Passing through the white fog in the sky, slowly moving forward in the void.


  Another step.

  The stronger and stronger sense of repression made Tian Jiao's whole body crack open!

  He (Qian Zhao) felt that his body was constantly cracking.

  Feel the pain in my head!

  m "Long roar!"

  Those demons couldn't bear it any longer! In an instant, hundreds of demons turned into their original form and blasted forward!




  He heard a crackling sound!

  He smelled a strong smell of blood.

  He felt the heavy rain between the heavens and the earth even more torrentially.


  Trembling all over.

  He heard the countless painful cries of the demon.

  He opened his eyes in confusion.


  the monster beside him

  It's like an ant at the moment.

  It turned into a blood mist and exploded!" That's not enough

  He heard a hoarse voice.

  he saw.

  That figure talks.

  Step out.

  As he moved forward, all the demons present turned into blood mist and exploded!

  But he didn't stop!

  he walked in

  Inside the capital of Qi Kingdom!

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 149 The mystery two thousand years ago, the mystery two thousand years later.

  【2 more】

  The figure that came out of this flame

  Just ignored him and the ten zombies

  He stepped into the capital of the king of Qi step by step.


  Tian Jiao heard the pained mourning of countless people.

  But he still couldn't move.

  I don't know how long it took.

  He felt like he had been standing here for countless years.

  Finally, the heavy feeling of oppression disappeared!

  He didn't look back, and he didn't dare to look back! He ran straight ahead.

  Get out of here!

  Just get out of here!

  The ten demon corpses behind him also escaped with him, using all their strength!

  "I still remember that he fell in front of me with a lot of blood on the corner of his mouth, and I wiped it gently for him.

  "It's just that a drop of blood has not spread on the cloth for a long time." "This is the source of blood essence."" He has never cultivated, never obtained the Tao, where did the source of essence blood come from?

  "I don't know, I don't want to know, I gently sealed this drop of blood, I never went to explore, I

  I don't want to explore. "

  Ma Xiaoling read this record.

  Her beautiful eyes were a little complicated, and after a while, she smiled bitterly: "Why are our ancestors of the Ma family so stupid.

  She can see a lot from this record.

  Such as the original blood essence.

  This is usually something that only monsters have or someone who has attained the Tao, but there are very few people in the world who have attained the Tao.

  Certainly not those people.

  That is to say, from that moment on in 897, Ma Linger knew that the person accompanying him might be a

  Respect the monster.

  It's just that she didn't investigate.

  Or do not want to explore.

  In the Ma family, it is the right way to subdue demons and ward off evil spirits. This is the ancestral teaching of the Ma family that has been passed down from generation to generation.

  Ma Linger was reluctant to explore.

  Of course you are deceiving yourself.

  What's more, she never thought that the righteous young man who stayed by her side would be the best in the world.

  The big demon, the ancestor of the demon corpse!

  Not even thought.

  The darkest era of the Qin Dynasty actually started from him.

  So silly.

  So naive.

  This is Ma Xiaoling's evaluation of her Ma family ancestors.

  The last paragraph of the record remains. "I remember on that lawn, he once asked me what I would do if he was a demon corpse." I said of course I accepted him, but I would also go with him. "" In this world, I'm the only one left, so why should I care? w "Maybe, I never thought about it"

  The last sentence.

  full of complexities.

  Ma Xiaoling's mood gradually became complicated as she watched.

  No matter how you look at it, what this second zombie king is doing is right, it's just that he doesn't seem to control

  Live in your own magic?

  (cd bc)

  Ma Xiaoling felt as if she had caught something.

  On this second zombie king.

  It seems to have a huge magical power?

  She couldn't guess.

  She only knew a little of what happened two thousand years ago.

  And it is still understood from this record that many records have already passed in the long river of time, unless,

  If she can find the Zombie King, she may be able to know everything about two thousand years ago.

  From the beginning, she wanted to understand the weakness of the second zombie king, and gradually deepened the story, but found that

  The characters recorded in it are different from what she knows and thinks.

  A story in a few words, a short description, but it is the most unforgettable memory of the two people. "Maybe only you will understand. w" But now I read your story and understand you a little bit. "

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the records in front of her, and her beautiful eyes were a little complicated.

  A story from two thousand years ago.

  But it gave her a sense of substitution.

  It turned out that the aloof and ruthless ancestors of the Ma family were once so innocent.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Xiaoling put away the records.

  A majestic spiritual power poured in from the records, and the Taoism in her body was improved again.

  when she looked at the records

  These spiritual powers keep pouring in.

  Up to now, it is considered that this inheritance has been accepted.

  Now Ma Xiaoling feels that her Taoism has become deeper! Even dealing with three generations of zombies is very easy


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