He looked at Nuwa on the crystal clear bed, and a smile appeared on his face.

  "You're back."

  His voice fell slowly.


  The woman lying on the bed slowly opened her soft eyes.

  She slowly got up.

  Looking at the general, a smile appeared in his eyes.

  But then, she discovered the depth in the eyes of the general.

  She stood up slowly and took a deep breath.

  "This world is sinking more and more."

  She looked at the general.

  "Even you have changed."

  "Your eyes are full of complexity, and the sound of the piano is full of humanity.

  "The two thousand years have completely fallen into a deep sleep for me in that catastrophe. I hope that this world will not let me down again after that catastrophe."

  Nu Wa said gently, her clothes flowed on the ground like running water, but it did not stain the ground.

  "This paradise on earth is still full of surprises."

  The general smiled slightly.



  Nu Wa's figure paused for a moment, and then a sense of weakness rushed into her body! Her figure returned directly to the crystal clear bed.

  "What's wrong"

  The general saw this scene and asked.

  "Between the heavens and the earth, something is devouring this land, maybe it's water, maybe it's fire, maybe it's people."

  Nuwa shook her head.

  Everything in this world is created by her.

  Everything between heaven and earth, nature and her

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  closely related.


  door of the room.

  Lan Dali and Red Tide walked in.

  The two came to Nuwa, and Lan Dali's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

  He smiled and said, "Master, why did you come back early?"

  Nuwa's face was calm and she said slowly, "The turmoil in the world has awakened me."

  "The death of the living beings on the earth has exceeded my expectations. The resentment of the living beings is calling for my return all the time."

  "This piece of land is constantly being swallowed up by countless things. I feel the anger of water, the resentment of fire, and the accusation of mountain spirits against this world."

  "So I'm back."

  There was a hint of pain in her eyes.

  Nuwa stood up and looked out the door.

  her eyes.

  Some heavy.

  ————————“Nvwa, come back.”

  Jingdong looked heavy.

  The five-color Galaxy Avenue, while bringing peace, also brought great pressure to everyone! The return of Nuwa.

  It heralds the return of the second catastrophe! "It seems that this catastrophe is destined to begin, and we need to be fully prepared."

  Uncle Qiu said in a deep voice, "By the way, Xiaoling, Mao You seems to be in danger in America. Dracula's vampires have begun to run rampant in the West, and the clergy and knights in the West are no match for these vampires at all."

  "I just don't know if these vampires will become the variables of catastrophe."

  Uncle Qiu didn't mention too many things about Mao You.

  After all, he knew what happened in the past.

  "Hope it."

  Ma Xiaoling said.

  Bang! Suddenly.

  An inexplicable force fluctuated.


  Ding-Dang's eyes looked around.

  Jin Weiwei, Uncle Qiu, and Nino also all looked vigilant.

  After all, being able to approach everyone unknowingly is definitely not an ordinary person! Om! The voice of Ma Jingdong fell! Suddenly.

  An invisible wave suddenly swept the crowd! The inexplicable depression made everyone present only feel that their breath was stagnant! It seemed that an unparalleled terrifying giant was pressing down on everyone! Under everyone's horrified eyes! The surrounding water was surrounded by the roof in an instant! Om! The terrifying water mist energy fluctuated with an extremely tyrannical force, instantly suppressing everyone! "Water Monster"

  Ding-Dang-187 was stunned.

  "No, it's the water spirit between heaven and earth."

  Uncle Qiu shook his head, his expression changed greatly: "How can these water spirits turn into demons and attack people?"

  The power of this water spirit is not simple.

  Monsters are all about the way.

  But water.

  It has already existed in heaven and earth.

  This water existed when Chaos first opened.

  The water spirit is formed by the water between heaven and earth, and it is one of the sources of human life.

  But how can you suddenly attack people today "It's Nuwa."

  Nino suddenly thought of something and said.


  Jin Mi was stunned.

  "It may be the return of Nuwa, which led to the awakening of all spirits. All things in the world may have been in a deep sleep, but Nuwa's awakening awakened them."

  "And this water spirit seems to have a huge resentment towards humans."

  Nino said in a low voice.

  The moment his voice fell! The surrounding water spirits turned into mist, and the roof was frozen in an instant! The mist of water rose to white, and the icy chill made everyone resist! A talisman rose in Ma Xiaoling's hand! Fight forward! Countless flames emerge! But her flames gradually dissipated under the surging water mist.

  She looked around.

  But I found that everyone didn't know when to disappear, and there was only a white mist condensed by the vast water mist beside me! Fei Lu reminds you: the three things of reading are collected and pushed.

Chapter 193 The flower of Valentine's Day is in full bloom! 【3/7】

  The power of this water spirit is extremely strange! Because it does not belong to the spirit body! It is only because of Nu Wa's awakening that it awakens all living beings, fire, water, and earth, which have no spiritual wisdom.

  They belong to the power between heaven and earth, and the power is absorbed from heaven and earth! Once it erupts, it is very difficult to deal with! The flame that Ma Xiaoling cast was extinguished by this water spirit at this moment.

  Om! An extremely strange mist of water shrouded her! Bang! Ma Xiaoling's magic wand hit the ground! Her feet in white boots stepped on the ground! The whole person turned into a white shadow Suddenly leaping into the air! "The way of heaven is infinite, all laws return to their original state, and the five elements of heaven and earth.

  The yin and yang reversed, the barrier was invisible, and the dragon god was ordered! The god of fire appeared!"

  Om! Her whole body! Instantly bursts of flames! The flames dissipated those biting chills, Ma Xiaoling looked around vigilantly, in this white fog, she couldn't find a way out at all! And.

  She also did not sense the figures and breaths of other people in the white mist.

  The power of this water spirit is very strange, so strange that she doesn't know how to deal with it! Right now.

  You can only rely on the flame defense temporarily, waiting to find the mystery and break it.

  Ma Xiaoling looked around with her beautiful eyes.

  Bang! Suddenly! Shui Ling attacked again! The water mist has condensed into ten thousand years of ice! The whole air is frozen! It suddenly swept towards Ma Xiaoling! Don't invade!"

  Ma Xiaoling recited the mantra again.

  The energy of the wind froze all around her! These mists have no substance at all.

  If you want to eliminate the water mist, you must rely on the power of flames, but the flames she just cast were all solved by the water mist.

  Right now! Ma Xiaoling didn't have time to think about it! The Fengshen energy she just displayed was directly broken open!

  She drank lightly! Then.

  Her figure disappeared directly into the mist.

  After she was invisible, she was extremely fast! She directly broke through the ten thousand years of ice condensed by the surrounding water mist, and rushed towards a place! Going to a certain place! Om! Breaking through countless water mists! She seemed to see some bright lights in front of her! Just when she was happy! Bang! Bang! Bang! A terrifying water mist energy suddenly attacked her Come! Ma Xiaoling turned to avoid! But at the next moment! Countless water mist energy from all directions attacked again! Bang! Ma Xiaoling's eyes showed a hint of horror.

  In her pupils, she could see countless water mists condensed into energy and attacked all around her body! She hurriedly turned to avoid it! There is no way to avoid it! Bang! A cloud of water mist condenses into ice.

  It hit her directly in the stomach.


  Ma Xiaoling only felt a chill in her abdomen, and a trace of blood gushed from the corner of her mouth.

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