A mass of terrifying energy grabbed Shuangshuang in an instant! "Don't!"

  "Shuangshuang masters will never let you go when they come back!"

  Both voices were full of anger.

  when talking about the master.

  "Five Thirty"

  Shuangshuang is even more confident.

  "your master"

  "You think he'll take care of you"

  When Lan Dali heard Shuangshuang mentioning his master, he was a little bit apprehensive in his heart, but remembering the indifference and ruthlessness of that person, he smiled directly.

  "The master will not care


  Shuangshuang said very aggrieved.

  "You better come to me obediently."

  Lan Dali stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the strength in his hand became stronger again in an instant! Both of them struggled desperately, but to no avail.

  Its body kept dragging backwards.

  Just when she was desperate.


  A cold voice sounded.

  "Following, soldiers, fighting, all, array, column, in, in front of"

  "Excuse the evil!"

  Lan Dali hasn't reacted yet! But in an instant, he saw a golden dragon cut through the sky! It slammed into Lan Dali in an instant! A deadly danger! Let Lan Dali dodge aside in an instant! "Roar—"

  Chino and Reeves on the side felt the breath of the dragon, and their hairs stood up in an instant! The two also moved to hide! After the dragon swarmed, they disappeared directly into the void.

  And on the rooftop.

  Ma Xiaoling walked over slowly.

  She naturally recognized these three guys.

  It's the three guys who appeared in the Great Blood Swastika Swastika, and one of them may be a crow! "Big brother! Big brother! Don't leave me behind!"

  The moment Shuangshuang saw the dragon, he immediately shouted loudly.

  "Big Brother"

  Ma Xiaoling came over and heard Shuangshuang's words.

  "Brother, why did you run away again!"

  Both were very anxious.

  Then he looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  "You seem to be alone."

  it muttered.

  "Tsk tsk from the Ma family, you'd better not plug in, this dragon has nothing to do with you."

  Lan Dali said lightly, and lightly lit the cigar.

  "It really has nothing to do with me."

  "But the three of you have something to do with me."

  Ma Xiaoling said lightly.

  The magic wand in his hand appeared directly.

  "Okay! As expected of the Ma family! Chino, Reeves, I'll leave it to you."

  Lan Dali smiled slightly, then turned his gaze to Shuang Shuang on the ground again.

  A burst of energy poured out of his hand again! And at the same time, Chino and Reeves were ready to shoot! Om.



  Lan Dali, Chino, and Levi's figures all paused slightly:.

  Their eyes all looked behind Ma Xiaoling.

  Ma Xiaoling turned around.

  She found that Jiang Gu had appeared behind her at an unknown time, and was walking forward slowly.

  The moment I saw Jiang Gu.

  Lan Dali, Chino, and Levi's all look slightly

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Especially Blue Power.

  This Jiang Gu is a person who can't find the past in the Bible code, and is a person who the true ancestor wants to find and record. He has also learned about his strength last time.

  "Master! Master!"

  "I finally see you again!"

  "My lord!"

  Shuangshuang saw Jiang Gu and was very excited! "Master"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu with some doubts in her eyes.

  Where did this wonderful dragon come from? First, he called Shenlong as his eldest brother, and then called Jiang Gu as his master.

  Jiang Gu pointed forward.

  In an instant.

  The energy of a group of three-color rays of light suddenly emerged from the mouths of the pair! Om.

  Jiang Gu grabbed the energy of the three-color light, and then threw it towards the void.

  The three-color energy filled the void with a faint light, and then slowly moved towards Tongtian Pavilion.

  "you three"

  Jiang Gu looked at the three of them and smiled slightly.

  Lan Dali felt bad for a moment, and said directly: "Wait!"

  "I'm going, I'm going!"

  He didn't have any hesitation.

  Just leave here with Chino and Levi.

  "what is that"

  Ma Xiaoling asked, "Press: What you understand should be Nuwa's soul."

  Jiang Gu said gently.

  Nuwa's return, this soul is naturally a necessity.

  This soul has always been there: maintained with the dragon energy of both pairs, it will naturally leave in time, even if the soul is blocked, but once Nu Wa returns, the soul will still go back and cannot be blocked.

  "What's the matter with this dragon"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Shuang Shuang the size of a slap on the ground.

  "It is."

  Jiang Gu laughed dumbly.

  "It used to be a giant dragon from the West, who provoked your Ma family from behind and was hunted down for several months."

  "And then it became like this."

  Jiang Gu bent down and picked Shuang Shuang up.

  "Then I will become the most powerful monster under the master!"

  Both said loudly, very honored.

  "However, master, you are too cruel and abandoned me for hundreds of years."

  Sadness on both faces.

  Ma Xiaoling stared at Shuangshuang, "It's so weak."


  Both eyes stared.

  "I am, I am weak!"

  "If it wasn't for the mad woman from the Ma family who chased me for a few months, my injury has not healed up to now, just now... the big bald head is not my opponent at all!"

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes showed a few signs of danger.

  "what did you just say"

  Her words were threatening, and she looked at Shuang Shuang.

  Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment, and did not dare to speak again.

  Jiang Gu turned to leave here.

  "Master, don't go!"

  Shuangshuang quickly followed! 0.

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