After closing the records.

  She looked at Jiang Gu beside her.

  this weirdo

  She remembered the figure, the low roar, and the corpse aura when she was in a coma just now.

  Daxueji curse, Xiaoqing's slip of the tongue.


  It was my own mistake.

  When he was in the Jiajia Building, he was obviously by his side.


  Must be wrong.

  Ma Xiaoling thought and bit her lip lightly. "Miss Ma."

  A gentle voice sounded.

  Under Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  Jiang Gu slowly opened his eyes.

  The two looked at each other.

  Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes and looked aside: "You're awake." Hmm. "Jiang Gu nodded and got up from the grass." Just now, what happened?" Ma Xiaoling asked, "Did you save me?" "Maybe. "Jiang Gu smiled slightly, "Have you got the record? w" Got it." Ma Xiaoling muttered: "It's a sweet record again, and it gives people goosebumps."

  Jiang Gu didn't answer her question, but she also pretended to ignore the past.


  She didn't want that answer either.

  Because it doesn't matter.

  "Hey, let me ask you, what is your identity?" Ma Xiaoling suddenly turned her head, those watery eyes,

  Look at Jiang Gu's eyes. "Does it matter?"

  Jiang Gu slowly got up.

  He looked at the stairs below and said softly: "It's also time to leave." "It's a bit important." Ma Xiaoling said in a low voice.

  Jiang Gu walked slowly towards the stairs.

  The white mist gradually covered his back.

  Didn't hear it?

  Ma Xiaoling didn't know whether she was happy or something else. "perhaps you

  The white fog gradually covered Jiang Gu's voice.

  Ma Xiaoling could not hear his words.

  She slowly got up, ready to leave.

  Come to the stairs.

  There was a vast white mist in front of him.


  She looked back thoughtfully.

  Where the record appeared, she seemed to hear a cry of despair and pain.

  But soon there seems to be nothing.

  Ma Xiaoling remembered.

  Uncle Qiu once said that there are descendants of the original disciples here, but why did not appear from beginning to end


  And Wang Changyue said it.

  Tian Jiao two thousand years ago seems to be in that drop of blood.

  Why haven't you seen it?

  she thought.

  He shook his head slightly again.


  She walked down the stairs slowly, catching up with the bodies of Hun Yaozun and Jiang Gu.

  Go back to Taoism.

  This Taoist temple is full of ancient atmosphere.

  She walked slowly inside the Taoist temple.

  A gust of wind blew suddenly.

  The leaves are rippling in the wind.

  Ma Xiaoling was about to walk out of the gate of this Taoist temple.


  A yellow talisman floated slowly in front of her in the wind.

  Seeing the yellow talisman in front of her, Ma Xiaoling slowly bent down and picked up the yellow talisman.

  Looking at Huang Fu, Ma Xiaoling seemed to think of something.

  She gritted her teeth lightly and put the yellow talisman back into the makeup box.

  Then his eyes turned to the white mist in front of him.

  After half a sound.

  She left here slowly.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 150 The disappearance of Jin Wei! The appearance of the magic star!

  【3 more】

  Hong Kong.

  After Ma Xiaoling, Jiang Gu and Hun Yaozun returned from Wangwu Mountain.

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't wait to go to Uncle Qiu's residence. "Xiao Ling, why are you in such a hurry?"

  Ask for the uncle's residence.

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling's hurried steps, Uncle Qiu couldn't help asking. "Help me see this talisman first and see what it is." Ma Xiaoling handed the talisman she found on the mountain to Uncle Qiu.

  Please uncle take this talisman.

  Figure out carefully in your hand. "I've never seen this talisman before.~"

  Uncle Qiu said in a deep voice, "It doesn't look that simple." "It will take me a while to parse it out. You know, this talisman isn't - I'm good at it."

  m, but you ask, why do you want to ask this talisman?"

  Ask uncle to be curious. "It's fine." Ma Xiaoling shook her head, she felt a little guilty: "I'm just curious." "Don't worry, I'll figure it out soon."

  Uncle said confidently.

  "By the way, I don't have any news about the previous portrait, but for sure, Domoto Jing definitely knows.

  Some news, otherwise impossible to inexplicably disappear. " Uncle Qiu said suddenly.

  Before Ma Xiaoling asked him to help find Jiang Gu's origin.

  But he didn't find any news about Jiang Gu. Although he found vague portraits, he didn't find any information at all.

  can be determined. "Tang Ben Jing."

  Ma Xiaoling whispered the name.


  Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

  She remembers.

  When she brought Jiang Gu to Tang Benjing's Tongtian Pavilion, Tang Benjing's state was very wrong.

  She didn't feel anything.

  But this happened.

  Plus a trace of records found by Uncle Qiu.

  And what happened in Wangwu Mountain.

  As for Jia Jia Building

  Ma Xiaoling felt a little confused. "Xiaoling, you seem to have something on your mind recently?" Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling and asked suddenly.

  "It's okay, anyway, there are so many things, I don't know where the second zombie king is, and another one appeared in the first robbery.

  The Zombie King doesn't know if he is a general or not, and he has to find a record from the Ma family, so I have no money to make recently.

  Gotta get stuck!"

  Ma Xiaoling said helplessly.

  Things are getting more and more urgent lately.

  She doesn't even have a chance to make money and catch ghosts.

  Instead, stick it back.

  And that weird person "Is it because of Jiang Gu?" Uncle Qiu saw at a glance that Ma Xiaoling was most distressed, it seemed that Jiang Gu was. "Uncle please, have you found the whereabouts of Domoto Jing?" Ma Xiaoling asked in a swivel chair.

  "You." Uncle Qiu shook his head helplessly, knowing that Ma Xiaoling didn't want to answer, he said, "Tang Benjing was there.

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