Her long hair was falling, and her beautiful eyes were staring at the sky, but she saw a beautiful face. "It's okay." Jiang Gu gently picked her up. "You, hurry up - the appearance of these nine babies, we are not opponents." A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Ma Linger's mouth,

  Looking at Jiang Gu between the eyebrows, there is indescribable tension.

  Nine infants who have practiced the Tao for [-] years.

  Only the older generation of Fang Xiandao can deal with it!

  She just fought, and she was seriously injured in just a few short moves! Even in her prime, it was difficult for her to

  Take these nine babies for dozens of rounds.

  Looking at Malinger in his arms.

  Jiang Gu gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth for her.


  his two fingers.

  A yellow sign appeared.


  The yellow talisman was cast in an instant, and a ray of light enveloped Ma Linger in an instant.

  Before Malinger could react.

  This talisman.

  The space was broken, and Ma Linger's figure slowly dissipated.

  Jiang Gu slowly turned around.

  in front of you.This novel was first published by "Dragon"


Don't be fooled by other fakes

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  It's like a giant mountain of nine babies!

  Jiuying Jiuying's huge head stared coldly at Jiang Gu from the sky.

  The bull body and the dragon tail occupy half of the sky!

  [-] years of Taoism

  Even Malinger couldn't conquer it.


  Countless roars echoed in the world!

  Beside Jiuying, S Bi and countless big monsters surrounded Jiang Gu.

  These big demons have not forgotten.

  Jiang Gu and Ma Linger just shot and killed countless big monsters!

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  There are nearly a thousand big demons, and now there are only seven or eight hundred statues left!

  The battlefield was full of corpses, blood flowed into rivers, and the seven or eight hundred demons that covered the sky and the sun surrounded the river.

  Gu, the body that covered the sky and the sun, like mountains, surrounded Jiang Gu in the center.


  Another layer. "catch him!"

  On the city wall, a man wearing a black robe and a long crown looked at Jiang Gu coldly! "Dare to kill so many of my followers!" "After catching him, he can lead the woman out and kill them together. now!"


  It's Tian Fake!

  beside him.

  Follow the ten demon corpses that appeared just now. "Dare to kill the people in our demon clan—" "I'll catch you first, I don't believe she won't show up."

  The voice of Jiuying came out like a baby, and a head stared at Jiang Gu coldly.

  Countless demons stared at Jiang Gu, eager to try!

  The weak humans in front of them can be smashed with one palm!

  If it wasn't for Jiuying not taking action, they would have taken action long ago!

  They are just visible.

  The woman was very concerned about the man.

  Catch this man now

  It must be able to print that woman out and kill it!

  As for this man's cultivation.

  It doesn't work except for characters.

  Jiuying looked at Jiang Gu coldly.

  But it didn't see a trace of fear on Jiang Gu's cheeks.


  A little bit of excitement?

  "You guys are talking too much!"

  Jiang Gu said!

  Step on the ground!

  In an instant!

  A terrifying crack opened directly across the ground!

  His figure turned into an afterimage!

  Straight to the sky!

  Boom to Jiuying from the ground!

  A violent force swept away towards Jiuying in an instant!

  Under the puzzled and horrified gazes of Jiuying and all the demons!

  A pair of fangs emerged from the corner of Jiang Gu's mouth!

  Bloody eyes, like an emperor looking at the world! Look at Jiuying!!

  A roar resounded through the heavens and the earth! "Roar-"


  Rampage power!

  In an instant, it came towards Jiuying's head!


  Jiuying hasn't reacted yet!

  The head in the middle was hit by a huge force! Its hundreds of feet of body, in this fist

  Shake it down! It's about to fall to the ground!" Roar

  It let out a low growl and stabilized.

  Ice-cold green pupils, full of disbelief, looked in the air.

  Not just it.

  All monsters are like that.

  And Tian Jiao in the distance only felt a terrifying aura coming from him! He roared out in an instant!

  A fang appeared, and blue-blue pupils appeared, looking at the 3.7 figure standing in mid-air inconceivably!

  A figure standing in mid-air.

  It exudes a terrifying aura.

  Like Wang Hai, suppressing the world! Let countless creatures breathless!

  The black Qin shirt rippling in the wind.

  Long hair blowing in the wind.

  On her delicate face, her clear blood-colored eyes stared at Jiuying in front of her!

  "I have endured you for a long time."

  The figure pointed to Jiuying in the distance, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I haven't done it for a long time." "Since it's delivered to the door." "Then I'm welcome."


  Jiang Gu's blood-colored pupils condensed slightly, and his body moved forward in an instant!


  Condensed countless forces.

  Even if he does not understand the law of the zombie king.

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