This is naturally the blood shed by the zombie king for his ancestor Ma Linger.

  in the legend

  Both were seriously injured.

  escaped here.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes are a little confused, both of them can block a fatal blow for each other

  Why two thousand years later.

  One became the source of the first catastrophe.

  A curse for the Ma family to hunt him down for two thousand years.


  What happened? "You gave birth to Lingzhi?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  The figure shook his head: "I'm just a drop of blood he left behind, I carry the blood he shed (cd be)

  Everything he thought about, and all his emotions, waiting here endlessly, waiting for a person

  Ma Xiaoling listened.

  Looking a little dazed.

  She suddenly wanted to know

  What was he thinking when he shed this drop of blood.

  "Then what was he thinking when he was bleeding this drop of blood?" Ma Xiaoling looked at the figure in front of her eyes. "you."

  The eyes of the figure were in endless blur.

  He looked at Ma Xiaoling. "he came."

  The figure suddenly said.

  Ma Xiaoling hasn't reacted yet.

  The blood-colored world in front of me collapsed again.

  Fragments collapse.

  Peace is back!

  Wangwushan Quanzhen Taoist Temple.

  Jiang Gu stood in front of Ma Xiaoling.

  The blood-colored eyes looked at the figure hundreds of feet tall in front of him!


  His figure surged to the sky in an instant.

  above the sky.

  He pointed it out!

  Endless power instantly enveloped this hundred-zhang tall figure!


  These forces are beginning to gather together!

  Slowly moved towards the core of the figure.

  The core of the figure.

  It is a meadow above the steps of the main hall of the Taoist temple.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  A drop of blood stood quietly in the middle of the grass.

  There was a strange blood mist.

  Endless power shrouded in!

  This drop of blood began to tremble wildly!

  Jiang Gu warmed his eyes.

  Through the body of hundreds of feet.

  Looking at the drop of blood.

  This is his blood.

  Blood shed two thousand years ago.

  He vaguely remembered.

  The woman gently wiped the drop of blood for him with a white cloth.

  But he didn't think so.

  This drop of blood was actually preserved by her.

  Is it

  He seemed to want to understand something.

  Maybe from that moment.

  his identity

  Already known to her.


  Jiang Gu's gentle eyes once again showed waves.


  This drop of blood desperately resists!


  Jiang Gu's deep eyes.

  through this drop of blood.

  It was discovered that in this bright blood, there was a trace of something that did not belong to his blood.

  And it is this thing.

  resulting in changes in blood.

  Otherwise, no matter how his blood stays in the outside world, no matter what the messy energy is,

  Can't let his blood produce impurities.

  Too late to think about it.

  Jiang Gu's gentle eyes narrowed slightly.

  A more tyrannical energy of willpower suddenly made this drop of blood burst open!

  at this moment!

  The terrifying blood-colored fog covered the sky and covered the sky like a sea of ​​​​in an instant that filled the entire Wangwu Mountain!

  Whether it is the top of Wangwu Mountain! Or the foot of Wangwu Mountain!

  Filled with a faint blood-colored mist!

  And the closer it is to Wangwu Mountain.

  The blood-colored fog is getting thicker!"Ahhhh-""Don't! Forgive us! Forgive us!""Let us go

  In an instant.

  Painful voice.

  It came intermittently in Wangwu Mountain!

  Those mad people are eroded by this blood mist at this moment, and their bodies are in severe pain!

  Constantly shredding and then reorganizing!

  Such pain.

  Experience once a second!

  Let these people go insane! The pain is unbearable! But they can't survive and can't die!"

  Jiang Gu pointed out.

  The thick blood mist on the top of the mountain gradually condensed into a trace of blood droplets on his fingertips.



  Those thick blood mists rushed towards this trace of blood madly.

  The first is the blood-colored fog on the periphery. The faint blood-colored fog slowly dissipated, like the tide rising and falling,

  Slowly condensing towards Jiang Gu's fingertips.

  This drop of blood.

  Just like a speck of dust.

  Now as the blood-colored mist condenses, it gradually condenses into a complete drop of blood.

  These bloody mists.

  Nature is part of this drop of blood.

  It can be said that the cursed people on Wangwu Mountain were all contaminated with a trace of Jianggu's blood, which led to

  These people can't survive and can't die.

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