After Wang Zhenzhen left.

  Situ Fenren stood on the spot and suddenly felt a little tightness in his chest.

  "Cough cough!"

  He coughed twice, but found himself coughing up blood.


  His already pale complexion became even paler.

  He thought it was the devil's problem.

  He also gave a lot of money to Ma Xiaoling to let her go to the rescue, which can be regarded as making up for the guilt before.

  But time goes by.

  His condition did not improve.

  Instead, it became more and more serious.

  "It seems that I can't go out to help people these days."

  Situ Fenren shook his head.

  These days, he has experienced the feeling that the savior controls life and death.

  Situ Fenren found out that helping people can also make him happy and satisfied, especially after meeting Wang Zhenzhen, he was more willing to help others, just wanted to tell Wang Zhenzhen that he was not a villain.

  in the distance.

  Lan Dali and Chino, Levi looked at Situ Fenren.

  "Tell me, how can this seemingly weak savior be mentioned in the Bible as to his qualifications?"

  Chino said curiously.

  above the bible.

  It has the name of Situ Fenren.

  "have a look."

  Lan Dali said lightly.

  "There's still time anyway."

  "This savior may surprise us hahaha!"

  "But his life is coming to an end."

  "I don't know what expression the True Ancestor will have when he finds out."

  Lan Dali thought of his generals, but smiled proudly.

  At the beginning, the true ancestor let himself use the shroud to copy the savior, but he copied a savior that did not exist.

  A reincarnated fellow of a celestial warrior.

  But this guy is destined to be incomplete, Lan Dali can imagine that the generals know the whole story of what's going on here: the expression on the back.

  Blue vigorously represents the power.

  He naturally wants to be above the others.

  And messing with these people's plans is his favorite thing.


  —————“Situ Fenren.”

  Inside the Jiajia Building.

  In Jiang Gu's endless dark mind, a bloody name appeared.

  This person appears in the Bible Code.

  It even appeared in his taskbar.

  "Student Fierce"

  Jiang Gu's eyes looked slightly forward.

  Wang Zhenzhen is not dead.

  Situ Fenren is still an ordinary person.

  There is a task about Situ Fenren in the task bar of the system.

  It seems to have something to do with the scriptures of the Bible.

  In the provisions of the Bible, there must be certain variables in the appearance of Situ Fenren's name.

  And this variable.

  At this moment, it is also involved in his power recovery.

  "Something interesting."

  [Cough cough is the last chapter.

  】Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 197 Weird incident at school!A drop of blood disaster! 【7/7 (supplement)】

  the next day.


  Wang Zhenzhen came to school early in the morning.

  Since it was a Saturday, the school was basically empty.

  She stood at the school gate and asked Fu Sheng to lead the students into the classroom.

  "Miss Wang!"

  In the distance, Situ Fenren, holding a camera, appeared in the distance of the school with several staff members, and he walked over with a smile.

  "Mr Stuart."

  Wang Zhenzhen nodded with a slight smile on her face.

  "Are you all here? Come on, let's go in."

  Situ Fenren smiled.

  "your face"

  Wang Zhenzhen looked at Situ Fenren, and Situ Fenren's face became more and more pale.

  It looks like it will fall to the ground in the next second.

  "I'm fine."

  Situ Fenren shook his head.

  Wang Zhenzhen listened to the words, did not ask much, and walked in with the staff of the TV station.

  Just as Situ Fenren stepped into this school, he frowned and felt something vaguely wrong.

  Come to the corridor.

  But I found that the corridors of the school were all mirrors, densely packed, looking a little weird and terrifying.

  "Miss Wang, this school"

  Situ Fenren looked at Wang Zhenzhen a little.

  "I don't know 31, these mirrors seem to be installed by the principal yesterday, I don't know very well."

  Although Wang Zhenzhen felt a little weird, but thinking about it, it should be the lighting problem.

  The corridor was dark at the moment.

  It does look kind of weird.

  But the simple Wang Zhenzhen only thought that it was because of the lack of corridor lights.

  The people from the TV station, Wang Zhenzhen and Situ Fenren were walking in the corridor, watching the strange surroundings, and set up a camera to shoot.


  A strange laughter suddenly appeared, but soon disappeared again! Then.

  Wang Zhenzhen and Situ Fenren saw the door of the classroom, where the principal was standing.

  ————————— Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  In recent days, Ma Xiaoling has received a lot of orders. Disasters have occurred all over the world, and many ghosts have died. In particular, Taoism is now completely in decline. Those ghosts are causing trouble in various places. Ma Xiaoling has to go out to deal with those ghosts.

  It can be said that these days have been exhausted to the extreme.


  The income these days is also very impressive.

  So Ma Xiaoling decided to give herself a holiday today.

  "Today I will go shopping on South Street, then go to North Street to eat. Well, it's perfect!"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the schedule in front of her and showed a happy smile.

  "It's rare to relax once, I've been exhausted these few months!"

  Ma Xiaoling stretched her waist.

  "Master, do you mind taking me?"

  Kim Jong-jung walked over with a flattering expression on his face.

  "Of course, Zhenzhen and I still have less bags."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  "I think Jiang Gu is pretty good."

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