He was wearing a blue robe, carrying a wooden flag and a wooden sword, standing in front of the Taoist school, staring at him coldly.

  former zombie swarm.

  after all

  These zombies appear here, clearly guarding the magic star!

  And Ma Xiaoling saved Mo Xing's mother, so there must be a relationship between the two!

  Ma Xiaoling appeared twice before and rescued Mo Xing's mother twice. Now all the descendants of Taoism have been

  It is believed that the Ma family has been completely apostate.

  "Want to kill my son"

  "I will send you back to the West today!"

  Domoto stood still in the center of the zombie group, his orange pupils looked at those Taoist descendants coldly!

  He knew these people were here to kill his son!

  And he won't let anyone who killed his son let go!

  A tense atmosphere pervaded.



  A violent aura erupted in the hospital!

  With the explosion of this breath!

  There were bursts of golden light from the periphery of the hospital! In the golden light, one after another talisman appeared in the air, resisting the violent



  The smell is too scary!

  Cracks appeared in the spell floating in the air!

  a strange force

  Suddenly swept out of the hospital!


  Inside the hospital ward.


  "Let me out I'm so hungry!" "Let me out!!"

  Jin Weiwei roared wildly, her gray pupils turned orange, and the orange even

  With a hint of light green!


  Two fangs emerge!

  Jin Weiwei was in the golden formation! A roar was heard! She waved her hands around her.

  Dance! A force hits the spell in the air!

  around her.

  All are arrays arranged by yellow long spells!

  It's surrounded by layers!

  "Xiao Ling! Let's cast spells together!"

  Uncle Qiu was outside the formation, and when he saw this scene, his expression was heavy.

  His hands were imprinted, and streaks of golden light emerged from his fingertips! They directly converged into illusory spells

  !Go toward the seal around Jin Miku!

  Ma Xiaoling also made a seal with both hands! The Ma family's Taoist skills are displayed! One after another golden light goes forward in an instant!

  Repair the cracked spell!" Xiaoling, please, uncle, can I help?" Wang Zhenzhen heard the movement in the ward, and quickly

  Step in and ask.

  "Zhenzhen," you stay outside, use the communicator to notify everyone, be careful!"

  Uncle Qiu's voice was a little heavy and labored.

  "Okay!" Wang Zhenzhen took out her phone and started sending messages one by one!

  In the ward.

  Ask Uncle and Ma Xiaoling to keep their seals and suppress Jin Weiwei in the center of the ward!

  There is a Taoist formation map under Jin Miwei's hospital bed! There are long formation symbols all around,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Layer after layer, she and the devil

  The star is sealed inside!

  But at the moment.

  Cracks appeared in those sealed formations!

  "No, Uncle please, we can't continue to consume it, is there any other way?" Ma Xiaoling's forehead appeared

  A drop of cold sweat.


  "That is to use the dragon to take her and the magic star!"

  Please uncle said in a deep voice!

  "My formation has been surrounded by layers! If she can still come out, it will be her life!"

  When Uncle Qiu and Ma Xiaoling heard the news, they wanted to come immediately to help Jin Mirai perform surgery.

  But who knows.

  Without Jiang Gu's repression

  The magic star in Jin Weiwei's body went mad with impunity!

  The current golden future

  His eyes have gradually turned pale green!

  Under the power of the magic star, her power directly reaches the second generation of zombies!

  Now want to surrender Kim Miku.

  There is only one way.

  That is to use the Dragon God to kill Jin Miku!

  "Hoo! m



  Jin Mi's voice was getting lower and lower, and her pale green pupils looked at the formations around her!



  She moved forward and slammed her hands to the sides! A violent force suddenly erupted at this moment!

  The violent power is like a dam bursting! It bursts out in an instant!

  Directly break the formation layer by layer!


  Before Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu had time to react!

  A white figure emerged directly from the ward!

  Disappeared from the corridor in an instant!

  w-~ Not good! Chase!" Uncle Qiu's expression changed greatly, and he went after him directly.

  Ma Xiaoling hurriedly followed behind her. "Zhenzhen, don't come out, you just stay here, okay?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Zhenzhen and instructed.

  "Okay." Wang Zhenzhen nodded obediently.

  Inside the corridor.

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu chase after Jin Miwei!

  And Xiaoqing, White Snake, Hun Yaozun, Jin Zhengzhong, Zhongshan Meixue, who were guarding around the hospital, also sensed the inconvenience.

  That's right! Come to the ward!




  With a roar from the hospital!

  The window glass of the whole hospital was directly shattered!

  When Domoto Jing and Quanzhen Dao Patriarch were about to start.

  A Kim Miku wearing a white hospital gown quickly came to the main entrance of the hospital!

  "Mox's mother!" The pupils of the patriarch of Quanzhen Dao shrank slightly!

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