Available over time!

  Even Malinger—

  The mana is also somewhat difficult to support the attack of so many monsters!

  The towering and magnificent monster, like a mountain, continues to surround the Qin army and Taoist priests!

  Blood splattered on the ground.

  The spells in the hands of the youth gradually bottomed out.

  These days, he has drawn a lot of characters.

  but now

  Almost all used!

  Looking at these demons, the young man's eyes were heavy.

  He looked into the distance.

  Ma Linger pierced the chest of a monster with a sword!

  There are fine beads of sweat on her beautiful cheeks, and she has some mana exhaustion.

  She slaughtered many demons who had practiced Taoism for thousands of years and hundreds of years.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  But the real ten thousand year demon, one has not been cut.

  For example, S ratio, this big demon with nine tails is extremely strange! Under the huge body, the nine tails are raised behind him, exuding

  A terrifying demonic energy! These demonic energy spread out, and countless Qin soldiers were directly and painfully eroded!

  Om!" Hey, hey, don't be in a daze."

  behind the youth.

  A three-hundred-year-old Taoist tiger demon that was several feet tall was pierced through the forehead.

  Ma Linger walked over lightly and said to the young man. "Be careful." Ma Linger said softly.

  She stood gently beside the young man. "You follow me, don't get lost, you know?"

  Ma Linger looked at these demons. On this blood-stained battlefield, her gentle voice echoed in the ears of the young man.

  beside. "Okay." The young man nodded.

  "If these evil calamities cannot be resolved, the land of Kyushu will be in chaos, and countless creatures will be ruined.

  These demons were stained with a lot of blood, and they killed no less than a hundred people.

  There was a hint of anger in Ma Linger's voice.

  The number of people who have been killed by a demon beast is nowhere to be found.

  So what about thousands?

  Hundreds of thousands of people!

  Even the young man couldn't hide the shock and anger in his heart when he heard the news.

  The two stood on the battlefield.

  Countless monsters came.

  The earth shook, and the sky was dark.

  …seeking flowers 0 · "More than [-] people"

  Ma Xiaoling was a little shocked when she saw this record.

  Ancient times were the most prosperous era of demons.

  A monster grows in the precipitation of time. Although human civilization has a long history, human beings themselves are not suitable for cultivation.

  So in the long years, it was used as food by demons

  Until the emergence of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

  Fang preserved human civilization, killed demons, and united all tribes in China, all of which must be in Chendi.

  After the confinement of Mount Tai, human beings were able to survive until today.

  Thousands of demons, in the Qin Dynasty, is naturally a huge disaster!

  She continued to look at the records.

  "I saw the anger in his clear eyes, these demons are killing life, naturally I can't let them go

  !"" There are hundreds of thousands of creatures, these demons have been unable to forgive. "

  Recording here, the handwriting was suddenly cut off, and it seemed that I had remembered something, which led to the interruption of the record.

  "But I never imagined that he led the arrival of the dark age, resulting in the death of tens of millions of living beings, and

  Me, but I can't give up. "

  Record here, pause for a moment.


  And a hint of dark color.

  It seems that a tear has been dropped on it.

  Ma Xiaoling seems to have seen a woman in a green shirt through two thousand years, gently holding a pen on the parchment

  Record this episode of the past.

  Her handwriting is so gentle, her eyes staring straight ahead, writing as she recalls.

  For her, these records were her happiest times.

  There is no hatred for the second zombie king.

  No resentment.

  What Ma Xiaoling saw in the records was a kind of inability to let go.

  This makes Ma Xiaoling difficult to understand.

  How could this second Zombie King be so righteous, how could it lead to the death of tens of millions of souls in the dark age?

  But it can also be seen from here.

  The number of people from the Qin Dynasty to the Western Han Dynasty dropped sharply, not only because of the war, but also because of this dark age.

  "That's also the funeral. For me at that time, I never thought about this, I only thought about how to suppress the present

  the demon.

  "There are only a few thousand people left in the Qin army, and only a few hundred people left in the various sects of Fang Xiandao. No matter how we attack him, we will depend on

  The old cannot save the situation. "" I had to evacuate with everyone, but I didn't expect that there would be another statue in the capital of King Qi's capital. "" Nine infants who have practiced the Tao for [-] years. "one.


Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 146 The figure standing in the sky!


  Nine babies of [-] years of Taoism

  Jiuying is one of the ancient mythical beasts.The monster of water and fire can spew water and spit fire, and its cry is like the cry of a baby!

  And the nine infants who have practiced the Tao for [-] years.

  Its strength is already terrifying to a certain extent!

  did not think of.

  In the capital of the king of Qi, there are such demons!

  This field holiday.

  I'm afraid it's not easy!

  Ma Xiaoling watched the record quietly with her beautiful eyes. "The Qin army evacuated, and all the Taoist priests of Fang Xiandao left here."

  "In the entire battlefield, only me and him are left to deal with Jiuying together. Although my Taoism has improved, I can only deal with it.

  The demon of Fu Wannian Daoxing, this Nine Infants, I am not his opponent at all. "

  "In a short confrontation, I suffered a lot of injuries, and with the previous injuries, the injury became serious." The mana exhaustion of the previous battle, I couldn't last long. w"I want him to leave, but seventy-two"

  The record pauses here. "But I didn't expect that he actually used the teleportation talisman on me, the only one."

  transfer character.

  This is an extremely precious talisman, of a very high rank and rare in the world.

  "I know. Even if I stay, it won't last long." He could use the teleportation charm to get out of there—"But he, let me get out of there." "I was teleported to a hidden cave and was seriously injured and fell into I was in a coma." When I woke up again, I staggered out of the cave, and outside the cave, a bloody sky filled the air. "

  "Under this blood-colored sky, I saw him walking towards me step by step from the distant woods, and fell on my back.

  's arms.

  Qin Dynasty, the first emperor twenty-six years.

  The capital of the king of Qi.

  Nine babies and nine huge heads are madly spewing flames between the heavens and the earth! However, the flames are burning the whole earth!

  A woman in a green shirt pierced the sky with her long sword and slashed at one of the heads! "Roar!"

  A monstrous roar! In an instant, Ma Linger was shaken away!

  The body of Ma Linger, who was already injured, fell backward in an instant.

  When her body was about to fall straight to the ground.

  A body gently floated behind her, and her hands moved slightly forward to catch her.

  A warm feeling enveloped Malinger.

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