she murmured.

  in the screen.

  If the picture is real.

  Then next to Bi Jia is the second zombie king! She was bitten by Jiang Gu, how could she be involved with the second zombie king?

  find her.

  Maybe everything will be clear.

  I asked Jiang Gu to understand. Ma Xiaoling thought about it, but rejected the idea. Now she is deliberately avoiding Jiang Gu, she wants to calm down her heart gradually.

  "Auntie, do you know the proprietress here?"

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  She took out her business card and played with it.

  "How do I "four three three"

  You may know them, but you won't know if you look for them yourself."

  Ma Danna rolled her eyes, "However, half of our Ma family's Pure World Dragon Ball was found there, maybe she will have clues for the remaining half of the Pure World Dragon Ball."

  "You may not be able to deal with the Zombie King now, but if you get the Dragon Ball of the Pure World, the power of the dragon will be more than a hundred times stronger than before, and you can fight even against the generals."

  "Sixty years ago, I was almost able to subdue that general, it's a pity."

  Madonna shook her head and sighed.


  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  With her current strength, if she can add the entire Pure World Dragon Ball, it will be easy to conquer the second-generation zombies.

  Ma Xiaoling is holding a card.


  Her cell phone rang.

  Take the call.

  The look on her pretty cheeks changed dramatically.

  "Jean, was hit by a car"

  ——————From the last catastrophe of Domoto Jing.

  Some time has passed.

  The turmoil in the whole Xiangjiang finally subsided a lot.

  With the strong action of the Law Enforcement Bureau, almost all the zombies were captured in the prison, and they were imprisoned with the Taoist spell formation.

  The citizens of Xiangjiang gradually recovered from the chaos.

  However, there are still many people who still have a shadow in their hearts for this catastrophe.

  And this time the biggest loss.

  Of course it is Taoism.

  Whether it is Quanzhen Dao, Laoshan Sect, Wujiao, Lushan Sect and other sects, they have all suffered huge losses! The patriarch was seriously injured, and there are only a few disciples and family disciples left! Only the Wang family and Lu family did not What a loss.

  For this heavy setback, the Ma family, the inheritors of Taoism, criticized them, but the Taoists and others who had lost their influence had no way to affect Ma Xiaoling and others.

  Although the confusion subsided.

  But about the reports of those days, I have never heard of it. Mainland China and Xiangjiang are constantly reporting on this catastrophe, and the newspapers are also full of news of these catastrophe.

  However, many people have a question, or in other words, who is the person who appeared on the roof of the hospital that day, and some people respect him as the savior.

  Some people call him a devil.

  Savior because he solved that crisis.

  The devil is because of his appearance, causing the corpses to lie everywhere.

  Others were making a fuss about it.


  No one knew who the person who appeared on the roof of the hospital was.


  Ma Xiaoling came here with a business card in her hand.

  Last time, after she received the news that Wang Zhenzhen was hit by a car, she came to the hospital and found that Wang Zhenzhen was miraculously healthy. Although it was a little strange, she didn't think much about it.

  After taking care of Wang Zhenzhen for a while.

  she was

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  He began to work desperately to pick up the cleaning business. After all, during this period of time, after Xiangjiang was in Tang Benjing and the first calamity, all the monsters and monsters in Xiangjiang were born.

  In these two major incidents, too many people died, and many of them died unjustly.

  These people turned into resentful ghosts, and they continued to harm the world. Ma Xiaoling's cleaning business kept coming to her door, and when she was finally free, she remembered this bar.

  Enter the bar.

  She soon saw Kim Miku at the bar.

  "Xiao Ling, why are you here?"

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling, a happy smile appeared on Jin Weiwei's face.

  "your hair"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jin Mi's hair.

  Her hair, which was dark and shiny, was now gray.

  "I don't know, it's been like this since last time."

  Jin Weiwei said helplessly, but then happily pulled Ma Xiaoling into the bar, "Xiaoling, what would you like to drink?"


  Ma Xiaoling smiled.

  She looked around and asked, "Is Nino okay?"

  El Niño, this is the name that Domoto Jing gave his child, but Jin Mirai only needs the last two words.

  "Well it's alright."

  Jin Weiwei smiled, "He just doesn't want me to hug him, I cry when I hug him."

  "It's okay, take your time."

  Ma Xiaoling laughed.

  She was just about to go up and see Nino.

  But found.

  The lady boss showed up that day.

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling, she came over with a smile.


  The proprietress looked at Ma Xiaoling and smiled slightly.

  "Ma Xiaoling."

  Ma Xiaoling stretched out her hand.

  "Jingle bell."

  The lady boss also held out her hand.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes looked at the proprietress in front of her in astonishment.

  The horse jingled her.

  Remember, this is the name of my aunt.

  "Don't think about it, I'm your aunt."

  Ding-Dang Ma smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

  Ma Xiaoling looked up and down... Ma Ding-dang, she remembered seeing her aunt when she was a child, but her memory was already very vague, but seeing Ma Ding-dang again, her vague memory became much clearer.

  "But Auntie"

  "It's normal to say I'm dead. Women in the Ma family are like this."

  Ding-Dang Ma smiled and didn't care.

  "I know that you are here because you want to know the whereabouts of the half of the Ma family's pure dragon balls."

  "But I don't want to say it."

  "Unless you can find that guy and knock out half of the Pure World Dragon Ball inside her.

  3.0 "

  Ding-dong laughed.

  Ma Xiaoling heard the words, but her expression did not fluctuate too much.

  She also wanted to understand one thing during this time.

  It is impossible for a human to swallow half a pure dragon ball.

  That is to say.

  The woman that day was most likely a demon.

  And it was because he swallowed half a pure dragon ball that he became a demon.

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