
  A bright light appeared in Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  Jiajia Building.

  He was standing beside him.

  Think of this.

  She slowed down quite a bit.

  But in her heart.

  There are still countless questions.

  The biggest question is whether this Jiang Gu is the third zombie king!

  Everything was connected, making Ma Xiaoling more and more uneasy, but she remembered the scene in Jiajia Building,

  She felt a little relieved.

  She walked slowly up the stairs.

  On both sides of the stairs are the edge of the mountain, and there is a faint white mist below. From here, you can see the entire royal house.

  The peaks around the mountain!

  …for flowers…

  She walked up the stairs step by step, and at the end of the stairs, her beautiful eyes shrank slightly!

  这 是

  The grass she saw in the bloody world!

  The only difference is.

  The grass she saw was blood-colored, but this place was full of vitality, green and willow green, exuding vitality.

  She looked away.

  Saw it in the middle of the grass.

  Jiang Gu was lying there quietly, while Hun Yaozun was sitting beside him. "wack!"

  Ma Xiaoling was shocked.

  At this moment, she doesn't care whether Jiang Gu is the zombie king or not, she just wants to make sure that Jiang Gu is okay!

  She walked quickly to Jiang Gu's side.

  Jiang Gu fell to the ground, his delicate and handsome face was gentle, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

  "He, what's wrong with him?" Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes had indescribable worries.

  She knew how terrifying the zombie king was.

  This strange man blocked the blow for himself. "He just fell into a deep sleep and will wake up soon." Hun Yaozun slowly opened his eyes and explained: "He

  Attacked by a strange force.

  Explanation for Hun Yaozun.

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  "What about the second zombie king?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  The second zombie king that covered the sky, she didn't know that it was just the illusion of that drop of blood.

  By her way.

  Can't see through at all.

  So she thought it was the second zombie king. "Second Zombie King?" Hun Yaozun raised his eyes slightly, but he quickly understood what was going on: "He

  gone. "That's the record of your Ma family, right?"

  In order not to let Ma Xiaoling continue to ask.

  Hun Yaozun looked behind Jiang Gu.

  Ma Xiaoling followed her gaze.

  Then I saw an ancient parchment suspended on the grass.

  The restraining force of the Ma family is permeated around.


  This is the lost horse family record!

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the record in front of her.

  Thinking of the bloody world she went to after she was unconscious, what the black figure said.

  This drop of blood.

  "She" put it here.

  Is it

  Did the ancestors of the Ma family put this drop of blood here?


  Then their horse family may have a big cause and effect.and.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter 141 Ma Linger: I want two fish!

  【2 more】

  This drop of blood.

  This led to the collapse of the Quanzhen Sect, leaving only Wang Changyue alone, and torturing everyone close to the mountain.

  Three or four hundred years.

  This is the cause and effect that the Ma family owes.


  Ma Xiaoling has no time to think about it now.

  She slowly stretched out her hand, the restriction of the Ma family was like a fake.

  Take out the parchment and slowly stretch it open.

  Ancient atmosphere.

  With the opening of the parchment, it slowly diffused. "Twenty-six years of the first emperor."

  "The five kingdoms perished one after another, the wars and disputes in the land of Kyushu never stopped, and demons rose up everywhere, on the battlefield everywhere.

  up, stained with blood—"

  *After the incident was resolved, I traveled with him in Kyushu and killed three big demons and more than [-] little demons and ghosts.

  Yu, a short period of merit, set off a big wave in the Taoist family, but I don't like these. "

  "After the death of my mother and father "Nine Two Three", I was the only one left, and the Ma family members and I did not like much.

  For me, there are not many things in this world that can make me care.

  Ma Xiaoling quietly looked at the records on the parchment.

  recorded above.

  not difficult to see

  Ma Linger doesn't seem to be taken seriously in the Ma family.

  That sentence left me alone, which directly hit the softest part of Ma Xiaoling's heart.

  She is also alone. "Her experience is somewhat similar to mine."

  Ma Xiaoling muttered.

  Holding the parchment, she sat quietly on the grass next to Jiang Gu, looking at the records above.

  "Walking through Kyushu with him was the happiest day of my life, I like chatting with him, he seems to know

  many wonderful things. "

  "For example, in addition to the Qin state, there are six continents, countries such as Rome, and countless foreigners.

  He also likes to sing some nice tunes and cook some food that I have never seen before. He is covered all over

  With a sense of mystery, I was curious where he came from. "

  "He always said that it was a very far away place, and he could never go back. It turned out that we are both

  One person" "Then "a monster calamity broke out on the border of Qi, and I went on the road with him to go there"

  Jiang Gu stood quietly on the spot.

  under that tree.

  The woman in the blue shirt looked back.

  The gazes of two thousand years apart, through the vast years, at a certain moment, we look at each other from afar. "You're here."

  The melodious voice sounded, her voice was less light, playful, and more gentle.

  Jiang Gu walked forward slowly.


  Another step.

  He came to the woman.

  "I don't know if you'll be here, and I don't know when you'll be here, maybe a few years

  Later, maybe decades later, maybe after a long hundred years. "Maybe you won't come."

  The blue-shirted woman said softly.

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