It turned out to be all the records about Jiang Gu.


  Ma Xiaoling was stunned when she saw the name given by the West to Jiang Gu.

  Lucifer is the lord of hell in the west.

  She continued to check the records, and in the records, Lucifer was called a devil.

  Because the demons that have appeared throughout the ages have a huge relationship with him.

  There is a picture in it.

  The picture is very vague and weird. In that picture, it records the existence of Lucifer and another person, Cain.

  Cain, is the origin of vampires, but it is said that he only bit one person in his life, that is Dracula.

  Then he disappeared without a trace, but because of Dracula's brutality and ferociousness, Cain was also called a demon by Western judges.

  And in this picture.

  It was a picture that recorded Cain at the beginning, but there was a man in this picture.

  After the exorcists, knights, and judges of the West constantly read the records.

  In the end, it was discovered that this man had appeared beside various demons that disturbed the West many times. Cain, Dracula, and Solomon's seventy-two demons all had records about this man! And the origin of demons.

  Nature is Lucifer who has never been revealed to the world.


  The appearance of this man.

  Let the Western world know that he is Lucifer! After visiting the records, Ma Xiaoling looked a little dazed.

  She felt that it was becoming more and more difficult for her to understand this Jianggu. Obviously, Jianggu left countless traces in China, but she did not think that even the West would have a huge relationship with Jianggu! However, Jianggu appeared very early. Short, and all separated by a period of time, it seems that he only wakes up occasionally.

  It's just that Ma Xiaoling didn't think that Jianggu left so many traces in this world.

  What bothered her most was that if it was as recorded in the West, then Jiang Gu must not have only survived for [-] years.


  Why couldn't he find his previous records? Ma Xiaoling fell into deep thought.


  The Bible code, will Jiang Gu have thought of this possibility, Ma Xiaoling quickly shook her head.

  Just when Ma Xiaoling was about to continue inquiring about the records.

  Her phone rang suddenly.

  She took a look.

  It was an unfamiliar call.

  "Hello, this is Linglingtang Cleaning Company."

  "Little Ling."

  A familiar and unfamiliar voice came from the other end of the phone.

  "You are Maoyou"

  Ma Xiaoling's tone had a hint of joy, but it quickly turned into a complex one.

  "Yes, I went back to Xiangjiang before, but I was too busy to

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  When I have time to see you, I originally wanted to go back to Xiangjiang in the near future, but"

  "Something has happened here, and the exorcists in the West can't solve it, so I need to stay here for a while. I am looking for you this time, and I want to ask for your help."

  "I've got something going on here in America that requires a lot of spells, but I don't have any spells here anymore"

  There was a hint of helplessness in Mao You's voice.

  "Okay, how much is it?"

  Ma Xiaoling said directly, "The original price will be charged, and there will be additional charges for foreign shipments. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

  "no problem."

  Mao You smiled over there, and reported everything he needed to Ma Xiaoling.

  After hanging up the phone.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the dense paper in front of her and raised her eyebrows.

  She got up, walked out the door, and knocked on Jiang Gu's door.


  in the office.

  Mao You hung up the phone and brushed his short hair.

  She looked at the phone, and her inexplicable expression suddenly showed a smile.

  "I hope I have a chance to go back and see you again."

  She said helplessly.

  The last time she wanted to go back was in the first calamity, but it was not convenient for her to take action at that time.


  She couldn't even make a move.

  This time she plans to return home earlier.

  Unexpectedly, turmoil occurred in Europe, and then directly spread to the Americas.

  There have been traces of vampires in many parts of the Americas, as well as some descendants of werewolves and demons.

  her itinerary.

  was immediately delayed.

  Especially after she learned that Dracula was born, she knew that the situation was very dangerous, and the spell in her hand was not enough, so she needed to call back to China to buy "Dracula".

  "And the legendary Lucifer."

  In front of Mao You is the computer, and the computer screen in front of her is exactly the picture Ma Xiaoling saw just now.

  Dracula and the mysterious man.

  If Dracula really appears, then this mysterious man, the legendary Lucifer, may also appear.

  After all the recent situation.

  Almost all the demons of the West were born.

  The legendary Lord of Hell may also be born.

  At that time, she is not sure whether she will be able to rush back to Xiangjiang.

  "I knew I wouldn't use those spells on those policemen."

  She sighed helplessly.

  "Sister Mao You, it's not good. A vampire committed a crime in the city."

  "But now there is an Asian man dealing with them. That vampire seems to be from the first generation. Sister Mao You, come and have a look."

  There was a sudden rush of voice from her phone.

  When Mao You heard the words, he got up and quickly picked up the exorcism thing and walked towards the city.

  ————————— Jiang Gu was sitting on the sofa.

  He was quietly looking at the list of spells that Ma Xiaoling gave him.

  quite a while.

  He chuckled lightly.

  Just when he was about to make a spell.

  The sound of a dragon roaring.

  There was a faint sound in the distance.

  His eyes slowly looked into the distance.

  Ma Xiaoling, Hun Yaozun, Green Snake, White Snake and Zhongshan Meixue from Jiajia Building.

  I also sensed that a huge monster appeared in the distance.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 186 Shuangshuang: Master!I found you! 【3/7】

  On the rooftop of Jiajia Building.

  A giant western dragon of several hundred meters slowly fell to the ground. It seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries and fell directly to the ground.

  He shrunk to the ground, his figure gradually shrinking.

  Three figures slowly appeared from a distance.

  "Don't kill Shuangshuang"

  "Don't kill Shuangshuang, Shuangshuang didn't offend you."

  This western dragon shrank on the ground, only the size of a palm, and said to the three behind him with a crying voice.

  "It's not up to us to kill you or not."

  The three figures were naturally Lan Dali and the others.

  Looking at Shuangshuang on the ground, Lan Dali's expression showed a smile.

  He stretched out his hand directly.

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