He looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  Ma Xiaoling naturally knew the meaning of asking for uncle.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  However, the whereabouts of the fourth part of the missing records of the Ma family have not yet been found.

  Uncle Qiu can't find it now, it can be said that it will be more difficult later.



  Everyone seemed to sense something.

  There was an inexplicable fluctuation at this moment.

  Attacked from those nine days away! Nino got up and went straight to the rooftop.


  Jin Mirai hurriedly followed.

  "Let's go up and see."

  Ma Dingdang got up and walked quickly towards the rooftop.

  Everyone went to the roof together.

  Everyone just walked to the rooftop.

  I saw it on the platform.

  Nino and Jin Mirai raised their heads and quietly looked at the sky above.

  The crowd raised their heads.

  I saw the whole sky.

  They are all filled with five colors of light.

  Red, yellow, blue, white, and black are the most vivid, and yellow, blue, and red are the most vivid, but white and black are also very dazzling.

  The five-color light seemed to turn into a faint starlight, filling the sky, gradually covering the entire sky! A peaceful atmosphere appeared on the earth. The fluctuation made everyone feel a sincere closeness.

  A kind of trust and closeness from the bottom of my heart.

  The five-colored rays of light gradually permeated, and turned into five radiant stars, slowly flowing from the end of the sky.

  It seems to be paving a galaxy avenue.

  welcome those who should return.

  Nino watched this scene quietly.

  at this moment.

  In the back of his head, countless scriptures appeared, and on his smooth head, scriptures were all over, and a faint white light appeared.

  "Cosmic Galaxy."

  He muttered to himself, as if thinking of something.

  "The vast universe banishes me."

  No one noticed his words.

  Because of everyone's eyes.

  They were all attracted by the Avenue of the Stars of the five-colored light.

  The five-color starlight that pervades the starry sky is gradually condensing at this moment, condensing towards the Avenue of the Galaxy.

  above the sky.

  A pair of warm and soft light slowly opened.

  The power of the lead slowly led to this consciousness.

  The five-color Galaxy Avenue is getting brighter and brighter.

  Om! Suddenly! Something seems to have broken through the sky and returned.

  The breath of peace, kindness and gentleness permeated the whole earth! In that instant! Countless people saw it.

  On the Avenue of the Stars.

  A figure slowly came from above the sky.

  "The mother of the earth."

  Ding-Dang Ma said in a deep voice 3.

  6. "Nuwa"

  The uncle looked solemn.

  Everyone felt a sense of closeness.

  There is an inexplicable sense of closeness and trust in this woman.

  "Did you see that!"

  Nino suddenly pointed to the top of the five-color Galaxy Avenue, very excited and happy! "Of course we saw it, we all saw it, the prediction you translated is correct."

  Kim Miku looked at Nino lovingly, thinking that Nino was showing off the scriptures he translated were right.

  "Do not!"


  Nino shook his head directly.

  "No, you really didn't see it"

  He pointed to the source of the five-colored dazzling Avenue of the Galaxy above the sky, where the Avenue of the Galaxy appeared, connecting the vast universe.

  His eyes were full of excitement.


  "There, there is another person!"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 192 Nu Wa Returns!Water scourge! 【2/7】

  There is also a person there. Everyone's eyes are turned to the source of the five-color Galaxy Avenue! There.

  It was vast.

  A void.

  Connected to the endless vast universe.

  Where is someone "Nino, are you alright"

  Kim looked at Nino with worry.

  "I'm fine, I'm fine!"

  Nino was a little excited, "I think this may be very important. If you can give me a little more clues, maybe I can find a way to deal with the third robbery!"

  Everyone looked at each other.

  They didn't actually see anything at all.

  "Nino, you really saw someone"

  Ding-Dang stepped forward and asked again.


  "But it just seems to pass by in a flash, and it disappears very quickly!"

  Nino nodded.

  "It's okay, I believe you can crack the Bible code."

  Tinkerbell smiled.

  Everyone looked at the five-color Galaxy Avenue again.

  The light of the five-color Galaxy Avenue flows slowly, like a long river drifting to the end of the years.

  hum 3.

  At that moment, the long river stopped.

  ———————— Tongtian Pavilion.

  A beautiful sound of the piano began to play slowly! The general sat in front of the piano.

  He closed his eyes and played the piano.

  The light emitted by the five-color stone illuminates the entire room! It seems that there are countless galaxies flowing in this room! It exudes a charming luster! Countless rays of light pervade the power of connection between heaven and earth.


  A body slowly condensed on the crystal clear bed! In an instant.

  The air of peace enveloped the earth! Om.

  Jiang Chen's piano stopped.

  On the crystal clear bed lay a woman in gorgeous clothes, she lay quietly on the crystal clear bed with her eyes closed.

  He slowly got up and came to the woman.


  He seemed to be feeling it.

  His eyes turned to the source of the Five-color Galaxy Avenue.

  After taking a look, he looked back.

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