He sensed the breath of those guys.

  All of them are from the older generation of Taoism that he is familiar with!

  The way is very profound!

  "It seems

  "This time the crisis is not only the crisis of the magic star, but also the crisis of my Mao family and your Ma family."

  "It's just a pity that we can't take out the lost records, otherwise we won't be blamed for this."

  Uncle Qiu said with a cold snort.

  "But even if we take it, it's useless, these people have already torn our face with us, we don't have to

  They are polite.

  "By the way, what about Jiang Gu?"

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head: "I don't know.

  When Uncle Qiu heard this, he seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Ma Xiaoling and said slowly:

  "In the past few days, you should be able to sense that the power of the magic star is very terrifying." "But although his power is terrifying, it is far more stable than the original." "That's why we can use the formation method to seal it so easily. Live with him, otherwise an existence far surpassing the second generation of zombies

  Now, it is difficult for our formation to seal him. "

  "I have observed it carefully, and the reason for this is that, near the magic star," there may be a person who surpasses him in terms of bloodline or corpse aura, and suppresses him. "

  Ask for some words from your uncle.

  Let Ma Xiaoling fall into a brief silence.

  She was stunned for a while, but Mei Mei still had an unbelievable look, she said slowly: "That means he might

  The Zombie King?"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Although she has mastered a lot, she has not regarded Jiang Gu as the zombie king.


  She didn't know how to face Jiang Gu in the future.

  One is a person who has exorcised for generations, and the other is the Zombie King.

  Both are the end of things anyway, even if they were not enemies, they are not destined to be.


  "Well." Uncle Qiu nodded seriously, "I don't know his purpose, but I hope that we are not with him.


  Ma Xiaoling looked a little dazed.

  Uncle was not sure before.

  Because she and Uncle Qiu only rely on speculation and guesswork.

  But people who can suppress the magic star.

  Except for the zombie king.

  The two couldn't imagine who else would be.

  Jiang Gu.

  It may be the third zombie king!" Yes, anyway." Ma Xiaoling took a deep breath, "Anyway, he shouldn't be evil, otherwise I will be the same.

  took him.

  Uncle begged to see Ma Xiaoling's appearance.

  I knew that Ma Xiaoling couldn't let go.

  It's just that he doesn't know how to persuade Ma Xiaoling. After all, this is the concept of generations.

  Women can't fall in love from generation to generation, can't shed a tear for a man, and are destined to be lonely.

  Not to mention.

  Fall in love with a zombie king.

  But Uncle Qiu still knows how the two get along. Every time Jiang Gu is mentioned, Ma Xiaoling's face is filled with openness.

  Heart smile.

  For more than [-] years, even Wang Zhenzhen has never made Ma Xiaoling so happy.


  while the two were talking.

  A terrifying wave came!

  The breath of countless Taoist methods was sensed by the two of them. "Are they fighting?"

  Uncle asked in a deep voice.

  Only the voice just fell.

  In the ward

  Suddenly there was a terrifying roar!


  The violent breath emanated from the formation in an instant!

  Not good! Uncle Qiu's expression changed, "Without repression, the power of this magic star may have recovered completely!"

  "He probably felt that we were not good for him, so he was born early!"

  Uncle Qiu quickly walked in.

  "Xiaoling! Come in and help together! Let's do surgery together!"

  Don't be too late!

  Originally, I wanted to beg for 810 tomorrow, waiting for the weakest moment of the magic star!

  But now because there is no suppression by Jiang Gu

  The magic star went mad!

  If surgery is not performed immediately

  It is very likely that Jin will get out of control in the future and will run out and kill!

  At that time, he will be completely unable to prevent the birth of the magic star!" Another chaos

  The general stood on the balcony of the hospital.

  Staring at the zombie tide and Taoist descendants below, he shook his head slightly.

  "I've never felt so much blood."

  "Unfortunately, their blood is not pure, and they are not people of my line."

  The general looked at the zombie below and said slowly. "Luohou's blood." Jiang Gu said slowly.

  Luo Mian.

  Once possessed the body of Domoto Jing.

  He wants to capture Domoto Sei's body! The emperor who has become a god and a demon!

  But he was beaten to the core by Jiang Gu.

  But there was still blood left in Domoto Sei's body.

  And it merged with Domoto Jing's zombie bloodline, resulting in Domoto Jing's zombie bloodline being impure.

  "Are you going to shoot?"

  The minister looked at Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu looked at the night sky with deep eyes.

  A gentle smile appeared.

  [Please support~ Now keep it at 5-7, and it will start to explode on Friday~ The minimum will not be lower than [-]!].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter 168 Jin Miku goes crazy! Three parties collide!


  around the hospital.

  the whole hospital

  The water is surrounded by water!

  At the main entrance of the hospital! Domoto Jing and the descendants of the Taoist schools confront each other again!

  The densely packed zombies, controlled by their minds, looked coldly at the Taoist descendants coming from the west of the main entrance!

  There are a lot of Taoist descendants, and they are led by the founder of Quanzhen Taoism and the founder of Laoshan School together!

  Each faction is holding a spell and a wooden sword, watching the zombies ahead with vigilance!

  The dense zombies surrounded the east and south, and the entire hospital was instantly destroyed by these two forces.


  Taoist people.

  Didn't think of it at all.

  These zombies actually gather together!

  "These zombies are here to protect the magic star?!m" This Ma family has been reduced to this point, completely confused with these monsters! It's really disappointing!"

  The patriarch of Quanzhen Dao looked slightly cold when he saw this scene.

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