The group came to the hospital.

  After arriving at the hospital, Uncle Qiu started to make arrangements.

  According to him.

  magic star

  It is very likely that after four or five days, a complete outbreak of breath!

  At that time, this place will be reduced to the main battlefield!

  Tongtian Pavilion.

  Domoto Jing came back here again.

  The entire Tongtian Pavilion.

  It's all his hands now.

  He stood on the top of Tongtian Pavilion and looked down, his eyes showed a bit of madness: "More chaos! More chaos



  He clapped his hands! This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  After he clapped his hands, a passage emerged behind him.

  He walked slowly inside.


  It's the countless people held in glass cabinets.

  These people looked at Tang Benjing in horror, not knowing what Tang Benjing was going to do.

  They are all people who have been missing these days

  All of these people were caught here by Domoto Jing!

  There are more than thousands of people!

  Seeing these people, a crazy smile appeared on the corner of Domoto's mouth.

  He stands in the center.

  Open hand.

  w Do you want to gain immortality?"

  "Want to be a noble zombie?"

  "I am giving you eternal life today!"

  After his voice fell

  Countless zombies with gray pupils poured in from the outside.

  One time

  There's a lot of screaming here!

  After a while.

  There are countless white pupil zombies here.

  Seeing these zombies, Domoto Jing directly instructed: "Go outside and give everyone who can be caught.

  I'll take it back!"

  "I'm giving my son" a special gift! Let him know that his dad is the greatest in the world!"

  He fell into madness again.


  His original belief was that he survived because of the existence of God.

  So now he

  Also because of Kim Miku, even more his son.


  in a building.

  (Lee's Zhao)

  Countless Taoist descendants gathered here.

  Among them were Quanzhen Dao, Laoshan School, Jinhui School, Yi School, Qingwei School and others.

  Facing what has happened recently in Hong Kong.

  All of these Daoist sects have fallen into a state of distress.

  Ma Xiaoling.

  They can't handle it.

  There were also zombies outside, and they were not low-level, so they couldn't deal with it.

  Them now

  only come together.

  "For now, this is the only way."

  Zhao Chengyan of Quanzhen Dao looked at all the descendants present.

  His eye level.

  Full of confidence.

  "Everyone, don't hide it now. w" Let's sacrifice our killer. "

  [There may be a problem with the background time now, and the update shows that there is no update. At this time, everyone just needs to mark

  Go to the next chapter, or click on the directory refresh to know if there is any update~]

  [Today's [-]th watch~Good night~].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 164 Zombie chaos! Chaos on the street!


  Taoist killer!

  Naturally, the countless magic weapons inherited from the ancestors were taken out!

  Only this.

  To unravel this calamity!

  "This time, we must let the Ma family hand over what she should hand over!" Over the years, our Taoist heritage has been lost in the years, but the Ma family's heritage is so complete,

  The world only knows about southern hair and northern horses, but not me!"

  Zhao Chengyan looked slightly angry and said to everyone present.

  "I have invited the patriarch of Quanzhen Dao, and he will arrive in Xiangjiang soon!"

  Many Taoist descendants present were slightly taken aback when they heard this sentence.

  The grandfather of Quanzhen Dao, that is not easy.

  When he was young, he was a master at exorcising demons.

  In the era of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, when the war was raging, he took the current Patriarch of Quanzhen Dao with him.

  All over China, slaying demons and eradicating demons, has a great reputation!

  "However, we have already said that the Ma family did not take the initiative to participate in the war that day, and she is not necessarily a traitor." Wang

  The family heir frowned and said that he is a descendant of Wang Chongyang and a descendant of Beizong, and has a certain right to speak.

  "We are fighting against the first calamity together. How could Xiaoling become a traitor?" The women of the Lu family were a little dissatisfied.

  Looking at the people in front of her, she has always firmly believed that the 253 Ma family cannot betray.

  Many of the rest were silent.


  This is a good thing for the fallen Taoists.

  not to mention.

  After the first calamity, Ma Xiaoling sheltered the demon corpse many times, which was intolerable to everyone.

  "Don't forget, Ma Xiaoling has sheltered the demon corpse many times. I later found out that the demon corpse is the mother of the demon star.

  ! "

  "Ma Xiaoling must have known it long ago! She still shelters the demon corpse! What is this not betrayal?" Ma Xiaoling watched the demon corpse suck human blood with her own eyes, and the evidence was on the ground. Do you still think that

  Ma Xiaoling didn't betray?"

  Zhao Chengyan frowned and looked at the descendants of the Wang and Lu families.

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