He slayed demons and demons for so many years!

  But it was the first time I saw the magic star!

  (Li Nuo is good) Don't talk about the magic star.

  Even zombies.

  He is also rare.

  The ones I see are basically zombies under the fifth generation.

  And the mother of this magic star

  It turned out to be the second generation of zombies!


  The moment Patriarch Quanzhendao saw Jin Weiwei appear, he shouted directly!


  The various schools and factions behind you! The direct pace is fast, holding the spell in hand, changing the pace! In a short period of time

  Countless small formations were formed, and the golden light was shining!

  These little arrays are constantly changing!

  During the change, an incomparably bright golden light was condensed with the faint golden light of the small array! Instantly formed

  Become a big village!

  Quickly block all the exits at the main entrance of the hospital! Even Domoto Jing and other zombies are surrounded by them!


  Jin Miku roars in the sky! He's about to rush out!

  behind her.

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu hurried over and stood behind Jin Weiwei!

  Three parties!

  Gather at the main entrance of the hospital!

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 169 The figure walking out from the edge of the hospital rooftop!


  Behind Kim Miku.

  It was Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu.

  To the east, is the zombie tide of Domoto Jing.

  Ximian is the ancestor of Quanzhen Taoism and the descendant of Taoism!

  The whole hospital is surrounded!

  "Future Future!"

  Domoto Jing saw Jin Miku and walked out of the zombie group directly.

  He looked at Jin Weiwei, who had a big belly, and his expression was indescribably excited!" In the future, will you give birth to the baby? I have already bought a camera, and I will help immediately after the baby is born.

  He takes pictures. "

  "I'll be a good dad, will you?"

  Domoto Jing looked at Jin Miku nervously. "Tang Benjing!" Ma Xiaoling came out, saw countless zombies beside Tang Benjing, gritted her teeth and said, "You

  Such a person is not worthy of being a father!"

  Kim Miku's pale green eyes looked around.

  The eyes that were a little crazy at first have gradually recovered their calm at this moment. "where is this" how did I get out"

  She looked around in confusion.

  Then she saw Domoto Jing and the zombies around Domoto Jing.

  Dense, full of corpse! "You"

  Jin Mirai touched his big belly, and his pale green eyes looked at Domoto Jing, full of disappointment.

  "Didn't you promise me not to kill or bite again?"

  Domoto Jing said excitedly: "But, these people want to kill my children! I don't bite or kill people, I

  Not their opponent!"

  307 "I want to protect my child!"

  His orange eyes were full of madness. "In the future, promise me, will you give birth to the child?"

  The grandfather of Quanzhendao watched this scene.

  He frowned.

  He seems to have cleared the relationship between these people in front of him.

  "If you want to give birth to a magic star, then you have to see if I agree!"


  He felt the corpse aura on Jin Mi's body!

  It was something he had never seen before!

  This made him have to take it seriously!

  His voice fell!

  The cloth banners behind him surged up from his back!

  The Patriarch of Quanzhen Dao jumped! He entered the center of the small formation directly! Place the cloth banner on the ground.



  He made a seal on his hands and kept chanting spells!

  And at the front door of the hospital.

  Jin Weiwei looked at Tang Benjing, she wanted to cry in disappointment but laughed again: "Tang Benjing, do you know

  It's not that I don't want this child. "But I can't, I don't know how to be a good mother, and I don't want to see my kids kill

  Do you understand?" "As soon as he was born, so many people died. He shouldn't have been born, you know?" "I really don't know how to face him, how to teach him, and I know that you are not one good dad

  Dad! w" a dad who only (cg ff) knows being a zombie! A crazy dad! a dad who sucks blood all day

  Why can't you be a normal person?"

  Kim Miku is full of disappointment with the Domoto Sei in front of him!

  Domoto Jing saw Jin Miku in front of him, his eyes were a little soft, but when he heard the words behind Jin Miku,

  His orange pupils gradually filled with a trace of blood, the blood faded, and his orange pupils were gradually turning

  Make light green eyes!

  "Zombie" "What's wrong with zombies!?n

  "Zombies are immortal, lonely, romantic, affectionate, what's wrong?" "Our son is a magic star! The greatest zombie ever!"

  Domoto Jing's eyes are still so crazy.

  He didn't understand why Jin Mi didn't understand him, why Jin Mi wanted to abort the child! In his mind

  A voice full of demonic thoughts kept emerging.

  His eyes were frantic, with despair and disappointment.



  A golden light fills the sky!

  A majestic, golden power, turned into a spell, slowly moved towards Domoto Jing and others!

  A mighty mighty force!

  Like a huge figure hitting the ground with a slap!

  In an instant.

  Whether it is Domoto Jing, or Jin Mirai, Ma Xiao

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ling, Uncle Qiu, and the zombies all felt a

  Huge coercion!

  This coercion made everyone feel their bodies sink!

  The bodies of everyone are constantly falling down!

  "Monsters and monsters!"

  We will suppress you together today!"

  Grandpa Quanzhendao said indifferently!

  Countless formations are formed!

  He is standing in the center of the small formation!

  There is a cloth banner in front of him! The cloth banner is covered with dense talismans! Now there is golden light,

  That will condense the golden light of all the small formations!

  A force full of righteousness.

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