Her eyes did not reveal how much resentment or hatred she had for Jiang Gu.

  but a kind of tenderness. "I never imagined, nor did I expect, the person who will be with me to subdue demons and ward off evil spirits

  The blue-shirted woman's voice had a bit of bitterness. "It turned out to be the biggest monster in the world."

  "That sword, I couldn't stab it.

  "I hope that it wasn't you who I saw that day, even if I lied to me again, you know, I

  Just believe in you.

  "Killing millions of people, destroying countless inheritances of Taoism, beheading the gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth, setting off the chaos of monster corpses, creating

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Dark turmoil, how I hope, not you

  The woman in the green shirt quietly looked at Jiang Gu in front of her.

  Those watery eyes.

  His eyes were slightly red, and his gentle voice trembled a little.

  Two tears.

  across her cheek.

  Jiang Gu raised his hand gently and wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

  The woman in the blue shirt stood there quietly.

  Jiang Gu leaned against the tree gently.

  He looked forward gently with his eyes.

  Beside him, the woman in the blue shirt stood gently beside him.

  Breeze blows.

  A leaf slowly fell from the tree.


  A slender hand gently grasped the leaves, and the long blue sleeves rippling in the wind.

  A melodious voice sounded:

  "Hey hey hey" Don't be lazy, I don't care if a monster appears out of nowhere to eat you. "

  "It's so strange, how can the Qi Kingdom's capital be so demonic, we have to rush there overnight.

  The young man leaned against the tree.

  A woman in a green shirt lightly grabbed the fallen leaves and put her hands on her hips, looking rather playful and cute.

  When the young man heard this, his expression was a little broken, he leaned against the tree and said to the woman in blue, "We

  It's been a day and a night without closing an eye. "Or" I grill scorpionfish for you?"

  When Ma Linger heard the youth's words, she swallowed.

  "Mmmmmm" she blinked her eyes, "Okay then! Let's take a break!" "But let me say it first, I want two, two grilled fish."

  She stretched out two fingers, shining brightly in front of the young man.


  The young man muttered.

  Then he looked at the river ahead.

  Bighead carp is a very delicious fish in Qin Dynasty. With his seasoning, the grilled fish is full of aroma and taste.

  Absolutely delicious.

  Even him.

  She couldn't help eating a whole one, not to mention that Ma Linger had eaten Qin Chao's food that had almost no oil or salt since she was a child.

  There is absolutely no resistance to his grilled fish!

  make a fire.

  Grilled fish.

  Put the seasoning.

  All in one go. "Hee hee!" "It's still so delicious! No matter how you eat it!"

  Ma Linger ate the grilled fish quite gracefully, but although the posture of eating was elegant, the speed of her mouth was very fast.

  Not slow, she quickly finished the grilled fish in her hands.


  She looked at the grilled fish in the hands of the young man who had not yet moved his mouth. "What about the two grilled fish?" Ma Linger looked at the young man.

  "Fish run 3.4." The young man reluctantly folded the grilled fish in half and gave it to Ma Linger.

  Ma Linger took over the grilled fish with a smile, and then took out a few wild fruits from the bag: "Hey, here it is for you." "Hey, I thought you were all finished." The young man took it.

  He remembered that this was a wild fruit that Ma Linger liked very much, and it tasted delicious.

  He had never eaten this fruit, so he ate a lot along the way.

  After taking the wild fruit, the young man ate it unceremoniously.

  The two were eating food, and the young man told Ma Linger some stories from ancient and modern China and foreign countries, and Ma Linger listened with delight




  A demonic spirit rises into the sky!

  The two who were talking and laughing instantly turned their eyes to a place outside the woods.

  The sound of soldiers fighting

  It came out of the woods.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 142 The calamity of King Qi! The answer to a drop of blood!

  on the woods path.

  Demonic soaring!

  Thousands of meters of soldiers in black armor surround this place!

  Countless Daqin soldiers in black armor are besieging a beast that is dozens of feet high!

  It's just that this beast is very terrifying! It is several dozen feet tall! It looks like a tiger, but it has thick hair.

  And long, the roots are on its back! The two fangs are very bright!

  It turned out to be a prayer machine!" Roar

  It growled!

  The tiger foot suddenly stepped on!

  More than a dozen soldiers did not have time to escape! They were instantly trampled into flesh!

  The forelimbs of the prayer machine swept across! The entire forest collapsed in an instant!

  "Wrap it! w" Watch me kill it myself!"

  Among the soldiers, a general in black armor rode on a horse and looked at the machine angrily.

  He jumped in shock! The whole person turned into a black shadow and rushed to the prayer machine in an instant!

  Long sword unsheathed!

  The sharp blade pierced through the air! Go towards the machine!


  The machine roars!

  The forelimbs are shot directly at the general!

  The terrifying power was carried out in an instant! It was like a giant mountain pressing the top!

  Cut off the limbs!

  Sharp blade!

  Directly cut through the forelimbs of this prayer machine!


  The machine was in pain, and the body instantly retreated!

  "it is good!"

  Seeing this scene, countless soldiers shouted in bursts!

  The general looked indifferent and continued to kill.



  He just stepped forward!

  The hair of the just-injured jiji is all at the moment! A terrifying aura oscillated in an instant! In an instant

  The general instantly felt the danger!

  His figure went straight to the back!

  Too bad I just responded!

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