When Ma Xiaoling heard the words, she knew which box her aunt was talking about.

  that box.

  existed a long time ago.

  It's just that my aunt said the box can't be opened, so she didn't care.


  She was naturally curious.

  She took out the box, her hand slightly forward.

  The dust of the box dissipated in an instant.

  Looking at the box in front of her, Ma Xiaoling felt inexplicably nervous.

  "Open it."

Chapter 195 Nuwa: What made him give up destroying the world? 【5/7】

  Ma Xiaoling carefully opened the box.

  inside the box.

  Nothing special.

  Just a piece of parchment.

  "Actually, this parchment also contains some records about the Ma family."

  "It involves your past life, but I don't want you to be under pressure."

  "There are too many things involved in it, you are already very tired, and you don't need to carry these pressures."

  Madonna sighed.

  "Before you, maybe it was for the Ma family's routine, but after you saw this."

  "Finding the records of the Ma family has become the cause and effect of your destiny."

  Madonna said slowly.

  If Ma Xiaoling didn't know that Ma Linger was her past life, then she would not be involved in the records of the Ma family, and perhaps most would lament the innocence and stupidity of the ancestors of the Ma family.

  But if it involves past life cause and effect.

  Then when Ma Xiaoling saw that record.

  You will involuntarily put yourself in it.

  "In the afterlife of reincarnation, there is actually a remnant of the soul left in the body of the person in the next life. This remnant will not dissipate until death. This is our involvement with the previous life, which is inevitable."

  "When you are involved in this karma and previous life, you will constantly awaken the remnant soul in your body."

  "When you substitute yourself, this remnant soul will grow stronger and stronger."

  "At that time, you may not be able to tell whether you are in the past life or the next life."

  Madonna said very seriously.

  That's why she didn't want Ma Xiaoling to know about her past life.

  She looked up the Book of Three Worlds, which was about Ma Xiaoling's past life.

  "No wonder"

  When Ma Xiaoling heard this, she felt that the faint touch in her heart came from here.

  After reading this record, she will be much more involved than the average person because she has experienced it before.

  But she also understood.

  The more records you see.

  The more her memory recovers, the more she will confuse past and present lives.

  It's a reincarnation taboo.

  The reason why the remnant soul exists is because the most unforgettable memories and people of the previous life are left. This is also the reincarnation of karma, the reincarnation of love, and the love is to find the familiar person and memory because of the remnant soul.

  This is the reason for the existence of remnants.

  She took out the parchment.

  Inside the parchment is a record written in Xiaozhuan of the Qin Dynasty.

  "He wakes up in the dark, and everything in the world will eventually die for him."

  "I don't know if he will wake up again. If he wakes up, the catastrophe of heaven and earth may occur."

  "If I die, no one in this world can stop me."

  The beginning of the record is such a long paragraph.

  There is no indication of who it is.

  Maybe Malinger doesn't want anyone to know about the existence of the second zombie king.


  It was just a sentence, but Ma Xiaoling seemed to have caught something.

  Nino said it before.

  The first kalpa disappeared inexplicably.

  But now.

  But Ma Linger left this sentence here, "No one can stop me when I go."

  Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly.

  Could it be that the disappearance of the first robbery was actually related to the Ma family, and Ma Xiaoling's breathing was a little short.

  She thought it was an unimportant record, but she didn't expect it to be so important! It even contained the clues Nino said! "I have practiced myself for more than fifteen years, and the years have been wasted, and the Ma family does not like to see me."

  "I can't rely on it, and I live in indifference. In this world, there is nothing worth noting for me. I will kill demons and eliminate demons by myself, and I will also have a bright world and a prosperous world."

  "For decades, I have slayed demons and eliminated demons, and the world has been born in chaos. The zombie king has been revived under countless exorcisms and Taoist persecution."

  "I saw countless darkness intertwined, the sky shattered, and demon corpses spread all over the mountains.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  River, in this prosperous world, will be in trouble again."

  "In the last years, in the interweaving of chaos and darkness, I traveled all over the mountains and rivers, and left seven parts of the records. The rest of the records contain my way of doing things. If the catastrophe of heaven and earth arises again, if he returns again, I will go and find this record."

  "Leave a record, I sincerely hope that for future generations, beheading the generals and the zombie king is the most important thing in the history of the Ma family: family training."

  Not much is recorded in the records.

  And there is no record of the second zombie king at all.

  It's just talking about Ma Linger's past, and it's just a rough past.

  But these are probably the past.

  It also made Ma Xiaoling gradually understand what happened two thousand years ago.

  And it seems that in that last time.

  Ma Linger did not surrender to him, but traveled all over the mountains and rivers to leave records.

  Could it be that in the records, there is a way to suppress the second zombie king, Ma Xiaoling thought of this possibility.


  what exactly is it.

  Can deal with the second Zombie King "Read it"

  Madonna said, "Actually, we have seen these records, but we always thought that the zombie king in the records was a general."

  "Never thought about it."

  "There is actually a zombie king in this world."

  "But in that record, our ancestors of the Ma family have all seen it. The last part of this record is very likely to contain a method to deal with the second zombie king."

  "That's why I mentioned this record to you to make you less troubled."

  Madonna was very helpless.

  "Look at the back."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the back of the parchment.

  It is followed by a very short sentence in lowercase letters.

  "Love is not over, cause and effect are not broken."

  "Everything about me and him may come to an end in later generations."

  Read the last paragraph.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the flowers in front of her.

  She has a lot of questions in her heart

  But in the end.

  They all gradually dissipated.

  She still has too many things to do now, and it will be her turn to worry later.

  Anyway, the second zombie king has been gone for a while, and he may not even appear.

  "I am me, I am not Malinger."

  Ma Xiaoling muttered.

  She put the parchment away.

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