Otherwise, it is impossible for Shadow Moon to fall into a coma after playing the Pure Dragon Ball, and have no breath.

  "I can't find her."

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head, "I want to find her too, I have a lot of questions to ask."

  "But isn't there such a person by your side?"

  "Oh no, it should be, zombie."

  Ding-Dang looked at Ma Xiaoling with a smile on his cheeks.

  "how do you know"

  Ma Xiaoling's cheeks were full of astonishment.

  "Because I know him too."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 182 Names that do not exist in the Bible Code! 【6/7 (supplement)】

  "You know him"

  Ma Xiaoling directly thought of Jiang Gu.

  What she didn't expect was.

  Ma Dingdang in front of him, his own aunt, even knew Jiang Gu.

  "There's nothing strange about it, we had a fight."

  Ding-Dong smiled nonchalantly.

  "Who's winning"

  Out of nowhere, Ma Xiaoling asked this sentence.

  "I lost."

  Ding-Dang Ma smiled, "But instead of fighting him directly, I fought Shadow Moon next to him, but I lost."

  "This is a zombie bloodline that the Ma family has never encountered before, and it is far richer than the bloodline of a general."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Ding-Dang in front of her with some curiosity. Everything about Ding-Dang was very mysterious to Ma Xiaoling.

  Shadow Moon Ma Xiaoling seems to have grasped the key point.

  She wanted to ask, but couldn't.

  In the end, she took a sip of wine, looking a little worried.

  "Do you know the Bible Code?"

  Ding-Dang suddenly asked.

  "Bible Code"

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

  "This is a book of prophecy, able to predict the past, inquire into the future, and find the answers to the questions in our hearts."

  "Starting from the first letter of the Bible, look for a possible jump sequence of 28 columns, from 1, , letters, to skip thousands of letters in order, see what words can be spelled, and then start from the second letter, Week by week.

  right down to the last letter of the Bible."

  "In it, countless words can be pieced together, and these words are composed to record many major events throughout the ages, the First World War, the Second World War, major plagues in human history, and important influences on the progress of human history. The characters appear, there are records."

  Ma Dingdang said slowly, and she took another sip of wine.

  "And in the biblical code, the last millennium is the end of the world."

  "In this Bible code, some names appear."

  Ma Dingdang looked straight at Ma Xiaoling.

  Ma Xiaoling only felt a sense of depression and discomfort.

  "It's yours."

  "And, Nino, Situ Fenren, and a name that doesn't exist."

  Ding-Dang continued.

  She wasn't going to hide it.

  She has deciphered many things recorded in the Bible code, but only these names have been deciphered.

  "A name that doesn't exist"

  Ma Xiaoling only felt that there seemed to be a layer of fog in her heart, "Is it his name that doesn't exist?"

  "No, it was the Bible cipher that couldn't record his name."

  Tinkerbell shook his head.

  "Cannot log"

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

  Can Jiang Gu's name be recorded? "The zombie itself is beyond the Three Realms and Six Paths, and the Zombie King is a wanderer who wanders beyond the Three Realms and Six Paths. The Bible code can check his past, but cannot record his future."

  Ding-Dang explained.

  "That means I can use the Bible code to find out some people's pasts"

  Ma Xiaoling seems to have caught something.

  "May be."

  Ding-Dang took a sip of wine.

  The two said something.

  A lot of it is about the biblical code.

  and Jianggu's.


  Even Ma Dingdang didn't know about Jiang Gu's past, she only glanced at Jiang Gu and didn't know much.

  ———————— Tongtian Pavilion.

  This Tongtian Pavilion welcomed his new owner.

  Lan Dali brought his generals here.

  "True Ancestor, this is the house of a wealthy businessman from the Fusang Kingdom, but he sold it later. Now True Ancestor can come here to live and wait for the master's soul to return."

  Lan Dali laughed.



  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Nodding, he walked in.

  Crimson Tide, Chino, and Reeves followed behind.

  "By the way, have you found the answer I asked you to find?"

  The general asked gently.

  "I didn't find it. I didn't find Jiang Gu's name."

  Lan Dali shook his head.


  The general was slightly taken aback.

  He didn't expect that he didn't find Jiang Gu's name.

  "Maybe, he wasn't called that name at the time"

  Lan Dali said, "True Ancestor, do you know his other names?"

  "do not know."

  The general shook his head.

  "True Ancestor, in this record, we are now looking back two thousand years ago, and we are constantly looking for it. I am afraid it will take some time."

  Lan Dali said respectfully, "We will find it as soon as possible."

  "it is good."

  The general nodded and motioned Lan Dali and the others to leave.

  Outside Tongtian Pavilion.

  Lan Dali and the others walked out of Tongtian Pavilion.

  Lan Dali shook his head helplessly.

  "Who is this Jiang Gu who asked True Ancestor to investigate all his records, and he just wanted to find an answer"

  Lan Dali shook his head.

  "Jiang Gu."

  Chino frowned.

  "What, don't you know?"

  Levi asked with a smile.

  "No, it's just that I remember that in the Qin Dynasty, there were not many people with the surname Jiang."

  "I remember that there seems to be a guy in the Qin Dynasty. I heard that his surname is Jiang, but he doesn't have an actual name."

  Chino shook his head.

  "But I'm not sure."

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