"The Birth of All Things Then Elsewhere"

  Tinkerbell frowned and looked into the distance.

  If the water spirit is really born, then it must not only be the case in other places in the bar.

  And not only water spirits, but also earth spirits and fire spirits will give birth to spiritual wisdom, and the third catastrophe may be brought forward! And those spirits that have been sleeping in the years will gradually wake up.

  "Auntie, you called him here"

  Ma Xiaoling turned around slightly and asked.

  "That's right! After all, it's the third robbery, so maybe he has his share!"

  Ding-Dang turned his head and smiled.

  she knows.

  That... a name that doesn't exist.

  Maybe it's Jiang Gu.

  At the same time, she didn't want to see Ma Ling so entangled, so she might as well intervene.

  Everything about the Ma family, although she has left, she understands that as a woman of the Ma family, she is still the only woman and bears such an important responsibility on her shoulders.

  The family motto not to cry is like a curse, a curse that has lasted for two thousand years.

  "Where's the bad boy in the middle?"

  Uncle Qiu suddenly looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  "It seems to have come back to life with the situation."

  Ma Xiaoling raised her eyebrows.

  "Stinky boy!"

  "Let's go down and see how the situation is going."

  He said and walked directly down the roof.

  Everyone went to the second floor.


  On the TV, the events of this evening are being broadcast.

  "According to the latest reports, many citizens said they saw a rainbow."

  "Although it was only a flash, many people still saw this scene."

  "And whether it's the West or the East, we've seen this scene before. Let's see what happened next."

  On the TV screen, a blurry picture appeared, and the night sky in the sky showed colorful colors, but it was very blurry.

  The return of Nuwa.

  Those who do not have the path cannot see clearly at all.

  Only vaguely seen.


  "With the appearance of this marvelous sight, it should be peaceful."

  "But according to what this station has learned."

  "Floods, earthquakes, fires and disasters have occurred all over the world."

  "It makes one wonder if the rainbow represents peace or disaster."

  "This station will continue to report for you"

  Inside the TV, the hostess' voice was very solemn.

  Just got the news.

  All over the world, after the appearance of miracles, fires and earthquakes suddenly occurred, and they happened very fast.

  In the picture of the TV, there are all over the place, not only in the East, but also in the West.

  The floods in various places have destroyed many villages, towns, and some cities. The fire has destroyed many mountains and spirits. In addition to the earthquake, the whole world is returning to peace.

  degree into chaos! "This Year"

  "For human beings, there are many disasters, but as long as we stand firm together, no one can defeat us."

  Inside the TV, the hostess spoke official words of encouragement.

  Look at the picture on the TV.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Everyone fell into silence.

  The return of Nuwa, the recovery of all things in the world, this is the revenge of all things in the world for mankind! Maybe revenge already exists.

  But not as violently as today.

  "There's absolutely no way to do that."

  Jin Mirai looked at the picture on the TV and said helplessly.

  "There is really no way to destroy this world. It is not just violence. The world's revenge against humans is the most deadly. The revenge of these creatures may speed up the arrival of the third calamity."

  "We must be ready."

  I beg your uncle to say this more than once.

  But this time.

  The crowd also felt unprecedented pressure.

  Create this world's mansion.

  To destroy this world.

  So how can humans resist "Xiao Ling, I will help you find the records of the Ma family as soon as possible."

  Uncle said.

  "I can help too, maybe it's in the Bible code!"

  Nino also said.

  "You also know about the lost records of the Ma family"

  Tinkerbell looked at Nino.

  "I just found out."

  Nino said excitedly to the crowd.

  Everyone was just watching TV.

  He was looking at the Bible code.

  "I just translated the last clause of the Bible code again. The first record is related to the record of the Ma family."

  "Maybe give me more time, and I can translate it slowly, but the estimate of what I can translate is limited. Now I need clues to break through, so I still need your help."

  Nino said to the crowd.

  This is what he just discovered when he looked at the Five-color Galaxy Avenue.

  "Related to the Ma family records"

  On Ma Xiaoling's white and beautiful cheeks, a trace of contemplation appeared.

  "I go first."

  She seemed to have thought of something and said to the crowd.

  She just stood up and looked at Jiang Gu.

  "Let's go."

  Jiang Gu got up and walked out of the door slowly.

  "Hey Hey hey"

  "I haven't said whether it's good or not"

  Ma Xiaoling blinked her eyes.

  "tacit agreement."

  Jin Weiwei blinked at Ma Xiaoling and smiled.

  "I didn't!"

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at Jin Weiwei lightly, and then left here.

  —————— Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  Back to Ling Lingtang Cleaning Company.

  Ma Xiaoling walked directly to the portrait.

  When her hand was about to touch the teapot.

  Madonna floated directly out.

  "Why did you come back so quickly, I haven't made up my mind yet."

  Madonna was a little guilty.


  Ma Xiaoling stomped her feet.


  "You'll know sooner or later anyway."

  Madonna said helplessly.

  "In the drawer under my portrait, there is a box, take it out."

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