Uncle begged to stand up directly.

  "I doubt it, it might be Domoto Jing!"

  "I knew that those idiots who wanted to arrest people with such a big fanfare would definitely anger Tang Benjing."

  Uncle Qiu frowned.

  He had already reminded it.

  Too bad those people didn't listen at all.

  "Beg Uncle, blame me." Jin Mirai's voice came from the ward.

  The door of the ward is open, and she can see the TV outside and hear what Uncle Qiu and others say.


  Uncle Qiu walked in, shook his head and said, "It's just a matter of time.

  The breath of the stars will diffuse out, and even if you want to hide it, you won't be able to hide it. "And the magic star is too small, if we have surgery, your body can't bear it at all. "

  Uncle asked in a deep voice.

  He looked at Ma Xiaoling and said, "Xiaoling, go back to Jiajia Building and see if you can catch Tang Benjing.

  Don't let him continue to mess up. m

  "Also, gather everyone here."

  "The breath of the magic star is ready to permeate in the past few days." At that time, the entire Xiangjiang will know the location of the magic star. "

  "We" have a tough battle to fight. "

  [Also~ I will update it together in the future, it is boring to post chapter by chapter~ Sorry for making everyone wait for a long time~].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter 163 Chaos in Xiangjiang!

  【5 more】

  It's a tough fight!

  Once the breath of the magic star fills!

  Whether it is Tang Benjing or those Taoist inheritances in Xiangjiang, you can feel it! Welcome everyone when the time comes.

  Man, it's a fierce battle!

  Jiajia Building.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu returned here.

  Back at Jiajia Mansion, Ma Xiaoling breathed a sigh of relief, "This street is so chaotic."

  She had just walked into the street.

  It was found that the street was plunged into a brief confusion.

  I don't know if it was because of hearing that news or if something happened.

  Citizens of Hong Kong

  There was a brief panic.

  There are also many descendants of various Taoist schools and ethnic groups on the street, searching for Ma Xiaoling's name on the street.


  It can be said.

  After the news was broadcast, there was a brief chaos throughout Hong Kong.

  "Xiaoling, you are back, you scared me to death just now!"

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling come back, Uncle Gu, who was guarding the front door, seemed to see a savior. "What's wrong?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  "Look." Uncle Gu pointed at the TV screen.

  only seen on the screen.

  The above news is broadcast again.

  And this time broadcast

  There are thousands of people missing!

  In a short period of time! Thousands of people disappeared! And more than fifty corpses appeared!

  And some residents called the hotline, suspected of seeing the murderer, who had two fangs at the corners of his mouth.

  The hostess on the TV was sweating coldly on her forehead.

  What happened today is too bizarre. "I don't know what's wrong, why do I feel very strange recently." Uncle Gu touched his head, "A month or two

  So many people were missing before, but now they are missing and dead.

  Uncle Gu shook his head. "Xiao Ling, tell Uncle Gu, what happened outside? Is it the end of the world?

  Do you want to run?" Uncle Gu asked nervously.

  "No." Ma Xiaoling smiled, "There will be no end of the world."

  Not without.

  but has passed.

  The time between the first and second robbery may not be so fast.

  "Well, what happened in the past few days is really strange. w" The other night, I also saw the lights in the corridor suddenly go dark, and a guy came out of the corridor

  It scared me to death, but I don't know where the neurosis came from, wearing glasses and pretending to be Sven.


  Uncle Gu said dissatisfiedly. "It's okay, Uncle Gu, let's go up first." Ma Xiaoling said.

  Go back to the door of Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  Ma Xiaoling saw many people standing at the door.

  Hun Yaozun, Green Snake, White Snake, Zhongshan Meixue, Kuang Fusheng, Jin Zhengzhong and Wang Zhenzhen all appeared in

  I went to the door of Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  "Sister Xiaoling!" Kuang Fusheng said with a smile, "We are all here to help!" That's right, we will all be our neighbors and friends in the future. "Xiaoqing giggled.

  She and Mengmeng look very similar, and the two have similar personalities. They are very likable in Jiajia Building.

  "Yes, we all want to help the future." Zhenzhen smiled softly.

  Hun Yaozun had a helpless expression on his face.


  He was dragged.

  "Master, I informed them!" Jin Zhengzhong laughed.


  All the monsters and monsters in Jiajia Building came.

  see this scene.

  Ma Xiaoling's heart was slightly touched.

  did not think of

  These monsters and monsters will still stand up at this juncture.

  "Don't regret it when you come. From

  "Now that lunatic Tang Benjing outside is not so easy to deal with."

  "Also, there are many Taoist exorcists."

  Ma Xiaoling reminded.

  She knew the good intentions of everyone.

  But this time faced.

  There are also those Taoist guys, these people will definitely appear after sensing the breath of the magic star.

  Ma Xiaoling opened the door.

  packed up,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  They took everyone to the hospital.

  Come to the street.

  Ma Xiaoling found out.

  street at night

  The street is not quiet.

  She vaguely heard the roar of zombies, and under this roar, the law enforcement officers patrolling the streets

  Heirs of various schools and sects of Taoism have been attracted to the past.

  Ma Xiaoling is also very curious.

  But the current situation.

  Once she is besieged, these Taoist people will inevitably gather from all directions, so we can only temporarily

  Get out of here first.

  "What the hell happened to Xiangjiang?" Xiaoqing looked at everything around her, a little surprised.

  "A lot of Taoist people." White Snake looked at everything around her, and she could feel a lot of Taoist people around her.


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