this difficult time. "Your Ma ancestors and the zombie king arrived here."

  Uncle begged to close the record slowly.

  "It is this record that made your Ma family famous in the Qin country, and Qin Shihuang, who also wants to see

  Your horse ancestors.

  "Although there are only a few words in the legend, I have also heard from some exorcist families that at that time there were all false disciples.

  No less than a thousand, thousands of demons and monsters, it must be a battle of life and death.

  The uncle continued.

  Ma Xiaoling asked, "Could it be that the lost records of the Ma family are on the battlefield?"

  Uncle Qiu shook his head: "I have checked a lot of records, the ancestors of the Ma family once went from Hunrenping Mountain in the last year

  After leaving, he appeared at the old site in Qi State and went to Wangwu Mountain. 4

  "And in this legend, the degree of danger is extremely high, and I heard that in this battle, your Ma ancestors

  Both the man and the man were seriously injured, because the ancestors of the Ma family and that man killed a lot of their kind, and they chased after him.

  And go. "

  Asking for flowers..." It's very possible that they chased after Wangwu Mountain." "A lot of things may have happened here." "Part of the lost records of your Ma family is very likely in Wangwu Mountain."

  Uncle begged to say everything he wanted to say in one breath.

  This is the information and records he can find.

  These data and records are scattered.

  It's not easy for him to find.

  When Ma Xiaoling heard the words, she froze slightly.

  They escaped with serious injuries.

  a zombie king

  Seriously injured?

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't help thinking of the figure under the white mist yesterday.

  The figure under the white mist.

  Not to mention thousands of doormen.

  Even if it is tens of thousands of guests, I am afraid that it is not its opponent, right?

  how could he

  Seriously injured?

  Ma Xiaoling became more and more curious in her heart.

  What the hell is going on here.

  Whether it is on the battlefield or on Wangwu Mountain.

  "It's really hypocritical," Ma Xiaoling murmured: "Isn't it just that they were injured and escaped together, and they even released a part of it on purpose?

  record. "

  Uncle Qiu glanced at Ma Xiaoling helplessly, and smiled bitterly: "Actually, these should be regarded as your Ma family ancestors and

  The most profound memory of the zombie king, it is not impossible for her to put the records here. ""Human"" is often the time when the closest to death, the deeper the memory in the mind. ""Whether it's a man or a woman. "

  Uncle Qiu sighed.

  Ma Xiaoling listened.

  But in my mind I remembered the hot spring hotel that He Jianggu experienced and the curse of the big blood.

  She bit her lip and muttered, "I won't."

  Uncle Qiu pretended not to hear Ma Xiaoling's words.

  He knew it anyway.

  Ma Xiaoling has always been very resistant to emotional matters and is reluctant to admit it.


  The women of the Ma family are like this. "As far as I know." "Wangwushan is likely to hide the descendants of the original disciples. If you go, you must be careful."

  [Mmmm, I, I, I'll go to bed first, wake up tomorrow for the ninth watch, the day after tomorrow, the ninth watch, this

  A few chapters are quite troublesome. Today, let’s start with six updates for the time being~ Thank you for your support! We guarantee seven updates every day! Less

  Make up for it~] Chuan.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 131 Jiang Gu in the blurred portrait! Who is it?

  [1/9] "The main thing is the crazy zombie king."

  "Last time he shot at Hunrenping Mountain, maybe it was for some reason, but now, when you meet him, you will

  flee directly. "

  Uncle Qiu said solemnly.

  The maker of the first calamity in the world.

  Especially after absorbing the Qi of Profound Yin——

  No one can handle him!

  that battle

  Uncle Qiu and the others finally understood that the zombie king, who was involved with the Ma family, was far from what they could deal with.

  "That's why I'm going to look for the lost records."

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes showed a trance. "Finding these records, we may be able to understand the weakness of this zombie king."

  In her heart, the image of the zombie king appeared constantly.

  why yesterday

  Will this zombie king be so mad?

  The more puzzled.

  The more curious she became.

  Especially when she saw "Three Four Zeros" from the lost second record, the confrontation between her ancestors and the zombie king.

  From the words, the zombie king seems to be very jealous.

  What is the reason and the thing

  Caused the Zombie King to undergo such a big transformation? "Maybe." "That record will give an answer."

  Ma Xiaoling said to herself. "Xiaoling, when are you going to leave?" asked Uncle Qiu.

  Ma Xiaoling thought for a while.

  She did not immediately answer the beggar. "Wait a few days." "Wait a few days?" Uncle Qiu glanced at Ma Xiaoling, "This is not your style." "But yes, it is very dangerous there. Although the exorcism has declined, we still have a lot of them. remove

  Interestingly, many monsters and monsters began to appear after yesterday. "" On the other side of Wangwushan, there was also a lot of movement. There were already many monsters gathered there.

  Fear of a bigger crisis.

  Uncle begged nodded.

  Ma Xiaoling's previous character.

  Do things but never hesitate.

  But he also figured out one of them. "Are you waiting for Jiang Gu?" Uncle Qiu suddenly thought of something and asked.

  "Why am I waiting for him." Ma Xiaoling did not admit it.

  She really wanted to wait for Jiang Gu.

  Maybe Jiang Gu's talisman is very powerful.

  Maybe it's Jiang Gu's character that can make her quiet.


  Jiang Gu can give her an inexplicable feeling.

  That feeling.

  It seems to be a sense of familiarity. Familiarity contains a few traces of dependence, which makes her a little entangled with Jiang Gu now.

  Horse woman.

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