

  She, Jiang Gu and Hun Yaozun raised their heads.

  I saw above the clouds.

  A pair of blood-red eyes stared at the three of them coldly.

  In those eyes.

  Full of icy and ruthless!

  The white fog covered his figure!

  Can only see this behemoth obscuring the sky!


  A roar!

  This figure slammed down directly!


  Ma Xiaoling, Jiang Gu, and Hun Yaozun hide directly to the left and right and behind!

  Ma Xiaoling hid to the left.

  Looking at the second Zombie King of such a behemoth! She looked slightly taken aback!


  She saw that palm shot!

  The gate of the entire Taoist temple was smashed in an instant! A huge palm print was blown out on the ground!

  this moment.

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't tell the difference.

  This is the real body.

  It's just that drop of blood that's phantom!

  The figure roared! The violent breath echoed throughout the sky!

  A wave of violent violence spreads out!

  In an instant, Ma Xiaoling felt a huge force attacking her!

  She was just about to cast a spell seal!

  Can be biased

  She remembered that she couldn't seem to cast the Tao!


  Use a spell!

  In an instant, a talisman appeared in her hand and hit the front!

  A ray of energy emerged! Instantly blocked in front of her!


  This violent force is extremely destructive!

  (Zhao Hao) The entire gate of the magnificent Taoist temple was smashed into ruins by this violent force!


  A few cracks appeared in the light curtain!

  This crack keeps growing!

  Seems to be in the next second!

  It will break open! "Come again!"

  Ma Xiaoling hit another talisman!

  Another light curtain!


  The light curtain in front of her shattered!

  The second cast of the protective charm.

  Finally stop this power!

  It's just that I haven't recovered yet!

  But seeing this shadowy figure seemed to be mad.

  Another roar of rage


  Someone is attacking it!

  A more terrifying force

  Once again, the swarms are coming towards Ma Xiaoling!

  terrifying mighty force

  Directly broke the light curtain!

  [There's still one chapter left, I'll make it up tomorrow~ Thank you for your support all the way, thank you very much~ The author's bacteria will be guaranteed to explode

  Liver continues to update! Ollie gives it!].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 139 Blood fog condensation! The blood belonging to Jiang Gu!


  The light curtain in front of you.

  Directly turned into pieces and scattered!

  The terrifying energy swept over in an instant!

  Ma Xiaoling's body is about to be torn apart under this power! The body suddenly retreats! The talisman on her body

  The curse is blown again!

  at this moment.

  A figure appeared in front of her eyes, blocking this energy with ease!

  But even so.

  That thick blood mist.

  Pour into Ma Xiaoling's body again!

  At the moment when Ma Xiaoling's consciousness gradually sank, she felt the monstrous corpse aura from the figure in front of her.

  emerge on.

  A low growl.

  It reverberated in Ma Xiaoling's last consciousness. "Zombie King"

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes were confused, and her eyes were dark.

  Another bloody world.

  It was the vast bloody grass again.

  Ma Xiaoling opened her eyes in a daze.

  A light wind blows by.

  She felt a chill.

  She saw the figure again.

  Qin Chao's black gown stood under the ancient tree and stared at the sky quietly.

  "who are you

  Ma Xiaoling stood up weakly.

  She rubbed her forehead.


  It was a little dull.

  "Me." "I'm just a drop of blood."

  A chuckle came, and the figure answered her words. "A drop of blood?" Ma Xiaoling's head was a little dizzy, "Are you the blood that dripped 070 on Wangwu Mountain?" "Why do you do this? m

  Ma Xiaoling said in a responsible manner.

  She didn't know why.

  She couldn't seem to be angry with the figure in front of her.

  "I'm just a drop of blood, a drop of blood that a man shed for a woman two thousand years ago, I'm here waiting

  Everything about the outside world is beyond my control. "But" that was his strength. "The figure smiled slowly.

  his power?

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to understand something.

  The essence of this drop of blood does not understand control.

  But this drop of blood is the blood of the zombie king, and the strange power emanating from it is not what this drop of blood can do

  controlling. "A man sheds blood for a woman," Ma Xiaoling repeated.

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