Jin Zhengzhong's face turned pale, "I think I should practice at home well!"

  Ma Xiaoling glared at Jin Zhengzhong.

  Then happily picked up the phone and called Zhenzhen.

  these days.

  Ever since she found the lost records of the Ma family, it seemed that she had never had time to spare. She was on the way to find records, or on the road of slaying demons and slaying demons, and there were countless questions in her mind.

  It just drives her crazy.

  The second zombie king in the Ma family records, Nuwa's destruction of the world, the third robbery, the clues of the first robbery and the second robbery Bible code! All kinds of messy things come together.

  It just made her head go crazy.

  She picked up her mobile phone and dialed Wang Zhenzhen's number.

  Just after calling the phone,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  No one ever answered the phone.


  Ma Xiaoling dialed again.

  But found.

  Still no one answered the phone.

  "Zhongzhong, do you know where Zhenzhen went?"

  Ma Xiaoling asked directly.

  If Jane was at home, she would definitely answer the phone.

  Her voice was falling.


  Her cell phone rang.

  It's an unfamiliar phone.

  She picked up the phone.

  "Sister Xiaoling, come and save us, something happened at school."

  "There seems to be"


  On the phone, Kuang Fusheng's voice came out! The last one! It was the roar of Kuang Fusheng turning into a zombie! Ma Xiaoling's expression changed slightly.

  Her best friend is naturally Wang Zhenzhen.

  It can be said that she has been with her since childhood, and the relationship between the two has become like sisters, and she is one of the people that Ma Xiaoling cares about very much.

  "In the middle, pack up and go!"

  "Let me see, which ghost is so bold and dare to go to school to be a ghost."

  ———————— Drive the car.

  Ma Xiaoling quickly walked towards the school taught by Wang Zhenzhen.

  come to school.

  Ma Xiaoling gave the sunglasses to Kim Jong-jung.

  And she was looking straight ahead.

  the whole school.

  At this moment, there is a faint green and blood-colored resentment, and these resentments enveloped the entire school and even.

  It also covers the outside of the school and extends to the outside of the school! "It's not easy."

  Ma Xiaoling looked a little dignified.

  The grievances of this school are very strong and strange.

  "Just come to provoke me, Ma Xiaoling, you have found the wrong person."

  The magic wand in Ma Xiaoling's hand appeared directly in her hand, she took the makeup box and walked in directly! ——————Bar.

  Ding-Dang stared at a photo and was in a daze at the bar.

  "It's rare to see you."

  She saw Jiang Gu standing at the door.

  "Do you remember him?"

  Ding-Dang raised the photo in his hand.

  Jiang Gu took it, nodded gently, ordered a glass of wine, and sat in front of the bar at 790.

  "Ten years ago, I left the school because of some things, but in a blink of an eye the whole school turned into a prajna hell."

  "When I saw him again, it was in the mirror, but he seemed to be sealed. I think that what happened more than ten years ago might have something to do with him."

  "Maybe he knows something."

  Ding-Dang said slowly.

  "I've been following this up for more than ten years."

  "But I know it's a waste of effort to talk to you people. For you, a few hundred people are not life."

  "But for me, a person's life is life."

  Ding-Dang sighed helplessly.

  Jiang Gu glanced at the person in the photo and took a sip of wine.

  "Because of a drop of blood."

  he said slowly.

  "A drop of blood"

  "What do you mean do you know who did this?"

  Ding-Dang was stunned.

  She is not familiar with Jiang Gu.

  It's just that she knew that Jiang Gu was not easy. Many years ago, she saw Jiang Gu and a woman coming to the school's vicinity, and the woman beside him killed an Asura ghost in the blink of an eye.

  "The blood of a man who wants to commit suicide, a drop, has the blood of sixty years of waiting."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly.

  On the other side of the bar.

  Kuang Tianyou suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Jiang Gu.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 198 The world in the mirror!The power of Situ Fenren!

  "Are you interested in talking?"

  Ma Dingdang poured a glass of wine for Jiang Gu himself.


  Jiang Gu shook his head.

  "It's just that the person who should wait, it's time to meet."

  His words had a bit of meaning.

  Ma Dingdang looked at Kuang Tianyou.

  She had naturally heard the experience Kuang Tianyou once mentioned.

  An unforgettable experience, sixty years ago, Kuang Tianyou chose to believe in himself instead of another person, so he regretted it.

  "Ten years ago, I chased the female ghost out, and when he came back, he died. After he died, my aunt and I went to chase the generals. When I came back, the whole school turned into hell."

  The jingle sound was a little low.

  "If it were two times, I would be fine at school."

  It was something she had been guilty of for a long time.

  As a Ma family, keeping upright and warding off evil spirits is something engraved in belief.

  Even if she has been expelled from the Ma family now, but the concept she received in the Ma family since she was a child, she naturally does not allow such a thing to happen.

  What happened more than ten years ago was a layer of mist.

  She has been investigating for a long time, but there is no clue.

  The two are talking.


  Ding-dong's cell phone rang.

  "Little Ling"

  Ma Xiaoling's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Auntie, do you remember if you told me before that in your school, a person was sealed in the mirror."

  "I met him now."

  Ma Xiaoling's voice was very solemn.

  "Very serious"

  Ma Jingdong asked.


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