a fist

  Enough to suppress these monsters!

  Terrifying and mighty power pervades the fist! A space is torn apart!.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 147 Nine babies are one! The flame that burns everything!


  This punch!

  Condensed endless power! Contains tens of thousands of terrifying power!

  Even if he doesn't know any law!

  by the flesh

  He can suppress everything!

  This time, Jiuying finally reacted! Its nine heads spurted flaming flames from its mouth! The flames burned

  Void! Twists the air! Not an ordinary fire!


  Under its nine pairs of inexplicable eyes, Jiang Gu's figure entered the flames directly and blasted at him.

  This punch!


  This punch!

  It slammed into one of the heads of the nine heads!

  this head.

  In an instant, the flesh and blood flew! It exploded directly!

  Jiang Gu was burning with flames, but his expression was unusually relaxed.

  These flames did not cause any harm to him at all!


  "Dead?" Jiuying looked at her dead head, her eyes revealed madness!

  The nine heads of the nine infants are nine consciousnesses! Generally speaking, the center speaks for the center, and the center is also the main consciousness!

  It was one of the heads that Jiang Gu exploded! "Come again!"

  Jiang Gu turned sideways to avoid, those demons who have been practicing for thousands of years could not capture his body at all! He turned sideways to avoid

  After 23, he blasted towards the other end of Jiuying in an instant!

  Rampage power!

  Surge again!


  Didn't wait for Jiuying to react

  Its other head exploded into blood mist again!

  Jiang Gu's blood-colored pupils looked at Jiuying's center.

  He felt it.

  After beheading these two heads, Jiuying's strength has become stronger! "Give me death!"

  The center let out a crazy roar!

  The center and the other six spewed out endless flames and ice mist! At the moment of spouting, the two actually

  fused together!

  The violent energy hit Na Jianggu!

  Jiang Gu's bloody eyes looked at the head of the center!


  His figure disappeared again! It turned into an afterimage and rushed directly into the strange space where ice and flames were intertwined!

  The bone-chilling chill and the burning flames made him feel hot and cold at the same time!

  Let him get in shape!

  But that's all!


  The sound of breaking the sky sounded!

  Jiang Gu's figure turned into an afterimage!

  Before Jiuying could react! His figure came to Jiuying.


  Jiang Gu punched out!

  The power of rage seems to be able to destroy everything!

  In an instant, it slammed into the head of the center!



  A crack appeared in the head of the Nine Infants Center!

  Then it exploded right away!


  The remaining six heads roared at the same time!

  Jiang Gu's body stepped back!

  monsters around.

  Involuntarily took a step back.

  city ​​wall.

  Tian Jiao watched this scene helplessly, his expression changed from the initial coldness to fear!

  I thought

  The most lethal, the least powerful person. He actually directly blew up the three heads of the nine babies!

  And it's still alive and kicking!

  To know!

  Before retreating, whether it was Ma Linger or everyone in Taoism, they all performed countless Taoist methods on Jiuying! Countless Taoists

  The law hit the head of the nine babies! But it didn't cause any damage!

  Who is this young man?


  There was a chill in his heart.

  A chill came from within.

  He felt that as long as the young man had a thought, he would be shattered to pieces!

  Like a king.

  One thought is enough to annihilate him!


  Who is it?

  Jiang Gu stood in the air.The black ink hair fluttered in the wind, and the bloody eyes under his sword eyebrows stared at the person in front of him.

  Nine babies!

  under his gaze.

  The six heads of the nine babies were closed together in an instant! A terrifying light curtain filled the body

  This light curtain made him feel a powerful energy!

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading




  His figure is drawn forward again!

  One punch!

  Another punch!


  This light curtain cannot be broken. "boom!"

  The terrifying roar echoed for nine days!

  The light curtain turned into a mass of energy and exploded!

  Jiang Gu forcibly resisted this group of energy!


  But Jiu Ying's huge tail swept over! Directly swept Jiang Gu away! "Cough cough."

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