Countless hair strands entangled him in an instant!

  The power of terror_.

  To crush him alive!

  No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free!


  at this time.

  A sword light pierced the sky!

  In an instant!

  Then I will wrap the hair around the general's body!" The natural filth of heaven and earth is scattered in the hole, and Lang Taiyuan is mysterious!"

  A soft drink came!

  The general hasn't reacted yet, but he sees the Dao method being played! Countless divine lights entwined the machine and left! "Fufu!"

  Another soft drink!

  A talisman emerged from the sky!

  The moment that emerges!

  He even directly put the shroud that was entangled in the divine light into the talisman.

  The prayer machine disappeared.

  Two figures slowly walked out of the woods. "Fortunately it's not a real prayer machine, otherwise I wouldn't be able to conquer-"

  Ma Linger walked out slowly and put away the talisman. "Who is this?" The general stepped forward and looked at the two. "Ma Linger."

  Malinger smiled slightly. "My name is Wang Ben, thank you girl and Gao Shi for helping."

  Wang Ben clasped his fists and said.

  He was just too careless.

  "The girl just said that this is not a machine?" Wang Ben asked. "It's just a monster with a trace of blood, it's not a real machine," Ma Linger replied. "I see! It's me who's gone!" Wang Ben nodded, "There is an emergency report on the front line, this time to help, the girl and the

  Gao Shi accepts this token and can go to Xianyang to find me in the future. "

  Wang Ben seemed to be in a hurry to leave. "Frontline?" Ma Linger suddenly thought of something, "Could it be in the territory of Qi?" "That's right, a riot broke out in the territory of Qi, causing heavy casualties to our army. If the girl and Gao Shi are interested,

  You can also go to the front line, we have called a lot of

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Taoists went to surrender. "

  Wang Ben said.

  He said goodbye to both of them.

  The frontline battle report was urgent, and he just mentioned it casually to the two of them.

  after all

  Those who went to the front line were all from the major factions of Taoism!

  These factions are very famous Taoist priests in Taoism!

  He didn't want the two of them to die in vain.

  To know--

  The front line is now in chaos, and the death of Daqin's soldiers at the hands of demons has reached a terrifying number.

  the amount.

  This time he received the military order to move forward, and he hurried to the front line with only a few thousand troops to command the advance.


  Wang Ben left with thousands of troops.

  "The capital of the king of Qi" "It turned out that all the monsters in the territory of Qi gathered there."

  Malinger looked into the distance. "Oops my grilled fish."

  She suddenly thought of something.

  Quickly walked towards the river where she and the youth were just now.

  The young man quickly followed behind her.


  Ma Linger squatted on the ground and looked at the half of the grilled fish that fell on the ground. "Hey."

  Ma Linger heard the youth calling her. "I'll bake for you later, two."

  The young man smiled, his clear eyes narrowed into slits, and he reached out to her. "it is good."

  Ma Linger laughed involuntarily.

  "I've never seen someone smile so warmly, seeing his smile is like all the troubles in the world

  all disappeared. "After he and I packed up, we headed towards King Qi." "But what awaited us there" was a life-and-death battle. "But for the deeper things of life and death, I lied to myself for the first time. "" This drop of blood may have already given me the answer. "

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the record quietly.

  She is sitting on the grass.

  Jiang Gu next to him still hasn't woken up.

  Looking at the things recorded in the records, Ma Xiaoling couldn't help showing a few smiles.

  "What, I fell in love obviously, and it's so sweet, it's sour." Ma Xiaoling was a little angry

  Annoyed pouting.

  in this record.

  So many good memories are recorded. "And two grilled fish, our ancestors of the Ma family are no different from the little girl in love!

  Why cast such a poisonous spell. "

  When Ma Xiaoling thought of the incantation of the ancestors of the Ma family, she felt a little gloomy.

  Obviously so happy to date

  Ma Xiaoling read this record, the Ma family ancestor who seemed unreasonable and rigid in her eyes, now gradually

  The gradual movement came alive, and she even felt a touch of intimacy.

  Since she was a child, she felt that her ancestor must be an iceberg beauty that no one wanted! That's why she took this poison


  did not expect

  There is such a twisted story in it. "This second zombie king." She thought of the zombie king in the first robbery.

  Look at the zombie king in this record.


  It doesn't seem to be alone at all!

  At first.

  In the end what happened?

  And what answer did this drop of blood give to the ancestors of the Ma family?

  She had forgotten that she came to understand the second zombie king, his character and his way of shooting.

  Yes, now she has been recorded by this story.

  plunged deeply into it.

  [The update will start tomorrow afternoon, it will hurt the body to stay up late, so I will start the update tomorrow afternoon, try my best to do it in ten

  Before two o'clock, I will dedicate the seven chapters of the day, and then start to make up the chapters owed to everyone. There are four changes in total today.

  I owe you all three updates, five updates in total~Thank you for your support~].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 143 The demon corpse appears in the capital of Qi Kingdom!


  Jiang Gu felt the breeze blowing.

  Memories flooded in my mind.

  He turned to look at Malinger.


  Ma Linger's figure gradually dimmed.

  Passed by with a gust of wind.

  She disappeared into this world.

  in this quiet place.


  A deep voice echoed here: "You are here." Countless years have passed. "I have guarded this drop of blood for so long." "You, let me free."

  in this world.

  A man in a blue robe walked out, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes were blue pupils.

  There are two fangs at the corner of his mouth, looking at Jiang Gu at this moment, there are a few lines of prayer in his eyes.

  thousands of years.

  Makes him almost mad here.

  Especially the permeation of that drop of blood, he was tortured day and night.

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